Honest question, just merged her and summoner supported her. I wanted until I had 10 of her to merge and actually use her.
Just wanted to know, Brazen Attack/defence or fury?
Also feh thread
Honest question, just merged her and summoner supported her...
>February 2018
>still playing this """""game""""" with no content
>Brazen Attack
I still have no idea how that works
Fpbp as always
Is Ninian best blue unit? Is she worth spending 100+ orbs for?
>Is Ninian best blue unit?
>Is she worth spending 100+ orbs for?
Who is the best blue unit?
Brave Lance +Atk Defense Ploy Est
>Deft Harpoon only triggers if at 100% HP
>Brazen Atk/Def only triggers if below 80% HP
>Aether with no method of reducing the cooldown
>Desperation along with a healing move
I think you are confused or just all over the place for little reason.
Brazen + Desperation could work well if you can reliably get below 75% HP. Deft Harpoon is good for an initial attack but gives up its bonus afterwards. Aether seems like it would work with Deft Harpoon (although still has cooldown problems) but works against Brazen and Desperation. I'd expect something like Ardent Sacrifice on this unit, especially with the exact 40HP value, since she could use it once and immediately be in Brazen + Desperation HP range.
If you want to make use of the Harpoon and Aether, then you'd typically want something like Heavy Blade or Steady Breath to reduce the cooldown.
Tinyhands, perhaps. Olwen also can be deadly with the proper set up
Any good lancer with Firesweep Lance is a force to be reckoned with, too.
Summer Corrin is regarded as the best Flier Tome in the game.
Toot, Linde and Micaiah are powerful, the first two are glass canons and the latter is an excellent mage-baiter.
Ninian, Azura her son are Top Tier for being dancers.
Don't know about Valentine's Lyn, but I heard she's pretty good.