What did IGN mean by this?
What did IGN mean by this?
they mean that your parents should have used condom, seriously what is the point of those threads, fuck off
If you're not interested in games maybe you shouldn't spend your time at Sup Forums, retard
>Sup Forums
>discussing videogames
Can't you read you dumb fuck? just delete this thread retard, you probably archived some thread that was actually talking about videogames and not a shitty bait thread
>discussing games
no your just shilling fucking IGN here and what else should we discuss ?? that bayo got 0,5 less than the wiiu version ??? what a pointless discussion, this feel more like shitpost baiting just fuck off and stop posting these useless worthless threads, btw Sup Forums doesnt care about game critics' sites so no, go discuss IGN somewhere else too
op is a bored cuck
oh another one of those threads...
Manchildren, just hide the thread if you're not interested.
I sure love Wii U ports, so glad I bought a Switch