>mfw gaming laptops are now cheaper than pcs
Mfw gaming laptops are now cheaper than pcs
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Not really. Even with current GPU prices, you'd really have to go all out on the monitor to match an equivalent laptop's price.
> """"""""""gaming""""""""" laptop
Don't fall for it, lads. I did and deeply regret it.
What did you get user?
this garbage
heat issues on the first day, had to remove the battery otherwise the OS would blue screen crash when the fans would reach a certain amount of power and most games run like shit unless I lower the resolution and set everything to low-medium
That sucks man, maybe its msi's problem or you just got unlucky. You returned it/ got replacement?
The problem with "gaming" laptops is even if the specs are nice on paper, performance will always be much worse than when you've got a desktop with similar specs. Even something simple as heat management puts a huge bottleneck on laptop performance. You simply can't make components smaller than normal and cram them together in a tiny space like that without seriously reducing performance, because there's no reasonable way to get rid of the inevitable heat buildup like you can with a desktop.
It's not that gaming laptops are impossible (I've used one myself for years because I needed a laptop for school anyway), it's just that they will always be much worse than gaming desktops even if the specs are similar.
No, I removed the battery and stuck with it. Also the hinges on the screen got busted from closing/opening it too much because the cheap plastic that held it corroded and almost fucked up the screen. I taped it up and now have it permanently open.
It lost all of its portability so I should have bought a desktop instead. Don't fucking fall for it.
Man, you shouldve returned it as soon as you had problems, and why the hell would you buy a plastic frame? Sounds like its in you bruh
You need a laptop for school anyway so just one with a graphic card to play some games sometimes.