NewGame+ sucks balls

Name ONE (uno) game where NewGame+ surpasses the first play through.

Yeah, that's right, you can't.


Dragons Dogma

what is that picture from?

Dark Souls 2

dark souls 2

Bloodborne, specifically with an Arcane build. Throughout all of NG you are struggling with your shitty build and weapon with the ultimate goal of beating the hardest boss in the game to get the Kos Parasite weapon and become a crazy awesome squid wizard. Then when you beat him the game is basically over so NG+ is where you get to actually enjoy the game using the Kos Parasite, NG is basically just all the work and NG+ is the payoff. In every Souls game NG+ is fun because you get to use your final build through the whole game.

Nier route B objectively

Chrono Trigger

Super Mario Odyssey


Resident Evil 4

I've replayed that game over 20 times.

Sorry nigga but Resident Evil 4's Professional NG+ is absolute gold.


Drake- Hotline Bling

Monster Girl Quest

Breath of Fire V newfag.

>adds a score-attack mode and lets you enable all the hard-mode gods early

Dark Souls 2 changes the entire game
Chrono Trigger allowed you to get new endings not possible before NG+
Evil Within 2 was just more fun since you're basically a walking death machine in NG+

planet of the apes

Tokyo Jungle

Ratchet and Clank NG+ can be fun, being able to use all weapons from the start
you can upgrade them even further, but first you need to be able to buy the NG+ upgrade, which is quite costly
to make up for that, they add a new mechanic called the bolt multiplier
the more enemies you kill without taking damage, the more bolts you earn, which means good players will be able to afford the upgrades for all the guns sooner

el goblino...

Dark Souls 2

Crimson Shroud

Dark Souls 2

Mass Effect 2
>get more resources for upgrades with less scanning
>have more money for upgrades
>retain level
>get another crack at the suicide mission
>can see alternate choices/dialogue
Only flaw is that you have to be the same class as your first playthrough