Post your Sup Forumsalentine

Post your Sup Forumsalentine

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Looks like you forgot to post an image OP.

I love Reisen!

You think so low of yourself you posted a blank image?

my favorite holiday ^,^;

How can other waifus even compete?

jesus christ

No one can even come close to the queen

its too late soyboys shes mine

You guys, if you wanna know who I think is a cutie and deserves a great day then read the first word of this post.

Magic Knight is my valentine.




That was easy.

Miss Green is the best and most beautiful

ha, I get it, it's because you don't love anyone and vice versa.


Fuck Alice, where ma Shanghai at?


*gasp* RUDE!!



love is blind

>Fuck Alice
Don't mind if I do. Shangshit is nothing but a measly doll.


I love Aqua!

Time to bust through that armor


Will you masturbate to your waifu tonight, Sup Forums? Be sure to prepare a special atmosphere and all

I don't understand. You SAW this woman take the dick sf a stranger in Dragon Age. She's a 40 year old roastie.



bitch I already got one in this morning.

I love Kass!

>That mix of disgust and disappointment
Too real

Gotta have a game in order to claim someone user

How am I a stranger to myself? Did you play the game wrong? Because I think you did.



but I actually chose money over love for this splatfest


Forever mine


Did you cut yourself when THAT scene in TPP happened?


>swn call you a clod and stomp on your face
