Start level

Start level
>Boring talking
>Get locked in room
>Kill Demons
>Doors unlocked
>Wander around aimlessly looking for key card
>Find key
>Get locked in room
>Kill Demons
>End level
>Rinse and repeat

I fucking hate this game

Other urls found in this thread:

then stop playing it

I spent money on it so I have to beat it

Autism is hard to live with. Take your medications

>Game shows you how gameplay is going to be within the first five minutes.
>Hate it.
>Don't just refund it.

>>boring talking
>computer turns on
>some character tries to give some backstory
>two sentences in, doom guy just smashes the screen and goes on shooting
i don't see the problem

I got it on Switch eshop. No refunds no matter what.

you bought a shooter for a console.
I'm sorry I didn't realize you were an actual retard

>I got it on Switch eshop.
So not only do you have shit opinions, you're also retarded.

does it have gyro aiming?

Thats not OP.

I'm op and I have it on PS4 physically

You just have shit taste then. Why the fuck would you ever buy an fps on console?

actual footage of OP playing

did they play this with one hand and use the other to hold the camera for recording?

Thats still a console so whoever is OP youre still retarded

The problem is that OP has to pretend to hate it to fit in here. It's somehow been decided that a genuinely good FPS is a bad game for REASONS so we all have to tow the line now and play along. It usually involves referencing how the originals were better as a sad way of pretending that the majority of tht 15 year olds here actually played them back in the day or at all.

Give it a few years and we'll all be allowed to admit it's actually a fun game after said 15 year olds have grown up.

The games not hard, its just repetitive as fuck.

It's a pretty awesone game. Fun as fuck.

This shit always makes me angry. The very fact that they're actually paying someone who not only knows nothing about video games, but isn't even capable of playing them.

>i have to keep doing this thing that i hate because i paid for it.
It must be difficult to be an idiot and live like this. The money is gone, wether you keep playing or not. In fact, if you hate it and keep playing it, on top of the wasted money, you are wasting more time.

That locked into an arena bullshit is why I'll never play this game.

>playing FPS with a controller

>pirate game
>no incentive to play cos its shit

>buy game
>force myself to beat it asap

best fps in the recent years in all honesty my brethrens

>Game wants you to feel badass by killing hordes of brainless demons
>Presents a manly protagonist
>He is manly there is no waifu in the entire game
Duke Nukem is better than Doom guy.
Also, Doom 3 is the best Doom, unironically.

I agree with op. Gameplay isnt great.

>Ratings disabled
>Comments disabled
>Player disabled

>Skill is a social construct

>I actually kind of feel bad for whoever was playing this. They were just trying to do a day of honest work while coping with their cerebral palsy, and then Polygon made them play Doom in front of the world.

Bump the difficulty up. The combat is supposed to be fun, and it's not fun if you can get away with playing like absolute shit.

Doom 3 the best Doom? Only if you're a contrarian.

>he tries to shoot the gore nest



doom is easy on any difficulty setting

>turn on game
>play it
>turn off game
I fucking hate this game what were they thinking. My argument is flawless.

>aimlessly looking for something
I don't think you know what aimlessly means

Except this game has gotten more positive reception than negative on this board.

I'm not sure why you make these claims when an archive exists. What are you trying to gain by talking about things you know nothing about? You're Anonymous.

Play Arcade Mode! No dialogue or waiting for cutscenes to end