Hey guys, game dev here

Hey guys, game dev here.

If its not much to ask maybe you guys could check out my game on steam? its 75% off now.
I put my heart and soul in it, maybe you could give it a chance.

store steampowered com/app/441250/Talewind/

Here's a key for any lucky Sup Forumsirgin: 0A9ID-5BYPN-FVZKG

If you have any questions you wanna ask a no name name dev i will be here for a while.

Other urls found in this thread:


it looks nice and the 2 usd price for now doesn't look that bad,might actually buy in

but i have to inform you that any form of shilling is against the rules of Sup Forums,so this thread might get removed soon

Thats literally fucking Owlboy

I am not trying to shill, im just asking nicely.

Isn't shilling covert advertising? i am not being covert at all...

>maybe you could give it a chance.
I'll replay store.steampowered.com/app/561120/Disneys_The_Lion_King/ though, after seeing your gif.

Oh come on, at least this guy is straight up honest, not like the paper bug faggot

Bought it. Will look at it.

Thanks a lot man, appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

Bump, coz u sound like an honest guy

Thanks for the support man.

Here's another key for another lucky Sup Forumsirgin: 62EPH-HFYD4-RLL7X

Your game looks very nice, OP

Got it. thanks, ill check it out later

Keep it up man

Do you plan to port it to consoles?

Otherwise I wish you only the best.

Looks nifty. Bought it. You seem like a decent lad, besides, the game is cheap as dirt.

I'll play it, just give me a code

I am waiting on the guys from Nintendo to get back to me so i can port it to the switch

Right now i am working on this:


if any one is curious...

torrenting it as i type

Might want to proof read some of the dialogue, like the i should be I since it refer to himself.

Good luck, OP. Looks decent and I know how much work it can be to make vidya. Like once you're done, it's not about the money. You just want to share something you love after working so hard on it for so long.

Looks like an interesting little game, OP.

The art style looks fun but that repeated rock texture is really bugging me out. The little town you are showing off on the Store page looks great tho.

Just want to know - do you develop games full time or on the side while you have normal job?

sent :^)

I am pretty sure you can just direct download it if you search hard enough on google...

Well some times stuff gets past us, since i am not a native English speaker its easy for that kind of detail to get overlooked.

Man at this point i just want to get a minimum wage hahaha

Its full time but i still live with my parents, so ye, i don't make much but you gotta start somewhere...

How about OP, you give out a few copies?
There was a card game a guy gave out of Sup Forums for like 50 people and it helped generate him a bit of buzz back.

I have dropped 2 keys already, in my little experience giving out keys only works on the Mongolian basket weaving boards. Anywhere else it does nothing...

I am going to go have dinner now, if the thread is still up by the time i come back i will drop another key.

I wanna know how the fuck this thread is still up

Advertising is against the fucking rules unless you make under the table deal with hiro

Don't get me wrong, I bought it. Just a suggestion.
I'll give it a spin in a sec. 1.5gb is bigger than I expected! Lots of assets in this game?

Game's pretty old why are you advertising it only now?

Did it sell poorly? I don't think it's because it's bad it seems like lack of advertising. You should shill it around, Sup Forumstards don't buy games and even if we do the thread will disappear with only a handful of people seeing it.

Anyone have a torrent?

Gotta go fast

on gog. would love a pirate

OP. I'#ve discovered a bunch of feedback already.

Is there any way to contact you past this thread?
If it manages to somehow still be up when you return:

The title screen needs polish, it looks boring.
Enetering a door because I walked past it and it had particles in front isn't cool, just make us press A or UP against it. JUst make it known you can.
The Monster Encyclopedia doesn;t LOCK THE MC IN PLACE. I was confused when i jumped on the chair and the pages started flipping wildly and then when i went to flip back to page 1 I ran off the chair.
If the whole game is filled with little things like this I will happily note them and email you them.

Another criticism is the art style seems like its going for a hand painted sketchy style which is cool but pails in comparison to the tight art in titles like Hollow Knight and such. it just seems like, a bit messy and it looks like the art could be more cleaned up? That's just my own subjective view though.

Is this a generic platformer?

user why do you hate yourself

Does your game address the JQ?

>Boss is sanic

my sides

OP has done good and is not shilling, since he's announced his intention beforehand. We could use more friendly gamedevs coming openly to us, rather than making """"covert"""" threads

Sorry, but I've never paid for a game and I don't intent to start doing it now.

artstyle's fine, he should pay attention to the other stuff though

That's legit not the dev, though. Just some autist.

How much of this $2.24 do you go home with? Art looks good buddy

I had a partner and i recently bought his part of the game, thats why i am advertising only now.

It sold okaish in the beginning

The game is not currently being developed anymore, it had some issues it was my first game after all, try shooting the encyclopedia to change pages.

If you wanna contact me you can do so through facebook, just search for talewind or windlimit.

yes, but very pretty and very hard.

I wish i could do that without being skinned alive by twitters SJW's...

Also there's little indication about each acts and the game's mechanics.
I like that you;r enot forcing a tutorial down our throats but I have no idea if there's a point to the feathers, I see there's a speed challenge aspect though.

Also the double back on my point about the doors I now see it is indeed DOWN you press to enter a door.
I must have been holding down and right slightly as I ran past one earlier but it still raises an issue. Maybe have a check in place that the playable character can only enter a door if he's bee stationary for more than say, 35 frames. That way you can run past without worrying about entering by accident. Or you know, give it a dedicated button that isn't down.

>melee combat in first person

I see, so the point of this thread was just to ask for people to buy it?

Looks cool.