GunZ possibly on Steam

>MAIET is making a comeback and they are partnering with Masangsoft. This means GunZ 1 and 2 will soon be re-opening. I will keep this post updated with the latest, but here is a message I recieved from Guntrix:

>"Hello SheenUK, My name is Brian Chuan I am a International Brand Manager at MAIET Entertainament. Right now we are looking to publish and service in the USA market "RaiderZ" and "GunZ 2: The Second Duel" and "GunZ". We are currently partnering with MasangSoft, Inc and a local publisher for North America. I was wondering if you would like to discuss the possibility of our team leading/own the following Subreddit: /r/RaiderZ/ /r/Gunz2/ /r/gunz/

>We would be interested in using them beyond our official social media. RaiderZ will be released in 2018 1QT.

>Please let me know and thank you very much. Best Regards,"


Other urls found in this thread:

fuck yeah
>GunZ 2

But why.

I ruined my hands trying to learn k-style. Never again.

GunZ 2 wasn't bad. It was just mismanaged and they thought having a p2p connection in 2014 was acceptable.

Would honestly be really great if this happened. I know it won't get widespread love, since K-Style is a bitch, but if I can live in a world where both Dungeon Fighter Online and GunZ 1 can come back to life, I really don't care.
The only populated one is in Europe, with a bunch of custom bullshit and it lags like a bitch.

Can't believe you fagots even know what it is

I had the k-style with the shotgun down wrecking niggas in the prison showers

Aka faggots who get upset that they get shot by "SPRAYER NOOBS"

I completely forgot this game existed until this moment. Has anybody got anything from the soundtrack? 3:26

i honestly think i'm gonna have fucked up hands when i am in my 60s.

>implying sprayer noobs can kill me

Do these games have controller support?

>maiet site is gone
>all the gunz fansites are dead
>gunzfactor is dead
>"We would be interested in using them beyond our official social media"

What social media? They have no online presence.

>try a private server few weeks ago
>double butterfly and half stepping never left muscle memory
dog bless

This. I'm too old to break my hands playing games these days.

lol no. Both GunZ and the sequel don't have a gamepad support.
I'd like to see something like halfstep done using a controller.


There goes my interest.

>duhh me wan controllr for shooty game
nothing of value was lost

You would just get destroyed by players on m+k anyway

I remember almost straining and breaking my hands playing this game

GunZ is textbook example of

>it's not a bug, it's a feature

I've been playing gunz on private servers since it died. I stopped playing around last year because the server i was playing on (Freestyle gunz) is kinda dead right now. I think gunz would work in an environnement where kstyle is encouraged like wavedashing and dandashdacing in melee. The only reason people still play gunz is for the kstyle and the fast action gameplay that it brings to the game. imo the game could work and be popular, but even then you'd have to ban hackers (shotbot, uc, aimfix). Also remove prems, make everything free. Sorry for my english

Didnt MAIET disbanded years ago?

Kstyle is a bug but it makes the game so much more enjoyable.

Fuck yeah

Welp, time to buy carpal tunnel medicine again.

Publisher MasangSoft bought them and are looking to relaunch all of their games. RaiderZ will be first to go live.

I really enjoyed the base game where you just ran around playing a multiplayer game where everyone is Neo. Trying to learn K-Style was a brutal gauntlet that crushed my hands like

>he couldn't learn k-style

I wonder if the GunZ servers are going to have no-lead? I personally preferred leading, added an extra skill to being a good overall GunZ player.

Oh wow, I remember playing this when it came out. It was your generic free MMORPG, but I had a lot of fun with it.

I wish they would also bring S4 League to Steam. I remember the game being fotm Sup Forums title back then and it was a blast to play.

>love that nstep
top kek, I loved nstepping on attack and defense


laggy pos tho

>tfw wasted all the money I earned from matches on clothes instead of guns

Are you me?

You can't only kill people, you gotta look stylish while doing so.
Even if you are not killing anyone

Has any of you fags ever even defeated the secret bosses in Coop?
Because I had no idea how to even summon them

even though I wasn't actually nstepping in that screenshot (I think my teammate was just lagging) it was funny as fuck to nstep in mansion A&D especially when my modem was right near my foot.

good times

>be first time playing gunz ever
>low levels is just everyone rolling around with smgs
>get to level 5 or so
>some faggot is already butterflying and wall canceling
>get to level 10
>charged blades with double shotgun reload canceling faggots
>get to level 15
>slash shotting fags
>level 20
>a mish mash of everything and some other type of shit

Gunz was actually fun as a tps but k-style - although fun - kinda ruins the experience especially if you were just a kid back then.

>tfw instant memories of that entire map's layout

>kinda ruins the experience especially if you were just a kid back then.
no, it ruins the experience if you were a low iq retard
I was k styling with the big boys as a 9 year old, you just had to put time into learning it

quick roundown?

Spam bullets or cut people with a Katana. No objectives, 16 player FFA.

seems cool to do a match from time to time.

I knew saving these GunZ replays would come in handy someday!

Oh you must be a very good boy.

Lmao whatever you say loser

t. brainlet child

Fuck GunZ, is S4 League playable again or is it still horribly P2W?

I hope they don't go full retard and make the game America only like they did with the Steam version of GunZ 2

>k-style in deathmatch berserk room
>complain when you get shootdown by some random peruvian
Their/your fault.
Not like there were many clothes in the ingame shop anyways.

Is that from

>play GunZ 2 just now
>everyone is Ivan and do nothing but melee with his OP sword
>match ends with Ivan winning
>"know your place trash"

Nothing has changed.

I absolutely dont mind the broken movement technique GunZ had, because anyone (with katanas) could do it, but fuck shotgun reload-cancelling.
That actually pushes it into broken and unbalanced status

yes with combination of other replays given to me overtime.

Upload that shit somewhere mang.

>pwning k-stylers spraying
>watch the autists rage

no better feel

didnt they remove K style in gunz 2?

unfortunately in the op they say "american market" so its fucking over for us

>he didn't see someone gud with revolvers
enjoy getting double headshot to dead

are the koreans going to take over again?

>m-muh k-style

>m-muh e-style

>tfw butterfly style with spraying
>all of the butt mad faggots

Back when life was more simple and being the best I could be made life happy.

>m-muh d-style

don't talk shit about daggers
that was the funniest way to kill fledgling k stylers
>tfw doing the backwards glitched dash after every kill over their body

GunZ 2 doesn't use GunZ's engine, so the glitch doesn't exist in G2. It was never intended to exist in G1 to begin with.
G2 is meant to be a class based run-and-shooty game

Laughed all the way through GunZ at those dumb faggots. Shoot them out of the air with literally any weapon in the game, ezpz. Then listen to them rage about how I'm a 'sprayer'.

>brother used to cheat at this game
what a faggot, havent played this in years

koreans will take over any game they actually play

This game was so fucking amazing, but sadly it was ruined by the massive amount of hackers and cheaters. Also how people started using that stupid technique with the katana that basically was impossible to win against. Still a super comfy game, and I liked how you could buy different outfits, do flips, run along walls, etc.

I liked 2.

damn that sucks the glitch gave the game its niche, its a pretty bland shooter without the k style d style meta, i was actually hoping for a Eng release guess i wont bother now.

It was "accidentally awesome".

man there was a pve mode in that game, no?

>gunzfactor is no more

What happened?

Remember that time they made a hack that allowed you to ban people?

I lost touch with some cool people because of that shit.

That's the real story, here. GunZ is a fun mess and GunZ 2 is a pile of shit, but RaiderZ is the only MMO that I've ever felt invested in. It's good stuff.

Here's a video with the lead designer from MAiET talking why they removed k-style from GunZ 2.

>a bunch of kstyle fags dueling
>chuck nades in the middle and take potshots with the dual revolvers
>double kill! headshot!

I miss this game

They better not forget that this thing exists as well, so re-open that shit while you are at it outside of Asia.

i kinda hate how the meta game progressed. If you didn't break your hands learning all the freshest exploits, you got shat on.
Then they release gunz2 without any of those exploits and sucks.
I think a happy medium between the two would work.



>meanwhile there's above 100 users waiting on some private server to open only to realize the devs aren't working at all on it and just holds everyone hostage and making one big hell of a meme out of it and we may never see the day of the release

K-Style was absolutely shit and no-fun allowed at times

Some of the mechanics were pretty ok tho, maybe that's why GunZ 2 flopped so hard in comparison

I remember there were 10k people wanting to play this on launch day.

Yeah, I genuinely enjoyed RaiderZ way back when. I'm actually kinda glad that I'll have a chance to play it again

No d-style on the thread? Dissapointed, doing the chu chu teain dash stab was fun as hell.

>GunZ 2
>tfw spent hours in the Tesla Shop
>get shit like Blazing Snooby, Dark Dancer and Blazing Cougars just to disassemble into more Purified Crystals to gamble again
I had to quit when I realized I had more fun and actually spent more time sitting in menu than in-game.

because d-style is defeated with one key: the jump key.

No way fucker, if you corner someone the dagger becomes a toxic flurry of stabs and there's little you can't do against it. Not to mention that the knockout has a long start up and it's tricky to land but once you get used to it it works wonders.

That kind of netcode is a little better I think, but it's also the reason nstep works. I'd rather have less cheaters on a F2P game.

What happened to S4 League? The servers are still up, but I don't think anyone plays it.

the kino gunz experience is rolling forward in mansion along the corridors and just m1'ing kids with your assault rifle

if you k-style you're a homo

spoken like a true tumbling shitter

i stand corrected, d-style is defeated with two keys: the jump key and the block key.

>What happened to S4 League?

Its forum section on the Aeria Games website is still active surprisingly.

>that feel when made so much dosh from memeing k-faggots with my basic assault rifle and Hawaiian shirt I could afford any weapon in the game but didn't even have the xp level to use it
I subsisted on the tears of those retards calling be a sprayer

Launching Gunz2 next to GunZ is a good idea.
Gunz2 is pretty good but GunZ babbies always have to bitch and cry.
Now they can just play the game they jerk off to so much.