What breaks your immersion in video games?
What breaks your immersion in video games?
Enemies not reacting to attacks.
>Give all speed gear to Fie
>She gets four hits in compared to Laura's one hit, but Laura's one hit does twice as much damage as all of Fie's hits combines. The only thing Fie is good for is healing with items.
>tfw I won a free copy of Trails of Cold Steel 2 in one of their streams but have never played a Trails game
I'm going to have to buy Cold Steel 1 if I want to understand this, aren't I?
Give it to me senpai
I like my JRPGs and I hear the Trails series, if anything, has at least really strong worldbuilding.
How the fuck did you win a free copy?
Black people of course
Xseed were giving it away on their stream,, there'll be another one this friday.