Fortnite must have beaten pubg by now, it’s free, fun and doesn’t look like a shitty clunky arma mod still

Fortnite must have beaten pubg by now, it’s free, fun and doesn’t look like a shitty clunky arma mod still

It also makes far less money


It's free and pubg has a $30 dollar price tag? Doesn't take a genius to figure out that very few people fork up for the zombie defense mode in fortnite.

fuck off you worthless autist

>Implying that Fortnite's microtransactions aren't profitable

You need to go back.

Fortnite is for faggots.

It´s just a mix between PUBG and Minecraft with chilidsh ass graphics. Anyone who actually likes this game deserves death.

>it looks dumb so it is dumb

Nigger have you been keeping up with recent affairs? Microtransactions > game sales.

It actually is.

t.shitter who got double pumped


Well,I`m out of this thread,have fun playing fortnite you fucking faggot ass niggers.

>I only play games with adult graphics for mature adults like myself



>pubg buyers remorse

>tfw 20 wins and 200 games
Im so bad.

Someone got shit on by a streamer.

You ruined it fag

They're both pretty shit.

Pubg nailed the recipe but the developers are slow, huge fucking idiots and the game is dying pretty quickly.

Yes but PUBG has been out longer. And Fortnite is going to be cosmetic city. Plus the game seems to be extremely popular on consoles, something PUBG doesn’t have.

Fortnite will easily pass PUBG.PUBG can barely even make the game look nice.

Pretty much has.

>can't play as her in BR

Fortnite is still a piece of hot garbage.
I havent played pubg but i can assure you that fortnite is hot garbage.
The game is weak in every spot, from the shooting mechanics, lack of diversity in weapons, lack of balance in sayed weapons and costumization.

Since the game lacks diversity of weapons, (and it wont change much adding new ones since the fact that the game is 3rd person only), every weapon with the same shooting patern will feel the same. There is also the problem that there are weapons that are objectively better than others, assult rifles always get replaced by scar-h's and smgs are useless compared to shotguns. The game makes every player look for the same weapons instead of balancing them all and letting people choose what works best for them.
The game is also poorly optimized, as usual.

Fortnite is a good game but I fucking suck at it. it's original (yes the building aspect to the PVP combat is extremely fresh) and has extremely dynamic gameplay. it's also nice that it's an actual GAME, and not some cinematic horse shit like sony first party these days. it's also nice that it's free to play and that the micro transaction shit is aesthetic only -- honestly they've really done it right.

I respect and appreciate the game even if I'm awful at it. it's good, but of course Sup Forums will hate on it because it's popular and the hot new thing right now.

and PUBG is boring camping fucking trash with piss poor performance. fuck that game.

>The game is also poorly optimized, as usual.
no it's not lol. stop playing a pentium 2 you fucking faggot.


>poorly optimized
What hamster cpu do you have that can't run this game? Fortnite runs well on Xbox if your computer can't handle it then just get rid of that piece of shit


I'm not going to lie and say I don't like Fortnite, but I DETEST the
>Art direction looks like a bunch of suits in a board room got wind of Clash of Clans
>Jumping up and down like Looney Toons characters. (getting the drop means nothing when you come across some 3 year old autist who plays the game nonstop
>some sperglord who instantly builds Fort Knox the second you fire a round at him.
I can't wait to drop the money for PUBG on PS4.

fortnite more like footnight


This. Pubg mechanically is sound, but the servers, optimization, and slow development hurt the experience.

Fortnite just has better optimization on both ends, but still has a ton of problems and is way too casual.

I read that as chunky aroma mod and thought this was gonna be a fetish thread.

>pubg on console
You're an autist

What’s a “chunky aroma”?

the autist would be the obsessive PC nerd, idiot. Try again.

It's also stupider. Why can't I use more than 2 small potions to fill up my shield? The little things like this bother me.

Also, smaller map / no vehicles and no red zones. It's just less interesting as a result. Fun, but a less comprehensive game in comparison.

>no soy zones
come on

>Pubg is shit
>Popular on pc
>Therefore pc users have shit taste

using I5 4460 3.2ghz, The game still as some issues where it drops below 60fps.
There are also a lot of times im playing and feeling like the shit is running at 30fps for a moment despite the counter saying its 60.
Tbh i havent see it happen in a week, so they much have patched or something, but i wasnt the only one i knew with this.

PUBG is pretty big on Xbox. Best selling paid game at this momemnt, and basically has been since launch other then a week or so when Monster Hunter came out. Fortnite is currently ahead on players, I think this updates once a day but doesn't give actual numbers. Regardless, PUBG does very well, and I'd guess they have made more money thant Fortnite's sales on the platform.

Top 10 most played now
1. Fortnite
2. Rainbow Six Siege
4. GTA V
5. CoD WW2
6. NBA 2K18
7. Roblox
8. ARK
9. Overwatch
10. Monster Hunter World

what does that even mean

Fortnite has a normie marketing campaign, I've seen dozens of "memes" on instagram mention the game.
The game itself is kinda shitty, i wish it was refined more, but its still fun. Its hard to argue cause it's free and since there's so many normies playing it you always get into a match quick and can get a couple easy kills. I hope future updates make the weapons feel better, cause if you don't have a least a blue weapon it feels like fucking shit.

you tell me

For reference on other shooters, the list is top 50:
16. Destiny 2
20. Battlefield 1
23. Battlefront 2
25. Halo 5
27. CoD Black Ops 2 (backwards compatible)
28. Gears of War 4
31. CoD Infinite Warfare
42. Battlefield 4
47. Halo Master Chief Collection
48. Destiny 1

They need major overhauls on the gameplay. Shield system just sucks balls in design, most of the weapon pool is garbage, shotgun damage is hilariously inconsistent, positional audio is trash, gunplay is pure RNG, and only being lucky enough to get explosives can counter the faggy wallspam meta.

i hate when someone builds a cuckfort in .02 seconds its so much fucking bullshit
I hope they bring pubg to ps4, i like fortnite but the building mechanic is just so fucking annoying

I detest more the fact that a bunch of hacks pumped the blandest game ever with 0 effort put in it 5 years after other games did the whole survival shooter thing,and still managed to swindle a bunch of money off of retards.
So knowing that a free game that they tried to kill is blowing them the fuck out makes me happy as fuck.
And i dont even play either since both are shit.

>mechanically sound
And that's only the case cause the entire game is made from bought assets. There's nothing in this game they made themselves but bought everything from unreal

You forgot that casuals need to be told where to go and what to do in games, otherwise they are too hard for them

>needs a blue or better weapon to kill
Get pumped son

>game needs to be completely different that what it is
Just play pubg and shut up

Have you two been keeping up with anything? PUBG not only has microtransactions, but several clothing items worth more than $300 being sold regularly on the market, they make significantly more than $30 off of their players

So no source then. Perhaps you should educate yourself before you speak.


I'm always grabbing tactical, am I doing it wrong?

He didnt say any of that, the game is truly weak in several points, being the gunplay the worst IMO.
The devs already did several patches to upgrade the weapon play, by adding some new mechanics and new weapons and they want the weapon play to evolve, but the game still feels pretty weak and stays the same, there are still weapons that need rebalance, the game makes every one look for the same weapons and do the same shit. I feel that a large part of this happening is because the game is 3rd person and so shooting feels bland as fuck.

tactical is great for spamming and for people who cant cope with the game's shooting.
The pump does overhaul better damage, if you can land your shots its pretty good and it surpasses the tactical.

thank god that lipstick is gone from her ammo belt

I think you mean improved

>has an instragram
>thinks hes not a normie

I'm not implying that at all, retard. I just think the skill ceiling should be higher and the item/weapon balance should be better. I don't want to remove building, but it shouldn't be a brain-dead spam strategy that can't be countered by 90% of encounters.

After all, it's an action based game over Pubg, which I like. But being aggressive is penalized in this game due to the nature of shields. You don't get shields off enemies unless they have surplus somehow. This means every encounter had the opportunity to leave you with fewer resources for the next fight, and outs you at a disadvantage to the fag that just lands corner of the map, hides, and builds cucksheds instead of fighting. That's clearly counterproductive.

Grab two pumps and switch them out between shots. It does a shitload more damage, has way better range, and you outspeed the tactical.

Is this bait? I'm taking it.
>Why can't I use more than 2 small potions to fill up my shield
because they're abundant and would be incredibly overpowered, especially since they stack to 10
>smaller map / no vehicles and no red zones
smaller map means more action rather than sitting and waiting for 15 minutes
no vehicles because they're not needed, red zones are a meme literally only made to force campers out of their hiding holes

So you think it's more interesting watching some soy-inhaling faggot sit with t3 helmet and vest just waiting for the zone to close in, rather than watching people go ballistic against eachother, their aggressiveness being rewarded by stockpiled shields/healing?

Unfortunately battle royale games by their nature are low skill ceiling games. I hear what you're saying, but it's a futile endeavor- plus, high skill ceiling games don't sell, most players are bad and if they get frustrated and hopeless, the company doesn't make money.

video games are for children you dumb faggot.

adults use hard simulations.

Like what would happen if you had to survive on an island with a storm closing in

If it was anywhere near as good as pubg since it's easier to run and free, everyone on PC would play it. This obviously isn't the case.

In conclusion, fuck off sonybro pubg NEVER EVER

Suffering from fragile masculinity?
>muh adult games

Repostin since other thread is dead
>Paragon players didn't care when UT was abandoned
>Fortnite players didn't care when Paragon was killed
>BR players won't care when Fortnite is abandoned
The cycle continues

>nobody played UT
>nobody played Pargon
>Fortnite has millions of players and is making mad dosh

It's the same. You're right. A company is going to turn it's back on a well of basically free money.

pubg is better but fortnite is the easier more casual game.

>And i dont even play either since both are shit.
piss off then, you don't know shit besides parroting what Sup Forums tells you to.

>He doesn't know that Fortnite and Fortnite BR are separate
You don't even understand the basics of the situation. Opinion discarded

sniff degenerates should be banned