I gave an honest review for Kingdom Come Deliverance and

I gave an honest review for Kingdom Come Deliverance and...

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You probably just sound like a sperg.


Nah I sound like a Slav that speaks in fake American accent


Maybe they don't dislike the review itself but just reviewer?

Screaming "YOU SUCK, SINK" isn't an honest review, you sperg.

More like salty backers that realize they got ripped off lol

Stop eating in front of the mic, you fat fuck.

Nothing wrong with the review, just Sup Forums being mad their rightist simulator is a boring piece of garbage.

I listened to it. You compare it too much to skyrim and witcher. You can bring it up once or twice, but whatever.

You use the language a 13 years old would, no need to swear.

You also use pseudo Sup Forums meme so that doesnt help your case.

Just put some order in your opinions and flesh them out with good writing and your video might get a lot less dislike

Fuck off, Radiant Pale Cuck

this has to be bait

Remember when blatant advertising got instabans?
Anyway no one gives a fuck about your YouTube channel get a real fucking job and listen to your father
Such a lame dream to have

>500000 liberal propaganda games
>everything is fine
>1 right wing simulator
>the world is ending, nazi's are running free, free speech must be stopped
Really boiled my noodle.

Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is literally shilling this eurotrash kusoge.

Disliked :)

I liked it desu

>damage control
Wow, you must be popular.


Good job, comrade. Love your Undertale review btw

so, wait, the white blacksmith's son is actually black?

Haha! What exquisite satire fellow Redditor, a hearty kek to you!

Careful not to give views :^)

haha, praise kek!

Have an extra dislike on me. Didn't even watch the video.

People see you for what you are: A mere propaganda tool of the social Marxists. You can no longer stop us. Hell, you can't even slow us down. Your shitty shill reviews are merely accelerating your demise and powering us up even further. The Jews couldn't have possibly predicted what they were about to reign down on their own selves. This game's success will continue to grow. It will become more popular each day and games like Wolfenstein 2 will look minuscule in comparison. Wolfenstein 3 will cater to us. The next Battlefield will cater to us. Even the next Assassin's Creed will cater to us. We won. You lost. No amount of crying about the Sup Forums boogeyman will change this fact.

>get a real fucking job
There is literally nothing wrong with creating entertainment and providing a service people want. provided that you aren't OP and are successful.

I clicked it so that I could dislike.

Friendly reminder that /leftypol/ is literally sperging over this eurotrash kusoge.

And in the end, we all lose.

Also clicked to dislike good job faggot

What was the controversy with this game? Didn't the devs once make fun of Brianna Wu?

>it is not self-promotion since someone took my bait.

>this shit is somehow "le right wing game"

wait wat, I can't even keep up with you 20 year old faggots and your horrible memes anymore, how is this game muh Sup Forums representation, it's just a shitty rpg that tries and fails to be IRL skyrim. wait

>Sup Forumstards are going full WE becuz HRE

oh god is that really why, jesus christ you lads are dummies

Quality shitpost

>falling for a personal army request this easily
and people say this board isn't infested with redditors

It's a fucking joke review user lighten up, you must be autistic to not see that.