Game is balanced based on what gets the most upvotes on reddit

>Game is balanced based on what gets the most upvotes on reddit

>Blizzard makes a promising looking hero shooter
>Makes a dedicated healer who's entire existence is to heal and maybe pop off a few heads with a shitty pistol
>Her ultimate lets you rez almost everyone who's downed, touted as "turning the tide of battle"
>Goes full retard over the course of the game's patches and decides that a healer who heals is broken and unfair
>Completely retools her and removes the rez

You may be memeing, but the Robot can have an actual effect on video game development. Case in point: Saint's Row the Third. Reddit wanted more wacky bullshit, and Volition listened. Then, they put the fucking antenna off the Robot in-game as a hat.
Reddit is many terrible things, but obscure it is not.

First, this show the power that Reddit took from us.

Second, people on Reddit are retarded so it shows that we've found a new kind of autism and the devellopers of Hearstone got it.

Third, I hate Reddit as much as I hate when my dad pounds me.

It'd be a shame if a reddit hat were in your game...

Having one hero who can "turn the tide of battle" is kind of textbook imba tho. If your team died, they died for a reason, they don't deserve a res for being shitters, and you failed at keeping them healed, so guess what? You lose. No second chances, asshole, its a game, someone, no matter what bliz or reddit says, has to lose.

>x mechanic/weapon/skill is blatantly imbalanced and you're 100% gimping yourself by not using it
>"yeah will if you think it's so imbalanced then just don't use it!!!!"

>the power that Reddit took from us.
the maximum power Sup Forums ever had was getting a toy dinosaur in a game. nobody took anything from here.

Games should be balance around the top 5% of players or so.

I'm really fucking proud of you for making this shit-tastic thread with a pepe image. Good fucking job.