ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

ITT: autistic things you do while playing games.

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what are some games?

Every game I play, especially if it's a first person game or an adventure game, I try to look at the ceiling.

What does it look like? Is it even there? Did the person who made think that someone would actually care if there was a ceiling or not? How much detail should be put into something the player might never see?

On a side note, the ceiling's in Banjo Kazooie are great. If you ever play the game, take a look up sometime.

Slow walk when I feel immersed. I also like to slowly turn my camera towards the skybox after a tough fight. If the game has emotes or gestures you can perform, I will also sit down or do some other shit while absorbing the satisfaction from good gameplay.

Having fun.

I look up guides and questions I have about the game on my phone while plyaying, especially if it's an rpg, because I hate the 1 or 2 seconds of lag some games have when at tabbing.

Sometimes I like to spin the camera as slow as I can around the character or party because it feels cinematic, like a bayshot.

I explain what I'm doing to imaginary people pretending I'm talking to chat

I need a walk button in every fps game I play, I went so far as to use a script to keep the walk button hold in Doom (2016). I feel like a waste if just rush through the level without looking at the design and details.

I just talk to myself about it a lot, because I'm the only person who's opinion matters anyways

Is this just a habit you got after the wing cap in mario 64 or are you just autistic?

quicksave every two steps
stick out my tongue during intense moments
irl insult npcs that have wronged me

Fuck dude, get some help


I whip up a guide to see if I missed anything.

Pause and read every entry in the bestiary/lore page after I've put a good few hours into it and have a lot to read through.

Write bios for my characters in RPGs.

holy shit calm down man that kind of autism is too much for this world /s

Whenever something good happens I usually put my hands together and squeeze like I'm feeling pumped up. Used to do it more before though, now it just happens sometimes.

I do something similar, I scroll over every "new" item in my inventory or whatever the equivalent of the game is to remove the annoying HEY THIS IS NEW YOU SHOULD CHECK THIS OUT highlighting

Whenever I land the killing blow to a particularly hard boss I flip off the screen

If dialogue triggers i usually stop moving so i can hear all of it without getting interrupted.

Nothing worse than missing unique dialogue because of a stock "WATCH OUT" from accidentally bumping the character or something attacking them.

i make strange facial expression with my tongue and sometimes i even bite it to the point of bleeding, sorry i cant control myself

do you even intend to be a streamer

play video games

thanks for sharing that ill do this now as well, looks very fun and i never had that thought before

used to do that but stopped normally i created a youtube persona on my head where i dress up like a demon guy shitting on bad AAA games and such and i also made reviews where i give scores from 1 to 5 stars but i matured and i took this shit off my head

Whenever I'm playing a turn based RPG and I know I've got the boss on the ropes I stall out the turns until it gets to either the main character or the most story-relevant one (ex. Yusuke in Madarame's palace in P5) and have them do their strongest attack for the kill.

in dark souls, stand completely still after a kill while waiting to see if an item dropped, idk why I do this but I've seen other people do it too

This is the classic and i absolutely do it to. I don't pretend I'm streaming though my fantasy is that there are actually people in the room with me.

When I die easily to a very powerful enemy. I crash my fists together and shoot infinite power out of my fists like Obelisk the Tormentor. I then pretend I am hit by the beams and obliterated with flames coming out of my eyes General Grievous style.

Right there with you bro.

did you even read the fucking thread? please leave normalfag

When something exciting happens or I win I purse my lips and slap them really fast or slap the sides of my face
When I lose I hit my head and say "YAAAAAAAY" quietly

I play WWE games and make up my own storylines in my head, basically treating it like an autistic fanfiction.

pretty normal, it takes a while for the model to vanish so you can see the shit.
People either walk to where the item would spawn and spam A/X or do what you do


Pretending that people were watching me play even before streaming was a thing.

Know how I know you're a faggot?
Because I do all that too.

In side scrollers and games like Mario I often find myself humming the theme music without really realizing it for awhile.

I whisper the persons name when I'm healing them and If I'm feeling horny I like to pinch my nipples at the same time I click on them this has made me become naturally horny whenever I'm healing someone reached a point where I can orgasm without even touching myself

I explain what I'm going to do to npcs pretending they can hear me

I go through the graphics settings menu 4 or 5 times, I'm always nervous I accidentally moved one of the settings from high to medium or something

Hahaha, I remember in spec ops the line the two soldiers talking about how beautiful the world is and their dreams or something, right before you mow them down with no ragrets

Can you read at all?

playing video games

If I get hit with a high damage attack that sends me flying I'll make a choking sound. Somehow I got two of my other friends to do it.

what do you mean?

I can't play new pcs games. Its Either I run it max settings with constant 60fps or I dump it immediately to buy the console version so I don't have to obsess over settings. Every pc game is like this for me, whenever i enter a new area I constantly check on my settings to see how it's running. I'm sure a lot of people do this too so maybe it's not autistic at all. It prevents me from just playing the game

Whenever I play a game I carefully check all iddle, walking and running animations from both playable and NPC characters. I also let one enemy alive and study how they behave and move.
In hack'n'slashes or character action games I perform every move possible to see if they made a back to iddle" animation for every attack. MGR was fucking god tier for this last one, with some of those animations being incredibly detailed and long (up to 2 seconds) for something 95% won't see as they can be cancelled by just walking or attacking.
I just love animation in general. If you're an animator for a videogame and I ever play it, I'll make sure to check all of them and appreciate the effort that went into it.

A third of the time I'd get into a random encounter in Persona 5 I'd deliberately try to line up some gunshots with the music just like in


i used to do this when i got my 1060 but after i couldnt run games on ultra anymore i just decided to turn on the ''fuck off'' button so i just put on auto settings and turn off shitty things like depth of field, bloom, chroma aberration and motion blur and put on my resolution and have fun and even with all of that the games still look better than they look on my default ps4, so i dont give a fuck at all

Please respond if anybody else does the same. It would make me feel better

Did you not even read the OP?

Also, have you ever looked at ceilings in vidya? Try it sometime.

this is what is known as the '60 fps meme' aka graphics autism

I do it with my 980 and have been doing it for years and I can't stop

I sort of make up little backstories in my head for enemies, like why they're there, which one in the group is the leader, etc.

listen to classical

I obsess over graphics settings and optimizing more than I should but I don't give up if I can't max the game.

>only alk in interiors
>remove my helmet if i have one
>undress before sleeping
>dress as a civilian when going into inns

Didn’t know that was this common. That’s a pleasant surprise. I remember doing this often for Kingdom Hearts 2.

During long attack cutscenes in JRPGs, I like to shadowbox along with the animations. FFXII and the Quickenings have been my recent guilty pleasure.

Any time I'm in a town I'll walk
I don't fast travel
In Persona 5 you have to go through the quick travel menu to go to some places but I'd walk to the line you have to transfer to every time anyway

refuse to do story mission until every single side mission available is complete

>dress as a civilian when going into inns
enjoy dying to a table mimic

yeah that put me off of TONS of games so im gonna share you my technique first uninstall all programs who show anything performance issua related, dont turn off things like FPS displayers or something like that, once you enter on the game first time put it on your native resolution, turn off ALL post processing effects and just try to play the game without giving a fuck about configs, when playing on console you obsviously have framerate drops and rendering glitches so if that happens on pc when u enter a new area on a game and fps drops just ignore it and keep playing, i only mess with graphics settings once i enter on a game for first time and thats all, if i ever cared that much i wouldnt be playing games like csgo without messing with the configs cuz i think they make the gameplay worse and i just like its basic default look

you literally could've been a youtuber, too many youtube game reviewers are boring and don't even try with personas. Your persona reminded me of captain disillusion, you should try it just do it in a quality manner

This happened to me yesterday with kingdom come. I tried to just cap it on 30 but 30 feels fucking terrible on pc while using a mouse and keyboard

I pretend the world is a giant MMO

same but once i noticed that my 1060, 16gb and old ass i5 cpu werent enough to run on ultra at 1920x1080 at the most recent and most demanding games i jutst decided fuck this to run these games i need two 1080s and a whole new cpu and another extra 8 gb of ram and im not rich enough for that so i just enjoy the enough my pc can handle its still better than console imo so why i should bother, i only bother when i play a bad optimised game like ARK, everything else is fine for me even the worst ports like nioh

When playing a new game im very excited for i completely crash my harddrive

here, you accidentally chose the wrong pic

>talking while gaming as if you’re hosting a Let’s Play
Damn, I do that too

i could have been but i wouldnt have enough mental strength to deal with fame and being a public figure, my persona is that i dress up like hellboy or that demon guy from a old 80s movies with big horns, my video would have hell-like backgrounds and i would be always angry when i played a bad game like me:andromeda for example, my review scores would have pros and cons each and up to 5 stars on score, i would have also interviews with other youtubers, travel to other places to the world to find gaming stories to tell, visit veterans of the industry, also make both vlog and humor videos full of CGI like flames coming from my horns or I fighting EA Ceo shoving my trident up his ass, btw when i played a good game of give 4/5 stars i would turn into a angel, something like that, my channels name would have been like ''Two Sides of Me''

When people shoot at me I dodge IRL. When I turn in a racing game I lean into the turn.

btw i actually uploaded three videos like that back in 2011 i had like 1k of subscribes when i deleted the channel (on the same year) i just wasnt believing on it enough


when i see a female on the screen i take my penis out and rub it all over the area of the display where her face is.

>do this
>actually start streaming
>within a month I gained around 50 viewers at at time
>quit a few months later

Didn't realize it at the time, but I can't focus on a game with minimal breaks to remain entertaining. I like to multitask and that just won't work for streaming unless I'm a stand up comedian on the side.

oh fuck my keyboard i meant to turn off everything that display fps counters this can put myself off a game really easily if i see my fps count dropping no matter even if its very few just turn it off, uninstall nvidia game experience or anything related just have fun with the game and put on your head that youre not a graphics whore so you dont give a fuck, pc gaming may be the best but you need to be rich to achieve all that 4k60fps potential that consoles only dream to have, otherwise were are just almost with the same level but with bonus things like mods and other apps

explore the whole dungeon

dont worry user, i got a job and im doing well being a youtuber could have been hard especially if i reveal my face of get doxxed, i like privacy, being a public figure is fucking lame

>uninstall nvidia game experience
I've heard this before. How true is it?

Call out attacks when I use them.

shoot car side mirrors to see if their breakable

Whenever I save, I have to do it 2 to 3 times. Especially in games like SMT.

nvidia game experience is automatically opened when u launch the game and it has some sort of overlay running in the background, that uses something like 0,5gbs of memory ram and games the performance of the game worse and its not even a good tool at all if u like the program just to use its functions like streaming or such at least turn off its auto settings

youtube is shit anyways, I made a youtube poop that got moderately popular (60k viewers) and made 7 dollars of it, and youtube decided it wasn't advertiser friendly as it was "violent" and took it down. It was a animated kids show and the only violence there was, was a gas explosion at the end of the video.

I say shit in japanese, to feel like an anime scene.

my keyboard is sucking today sorry for spelling errors

>Forgot that I saved
>Do it again just to be safe
Every time.

You convinced me. Uninstalling now


I am autistic about having clean hands when I play

Whenever there's a break in the action or I'm safe enough in the game to do it I mimic the reload animation of the weapon I'm using in real life. Long reload speeds feel even greater.

yeah if i was that character that i fantasized it wouldnt work because i would be aggressive and would curse a lot so that wouldnt work, youtube is for pussies like boogie who make kid friendly content so you can get some money i mean youtube could monetize mature content too, why not ??? its not a place just for kids everyone use it too just make some rules for that ffs, youtube is fucking ruined

yeah its just keeps running on the background while youre playing the game without even your consent it just impacts performance, just get rid of it or make changes in the settings its not a well optimized program anyway atm

I always have to 100% clear ALL enemies in afb area before I advance to the next area.

It's worse in nioh because I have to defeat every enemy on the map in one life before I go to the boss hate, otherwise it feels like I'm cheating.

Whenever snake would receive a codec call i would kneel down on 1 knee and put my finger to my ear like i had a small communications device in my ear canal

used to do this on the surge then when i came back allllllllll enemies respawned so, fuck me


This is really nice in FFXIV.