Quick Headset purchase discussion

Just want to buy a good gaming Headset. Need to know which one(s) of the following and why. I've provided a list with Prices. Can anyone experienced in the matter help me with the decision?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Grado-SR60e-Headphones/dp/B00KYTNU9U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1518628461&sr=8-1&keywords=grado sr60e headphones
amazon.com/Zalman-Zm-Mic1-Sensitivity-Headphone-Microphone/dp/B00029MTMQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1518628479&sr=8-1&keywords=zalman zm-mic1

dont get a combo

headphones + modmic

Jake is that you?

that fucking CloudX is so tight even on the biggest setting around your head it ruins your hair (pushes it down) if you wear it often and you'll get sweaty ears in the summer.

Forgot to say that I have been using the Cloud II and they are very good, but would want to save some cash if possible. If the others are not worth it I'll buy the Cloud II.

Can you elaborate?

I don't have any Headphones and the Modmic is not cheap.

No. Who? Why?

I kinda felt that way too, yes. Not huge issues, though.

Buy a seperate headset and a standalone mic. Trust me on this, the standalone makes for much better audio quality than combo headsets.

Modmic 4.0 ($43) plus a $60 pair of headphones will be better than anything on your list.

Philips SHP9500 + V-Moda BoomPro

>buying a gaming headset
>buying shitty overpriced headphones that you can't conveniently use for listening to music
>not buying good headphones and a decent standing mic