Does Sup Forums play fighting games?

Does Sup Forums play fighting games?

Reminder that this faggot makes these threads just to trigger and bait FG autists. Post at your own discretion

I only play the games in the 120+ row.

Weakest bait ever

Accurate list

>Marvel 3 that high
>DBFZ that low
Whoever made that was just salty about MvC:I

Are there FGC people whose taste isn't dictated by their childhoods? From what I've seen, everyone who takes these games seriously basically plays games derived from arcade games they used to dump all their allowance in or what they sat in front of the TV playing on the SNES

Where's Melee on this list?

i do but i wanna git gud. literally every fightan i've tried, i was a scrub at it.

don't bother, there's like 7 versions of that list and all of them are incorrect.

because the maker of the list does not consider melee to be a fighting game.

1-79 IQ

*it's not on the list because

fuck i need to learn to proofread

Did MvC3 have auto combos where you just mash 1 button?

I'd say there's no IQ requirement for any of those games. They all demand the same amount of competence, they just vary in skill ceiling.

>They all demand the same amount of competence,

I have barely ever played fighting games in my life and I suck at them.
However I am interested in playing Melty Blood AACC.
How's the story mode/single player in that game? Is there still an active online community or am I shit out of luck?

>Anybody who insults Fantasy Strike over simple execution or small movesets is an idiot. The fun and hype parts about Fighting games is not doing gymnastics on a controller, its the outsmarting of your opponent. Ex. you're spamming fireballs at your opponent, he inches in to around jump distance with the intent of jumping a predicted fireball, however, the moment he is actively moving into said space, he's welcomed to an incoming attack from you because you cut your repeated fireball spam short to preemptively dash in or jump in and attack. And the reasoning why this worked is because you knew your opponent wouldn't be looking out for said option because you conditioned him to focus solely on countering the fire ball spam, and that's what fighting games are trying to get at -- the mind games.

>execution and match up knowledge are just stepping stones to get to the mind games, however, they do not define that element. Therefore, Fantasy Strike can work as a fighter despite not having L-cancels, kara-cancels, plinking, charge partitioning, 1-frame links, arcade stick motions. Yes, it can work with a cast that has around 10 moves per char; you don't need 30+ moves to create a grappler, zoner, turtler, pressure based rushdown char, or a mixup/setplay based rushdown char. Yes, you autistic fgts, you can carefully design a single move so it has several different uses.

>In conclusion, Fantasy Strike is the start of a new inclusive approach to fighters that is going to expand the genre while keeping their strategic nature intact by focusing less on 1p training mode and more on player-decisions. And this is a good thing!

>That entire first paragraph
Fighting games should not be about hard reads

what else should they be about, then?

Reaction and execution just like any other action videogame

Once again, the troll has returned.

Op is using his troll image. This is the original. Read the very bottom for what he deleted about what FGC thinks of Smash.

why do bloody roar bros hate tekken?

Make it less obvious next time

Here have a petty (you)

Pretty hard to go back to such a simple and shallow game once you have played better I guess, same reason why 2D players "hate" games like MK

I love BR and I also love Tekken. It's literally one furry turd (who doesn't actually even play fighting games) who keeps spamming his hatred for anything that isn't animal-related (dark stalkers, skullgirls, bloody roar, etc).

as if any fighting game requires IQ.
99% of players will just braindead rushdown flowchart 50/50 you to death.

fuck off, op.

I think you might be retarded

Tekken fags are literal furries tho

I unironically agree with this. I just think that Fantasy Strike is too stuck in the past, and too stripped down to make it work. Here's how you fix it.
>4 normal buttons instead of 1
Players hate doing the same move over and over again, and are ok with having a few moves. Having 12 normals instead of 3 would make the game more interesting for new players.
>No special move button. Just press both punches or both kicks
Simple enough. New players can do this no problem. Supers is press all 4 buttons.
>Bring back dashing
Fantasy Strike is too lethargic to be interesting. Dashing allows players to move around a bit, and is easy enough that I could figure it out at 5 years old.
>Blocking is now "Just don't press any buttons"
New players don't like the "Back to block" shit, and don't understand it. Making it so easy that you can just not attack gives players more reason to do it.
>No more grabs. Implement a guard meter.
There are two things new players hate that Fantasy Strike still has: Grabs, and players that block too much. Guard meter solves both of those things, by making blocking into a risk/reward kind of situation. You start with 5 guards. If you have less than 5 guards, you gain a guard once every 3 seconds. If you ever run out of guards, you cannot guard until your meter refills completely, but it refills slightly faster (one guard every two seconds) during this time. Some slower moves require two guards to block. This adds depth to the game, but is easy enough that anyone can grasp it.

I know we already had a shit show arguing about this last thread but in case anybody missed it, this is a reminder that literally any Street Fighter game is infinitely more difficult than Mortal Kombat and you cannot debate that without making yourself look like an inbred hominoid

While that's true, SF2 is not very different than MK. For all intents and purposes, MK was originally another SF2 clone, only with blood and fatalities.

How is BR deeper than Tekken.

How is it not?


So you have literally nothing then?

Burden of proof is on you, you are claiming BR is deeper than Tekken and I'm not gonna try an old as shit furry game just to see if you are right.

>Marvel vs Capcom 3

You are the one making the ridiculous claim, burden of proof is on you, atleast you admit you have never played the game and know kothing about it.
You should just go back to button mashing in your baby masher furry shit game tekken, leave the fighting game discussion to the adults

>You are the one making the ridiculous claim,
Nope. Scroll back up.

You are the one claiming tekken is deeper than Bloody Roar, you are the one making the ridiculous claim, back up your claim or shut up.

Nope. Try again.

Somebody say something already holy fuck you newfags don't even know how to have a flamewar its fucking disgusting.

>Literally a two button fighter
>Balance is wack
>Combos are brainless as fuck
>Wakeup game is limited as fuck, defender has no options
>Gameplay comes in two variations: Whoever gets beast mode first wins (In the early games), or who ever does their super or 1 hit kill wins (Later games)
>Mashing is actually effective
>Controls are generally unresponsive

Need I go on?

I admit that was a pretty boring attempt of my part. I apologize to all BRfags on Sup Forums for using their game to troll and the fellow Tekkenbro for wasting his time.

I'm out. *mic drop*

I play UNIST but only on Vita

Best fighting game releasing is a few days

>weak-ass boring trolling to get his thread going
>g-guys say something!

i play killer instinct

>not an mlp game anymore
what's the point

>modern MK/Injustice
>no depth

>muh perfect 3rd strike


I haven't played SFV in a while but this Blanka costume looks too good to pass up

Well, it's unique enough game, and it's pretty simple, so it's a good entry game for beginners.

>Play online matches
>Get matched up with more Brazilians than people from my own country
>The netcode is bad enough already and inbred hues always have trash connections

Fuck this game, I'm officially dropping it.

>Literally a two button fighter
Literally false

>Balance is wack
Probably one of the most balanced fighting games to ever exist, even the lowest tier character is viable and the only issue with balance is the unlockable boss character that is unplayable in arcades

>Combos are brainless as fuck
Outright false, extremely deep combo system using cancels, jump cancels, air chains, bounds, etc, etc.

>Wakeup game is limited as fuck, defender has no options
Completely false, 4 way tech rolls, invincible yet punishable wake up attacks ontop of all the other defencive options such as guard escape, H/L guard etc, etc, etc

>Gameplay comes in two variations: Whoever gets beast mode first wins (In the early games), or who ever does their super or 1 hit kill wins (Later games)
lolno first off you start with just enough meter to hold beast for a few hits so "first to beast" is stright out the window, secondly its better to build meter that go innto beast as soon as possible, and LOL at 1 hit kill supers, who are you trying to kid, supers are rarely even used since they sacrifice beast and beast is so important, Bloody Roar has THE most meter management out of any fighting game bar none.

>Mashing is actually effective
No its not, not even slightly, you wouldnt even be able to take a single game of someone if you were mashing

>Controls are generally unresponsive
Controls are some of the most responsive out of any fighting game with only 2F input delay on console and les than 1F emulated. to put that in perspective T7 had 9F of input delay

>Need I go on?
You do yes, try again, try to make it less obvious you have never played the game this time though you are making it TOO easy for me.

I used to but I never got gud after playing it for years I was only able to beat scrubs. Guess it is not meant to be.

You should have dropped it at release.

>games lower on the list are top sellers and keep breaking charts and getting sequels
>games on the top are niche low-sales games with one entry

Except of course that SF2 and SF4 both sold more than almost every other game on the list

well if you count for honor?
but to be fair: even so it would be below even smash, i quess.

Fucking RECKED!

BRfag wins! flawless victory!

>Bloody Roar


Samefag, whats the matter did you get BTFO oo much by this post and now you cant make a rebuttal?

what happened to
>Need I go on?

It's a bait image, user. This is the original.

This is bait

And this is OP

You aren't fooling anyone

This is bait?
Fighting games is purely about mechanical skills

t. casual

Where would this rank?

People just really want to fuck cartoon horses.

Yeah, I just got UNIST today. I went through training with every character but I'm not sure who I want to main. Game seems fun though.

>Marvel Infinite couldn't make it into this meme

>Marvel Infinite
Never heard of it, was it some low budget indie game or something?

Nah its the more balanced and fun sjw game ever

>ultra vortex fighter IV
spot the 09'er

Its back to block

That's like saying that competitive fighting is only a matter of strength

No, because of how autistic the player base is, as perfectly demonstrated by the OP pic.

>Anyone better than me at a video game is autistic
Go back to your hugbox autie

>3rd Strike that high
>Only Capcom fighters in the high tiers
Trash list

fighting games are fun. i dont like the spergy e-sports/pro-player aspect of it tho

>Trying to shit on 3S
>Being this retarded
Underage or brain damaged for sure

They grew standards