Decide to get in to rainbow 6

>decide to get in to rainbow 6
>see this shit
Honestly, what the fuck do i buy without breaking a bank and getting ripped off?

advanced edition is the only answer

buying it in cdkeys you fagget

Can you break it down easily what i will gain with the extra cash forked out?

basically you don't get fucked by the worst piece of jewish shit ever (starter edition) and that's it
i recommend trying the game out this weekend before you buy though, it's gonna be a free weekend

I do not really want to support Jewiesoft, so is there a cheaper site where i can get the standard edition? Do i just take the G2A route?

Not sure what you mean desu, had the starter edition for around 120h now and it's been great so far.
Does it get bad at some point or?

the grind is made as tedious as possible unless you pay real money for the operators

>operators that should cost 200 renown costing 12500 renows isn't bad
you're a fucking retard

i got the Advanced edition for 15€ on some key reseller site.

Considering the additional ops still cost double that in every other version, it's not much of an added grind. Plus, you get time to familiarize yourself with every operator while you unlock the next, it's a lovely sense of progression really, especially considering you pay a lower entry fee.
You're essentially getting a game just as good, if not better for less money.

Standard edition unlocks all 20 base operators by level 20-25. Starter edition unlocks all 20 base operators by level 150. The grind is retarded.

no you idiot
you could grind out all the operators on the advanced edition and then buy like 20 alpha packs compared to standard operators

standard is literally a trap
11k per operator compared to 1k at worst

starter edition is fine if you're not an ADHD kid

While it smells of kikery it's not as bad, let's just state the facts.
The base game operators consist of 5 factions. Each faction has 4 operators, and they take an increasing amount of renown to unlock (500 - 1000 - 1500 - 2000). Those are your 20 base game operators, nearly all of which are really good. So in total, to unlock all base operators, you'd have to pay 25000 renown (5k per faction).
In contrast, with the starter edition, all base operators cost 12500 no matter what. So in the end, you'd have to pay 250000 (10x the amount) to unlock them all.
You gain roughly 200 renown per game (if you have a 50:50 W/L), with casual games lasting anything from 10 to 25 minutes at the very, very worst - let's say it's 15 minutes on average. There are some bonus missions now and then but they only award something like 150 renown, too. That leaves you at around 800 renown per hour - starter edition operators would take 15 hours to unlock, each, instead of unlocking all 20 after 30 hours of total play time. The DLC operators are not affected.
in short, whatever the fuck you do, do not get the starter edition unless you really enjoy grinding the fuck out of the game.

your just punishing yourself, spend the extra 10 bucks and get the ideal experience

and if you enjoy grinding the game, buy the advanced and just spend the extra renown on cosmetics or packs

Literally nobody recommends the starter and only retards buy it

If you ask me, you wont be using every base operator at that level anyway, i will agree that there are some essentials (eg. Bandit/Mute) you dont want to miss out on, but with good team cohesion you can make up for a lack of specific operators. The deal starter edition gives is very overblown.
It's not really a grind at all if you intend to play the game for more than 100-200 hours.

your a fucking moron

And why is that user?

You're an absolute idiot

whats the point of the game if you dont play them em dipshit
are those operators even break the game turning this into p2w shit or just cosmetics?

its just wasted renown
you could buy a outfit for your waifu instead of having to grind out operators
not to mention you will be lvl 100+ and still have zero experience using a operator, and understanding how they work is important when facing them

standard, everything else is a jew scheme



you can get 50% off a uplay key at GMG OP

Just get it from a CDkey site nerd

each operator brings a unique gadget/tool
they all have different guns inside factions too
you really should just have a decent amount of operators, standard is just bad no matter how you look at it

You do not need to play an operator to understand how they work, and you get cosmetics from free alpha packs anyway, not to mention all the actually good cosmetics being cash only.

>decide to get in to some game
>see something like this in op picture>
>decide to do something else
it's easy, its like seeing the most beautiful girl in the world only to find out that i don't know she thinks world is flat.

oh so it is p2w
fuck this game then

I admit, it does take hell of a long time playing to unlock the new operators. But if youre starting off, youll really only need the basic operators. I grinded and bought ALL the operators and i still mainly play the basic ones (Glaz, Blitz, Jager, Mute). If i were you i wouldnt bother buying any extra editions, as youll just get new characters, and doing the single player story (literally maybe an hour) will net you enough points to buy maybe 6 standard operators.

I'd recommend Glaz and Rook for starters.

Rook's bag basically means youre always helping your team even if you die immediately, and Glaz's scope has heatsight, which will help stop enemies when youre starting off

oh so you dont understand what p2w means
fuck off then

playing a operator is imo the best way to learn how to counter them
its just free extra packs instead of wasting 220k renown on operators
you unlock them with in game currency?

Or hell, just save up for new operators. I bought the base game in December, grinded quite a bit, bought a Y2 season pass since I could get it for like $12 and now I'm sitting at nearly 100k renown, waiting for the new operators.

>It's not really a grind at all if you intend to play the game for more than 100-200 hours.
As I stated it takes approximately 15 hours to unlock a base game operator. If you want to get them all, it'd take you 300 hours just to do that. Sure, slightly less due to bonus missions and situations and whatever, but still roughly that amount of time. If you value $10 higher than 200 hours of your time, it's perfectly fine, though.
And don't forget that you still have to grind 25k for each of the currently 16 DLC operators if you want them.

Different operators have different loadouts and abilities. Similar to what people are used to in Overwatch. Still, a headshot is a headshot no matter who your play. The base game operators just have really well rounded kits suitable for most situations.

Most pro league players use the base ops...there really is no "op" dlc operator besides maybe Ela

>Or hell, just save up for new operators. I bought the base game in December, grinded quite a bit, bought a Y2 season pass since I could get it for like $12 and now I'm sitting at nearly 100k renown, waiting for the new operators.
this is also a good idea, either that or buy packs when the limited ones come out

does a game hides gameplay shit behind a paywall?
is the game a pile of unplayable shit with stock or the most basic form you can afford?
yes to both?
its p2w

>it's easy, its like seeing the most beautiful girl in the world only to find out that i don't know she thinks world is flat.

What that user probably meant by "standard" is the operator you default to if you don't have any (Recruit), who is basically a mish-mash of stuff without weapon attachments or anything really unique to it. As I mentioned before, you can unlock all 20 base operators within 30 hours if you buy the standard edition of the game, which isn't too much since you will have to get used to whatever you play anyway.


>bought the game half a year after release for $12 and still got buyer's remorse
Though in the end I got into game like 4 months ago and it's in a way better state now.

back to your containment board scum

No its not. Starter edition is like a pay less grind more deal, but it's for retarded third worlders who cannot afford the standard edition, which is basically the same experience but half the grind. Every operator can be bought with ingame currency. So don't jump into conclusions when you obviously don't know shit and let us, anons who actually played the game talk. Siege literally has no p2w elements

The answer to both is no you retard

>does a game hides gameplay shit behind a paywall?
>is the game a pile of unplayable shit with stock or the most basic form you can afford?
no, lol.
dumb motherfucker

>free weekend
Ok I'll bite
when does it start



Steam free weekends usually start at 7 PM UTC+1 on fridays, which is two days and two hours from now.

I had all base operators around 80ish (excluding smoke) and had moved on to season 1 guys.

wait what the fuck is going on here?
if stock bare bones is decent and extra shit doesnt help you perform better why would you faggots recommend the expensive version that anyone can unlock by the playing and having fun with the game?
i mean those hours im gonna spend should accumulate to a reward and its gonna suck if ive unlocked it with money in my first purchase.

that's pretty bad, i'm at 100 now and i got nearly all the dlc operators

>Excluding Smoke
But why?

then why did you recommend the 2x more expensive version, dumb fuckhead?

You bought some with real money then. There's no way you made 250,000 renown in 80 levels.

we are talking the difference of 10 bucks, and thats even less if you grab it from a cd site
it saves you 100 or more hours and actually lets you use the operators

We recommend the Standard edition, which is normally $10 more.

$10 is like 4 CSGO or TF2 keys
you can get lots of cool shit with that money

Pay to skip.

>you can unlock the best operator in the game for 200 renown (Ash)
>reeeeee p2w garbage!!!!

can you stop being underaged

You are a dense motherfucker. Here, I will break it down to you, for absolute fucking retards.
>starter edition
Grind 15 hours for each of the base 20 characters for a total of 300 hours
>standard/advanced/whatever it is called now edition
Grind 30 hours for all 20 base characters combined

Those 20 base characters are all very good and you will want to have them to be able to compete with others without running into any issues. You save approximately 250 hours of grind by paying another $10.
NO MATTER WHICH ONE OF BOTH EDITIONS YOU BUY, YOU STILL HAVE TO GRIND APPROXIMATELY 30 HOURS FOR EVERY DLC CHARACTER THEY RELEASE. So far, there are 16 DLC characters. None of them are so overpowered that you'd say you will lose against them 100% of the time. They are optional and you can pick and choose which ones you want. You will have enough to grind, unless you are a good goyim and pay $20-40 more for the even "better" versions. Most people do not advocate doing this as you do NOT need all DLC characters and you will unlock them naturally anyway.

But if you want to act retarded, you are fine to do so.

thx user

> lovely sense of progression
how about you fuck off lmao
> why would you unlock every champions

this is re6 not your shit moba

Alright Sup Forumsirgins, op here. Send me a link to a website that sells this shitty game for cheaps.
>with love, op

literally the 2nd post in this thread

cdkeys, greenmangaming, g2a, etc

Be sure the buy the identical dlc every year goyim

All you get is a week exclusivity on the ops. You must have severe autism if you buy it.

that is correct and dont let anyone tell you otherwise
every single release cycle has had at least one completely busted character or mechanic that is intentionally left in that state for weeks or even months to incentivize people to purchase them
its literally the exact thing that killed tribes ascend

The fact that they do this and try to scam ppl into buying a worse addition of the game without having the ability to upgrade is beyond fucked. The comeback this game made is interesting, but Ubisoft is going to do what Ubisoft does.

Here's your (You)

>Implying Zofia, Vigil or Dokkaebi are anywhere close to busted
The only "broken" character in Y2 was Ela but she was accompanied by 2 of the more balanced characters

They said they're making changes to the Starter edition that will be announced during the Invitational, so this weekend

No you don't understand user...
BB was OP for a while so the game is totally p2w

The only way if you really want to buy it.

>cool shit
>4 CSGO or TF2 keys
so this is what this csgo does to the kids

go lägg dig jävla svenne hora

Steam har inte Svenska kronor din jävla mongolid, käften och fixa min kebab nu

>Decide to get into R6: Siege again
>Some guy was playing on my account
>No clue who he was or how he got on it
>Contact support and tell them to switch my email and password
>Download R6 after I kicked this guy off my account
>Start playing
>Get into casual match
>Permabanned instantly
>Never cheated in any game ever, nor do I even know where to get cheats for R6
>Contact support
>"The ban was appropriately give to your account, yada yada, ubishit bullshit support stuff."
>Can't play R6 anymore

It's a shame, but I probably wouldn't have played it for longer than 4 hours anyway.

How does the game run on a toaster? Any experience with playing it on one? I'm running a 550ti and it handles most games at their lowest still. This game is from a few years ago so I'm thinking there's a possibility of it being playable

>complete edition
Always infuriates me when a game does this.
>here, buy a not complete game

Top of the list is for the people with the most time and least cash, bottom of the list is for the people with the least time and most cash. Pick the one that most closely matches your cash:time ratio.

>OP here
Thx user, i will try the game on the free weekend desu

My friend who bought it unlocked his last operator after 800 hours.

>have normal edition with year 1 pass
>am now behind and don't know how to get back in