Should I play this or A2?

Should I play this or A2?

A2 is a pile of shit, so play FFTA

A1 has better story and characters, while A2 has a much broader class system but is not as interesting on all other points.

Play A1, then if you liked the gameplay and wouldn't mind playing it without a story or as fun characters, play A2.

I find it hard to agree that A2 has a broader class system when the terrible loot system restricts what item you can buy, and thereby what classes you can have

A1 has like, a dozen classes, while A2 has about a thousand.

A2 is definitely superior


This of course

The loot system becomes irrelevant when you can just buy items from the auction before halfway through the game.

Play that and then play A2 later.

Sounds unnecessary and unrefined.

Play the hack that removes the dumb law system

I liked both but I think I liked FFTA more just because it had a more interesting story and I didn't like good jobs being locked behind quests in FFTA2.

Why not both

>Playing FFTA when War of The Lions exists
>Playing FFTA2

Your mistakes were twofold I`m afraid.

WOTL only adds cutscenes fuck off retard

FFTA1 limits your class selection with plot based skill availability. Unless you choose to grind for steal: ability but at that point you've successfully broken the game.

The law system is actually fun for me. I especially love forcing the opponents to break laws.

fuck off. FFT has trash combat and a generic political story.

Making the judge arrest monsters by commanding them to attack each other when it's illegal is one of my favorite things.

No it doesn't, it adds new stages and a job.

>want to play FFT again for the first time in years
>pull out the old PS1 and pop in the disk
>first battle takes 10 minutes because everything moves like molasses
>put PS1 away

Speedhacking has ruined old games.

honestly that's what made me put down ffta 2. the laws in the sequal only affected your team and weren't randomized.

If you think that's bad try A2. Game is borderline unplayable due to half pauses after EVERYTHING

The PSP port of FFT has framerate issues. Every time you act, the game lags. Pretty much unplayable.

Yeah, I remember. I only play TA and TA2 on emulators because of it.

It really sucked that in TA2 laws didn't affect your enemies.

Play both, one thing that bothered me in A1 at least, is that some jobs abilities are equal to others in some jobs, kinda loses the unique thing about a job

How about you play both

you fucking massive nigger?

>Frimelda came as a dual wielding paladin
It's like they knew.

Well, all the official artwork has paladin dual wielding

Oh my sweet summer child, bless your heart

(You), even if i partially agree that the story gets stuck up its own ass in the second half

Each race gets 2-4 classes, and there are two new races with 4 classes.

I put more than 20 hours into A2 before I realized that nothing had progressed in the story, the battles took forever, and getting abilities/jobs was a slog. How I managed that long I don't know. A2 is not fun, at least for me, in any way.

Have you played FFTA 1? Do you feel any different about that one?

it's been a really long time but I remember being more drawn into the proceedings thanks to the characters (even though story scenes are spread out between several battles IIRC). I remember it being shorter and more to the point, whereas A2 wore me down with a lot of bloat that slowed the game down.

A2 is chock full of sidequests, IIRC there's even a quest tree to see where you are in each sidequest.

Usually it's the quest that has no limit on days that progresses the story, but that does sound like the amount of time it would take to finish the Bazaar.

First one is okay but A2 is just better. More content all around. More races, more classes, higher level cap, more missions, less-intrusive laws per battle
the first isn't bad by any means, but the laws really fuck up the fun for me. I want to use my main 6, not gear out more than that in case I run into a "law against staves" and get my unit accidentally yellow or red carded

They're both fun games.

A2 is shit user

Adelle is cute though.

she was the worst part. I'd rather fake-viera-hume bitch than adelle. thief with an excuse cunt. i'll bet she likes Asuka

>dem hips

Yeah well I just wanted to make a pun,
user. I thought A2 was okay, especially when I unlocked Seer and subclassed Illusionist.