What's his problem?
What's his problem?
He's extremely fat
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
High blood pressure, type-3 diabetes, heat disease.
how much of an annoying faggot do you have to be to be disowned by your own parents?
>disowned by your own parents?
Tell me more.
Being right all the time
He posted a photo with cum on his face
Unable to play Vanquish properly
Jim Sterling is based, libtards and SJWs need to calm down sometimes lmao
I can't believe that thumbnail is 90% Jim
Jim is a shit-for-brains. He gets hard at the thought of being blacklisted by a company because he imagines it gives him “””cred””” when in reality, it just makes him look like even more of a big fat, retard baby.
Fuck off libtard
His shtick gets old fast, and he's not smart or professional enough to provide any value otherwise.
sage all shillthreads
report all shillthreads
This isn't Sup Forums, fuck off faggot
Also spends about 2 years jacking himself off over his autistic crusade against some shitty steam dev no one cared about in the first place
Mike Jones
trolling libtards epic style, fellow centipede!
Sup Forums is now Sup Forums deal with it soyboy
What is this, a fat for ants?
>Sup Forums-tard
The holy trinity of autism.