FF7 remake won't come out until PS5. Are you excited for it?

FF7 remake won't come out until PS5. Are you excited for it?

Not really. I always preferred VIII due to superior aesthetics. Fucking flying Balamb garden, Esther and Ragnarok, even the retro cars were cool.

Squall sucks just like Cloud but the cast of VII really is superior to VIII. Selphie was cute, but Irvine, Xell and Quists just sucked and don't get me started on Rinoa. Weakest cast of all FFs, even XIII. Still I prefer the story and world of VIII.

Nah, XV was beyond awful and XIII was shit too, I'm done with this series

I still find it funny people used to think it was coming out in 2016 or 17.

XV was bad, but at least kh3 is looking ok

World of Final Fantasy was good though if you had no expectations.

Even the biggest of FF fans can't defend the episodic aspect. Try to, I dare you.

>play it first on ps4

my nigga

XV could be easily broken into 3 games and it arguably would've been better. Open world part, cinematic part, open world of ruin part.

Maybe they lied.

>Are you excited for it?

No. However I've been against the remake since 2003, so that's not really a surprise. It went in broad strokes as I expected. My interests reside strictly with XVI and seeing whether I should skip it as well.

If you mean the single game contaning all the episodic bullshit in one pack sure then it will probably only come out until the PS5.
I can already see it Final Fantasy VII Remake complete edition.

>cinematic part
You mean open world version of the cinematic train ride we got, Niflheim and Tenebrae.

What happened to this game? It got revealed in 2015 and then never heard from it again.

Is the game just going to be Crisis Core with 2 AI controlled characters as well?

Im hoping the reason we got 0 news during the 20th anniversary was because they're making it a full game and giving us the option at the start to chose ATB or action battles.

It’s going to be released episodically on PS4 and the full game will come out on PS5.

It changed dev's from Cyberconnect 2 to Square Enix internally.

>FF7 remake won't come out

>releases in japan first
>the west gets it a year later

You're right. This is the one game they couldn't fuck up, yet they found a way to do it.

Not going to happen. But when the game is released for PC, people can make a graphics mod for the original using all the remake assets.

If they stick to the FFVII blueprint then they'll have a winner. They can still fuck it up though

bruh it's gonna launch with ps5 lmao, it will be on ps4 as well but it won't come out until the ps5 comes because this is a good exclusive launch title

>exclusive launch title

Double Kek!