Ready Player One

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I hope this movie is the biggest fucking flop in the history of Hollywood. I want it to literally make less than a million from combined tickets worldwide and from DVDs/digital sales. I want Spielberg to be ruined because of this movie. I want it to be such an embarrassment for him that not one single person will ever fund another film of his. Nothing would make me happier than seeing this be the biggest flop of all time, with hundreds of millions of dollars being wasted.


>even in the future Ohio is still a shitshow


I hate the "reddit" meme, but the book and the movie really are reddit, it's all about non-stop pop-culture references - their target audience gets excited at the thought of the protag driving a cross between Ecto-1 and KITT (from Nightrider)

Video game culture is horrible, and this movie is the culmination of everything I hate about it.

I understand where you're coming from but you and I both know this movie is going to make a ton of money regardless of it being shit or not.

Someone post some excerpts from the book, I feel like having a laugh.

Spielberg is worth $4 billion and can fund his own movies

>Video game culture is horrible
But don't you play video games?


oy vey

what does the nigger say about mario kart?

I like all the non gaming cameos
But all the gaming cameos are cringey as fuck

Like OP related, it feels like a fanfic
Not to mention that

Its already forgotten 2 years later

At least we're not West Virginia

Yeah, but just playing video games isn't the same as playing them and shouting I AM A GAMER HEAR ME ROAR RESPECT ME

More like Reddit player one

Oh my fucking god, someone make a webm of the part where the guys running down the street like idiots get turned into master chiefs.

Yeah, but it's not something that defines me as a person. I don't center my entire life on just one hobby.

this movie looks gay.

Good luck with that.

>In fictional world
>Can drive any car you want
>choose a fucking Delorean instead of an Aston Martin Vulcan


In the book, the main protagonist's best friend is a male in game, but is actually played by a black female. They fall in love in the end. Knowing that king kike is behind this movie, this ending will stick.

sounds like youre just mad because you felt special thinking youre the only one that played video games but since video game has become completely mainstream, you no longer feel special.

maybe you should sit down and rethink your life.

Well if the delorean actually has a time travel function, i can see it being a bettet choice than a car with weapons.

Just sperg out about it, then?

playing video games != neets fatsos hardcore gamers

consider yourselves lucky for not having read the book, it's an embarrassing jumble of outdated pop culture references

Are you guys ready for "lol im so geeky XDDD" cultire to be even more prominent?

>not the Adam West batmobile with the performance of a formula 1 car


>In my kind of porno movies the girls wouldn't even have to get naked.
>They'd just take the guys down to the rec room and
>beat them repeatedly at chess
>and then talk to them for hours about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
>or the underlying social metaphors in the Aliens movies.

>Buy stock in some hand cream companies
>because there is about to be a major shortage.

>And I'm not just talking about straight porn. Oh no.
>There should be fuck films for my nerd brethren
>of all sexual orientations.

>Gay nerd porn flicks with titles like "Dungeons and Drag-queens."
>This idea is a fucking gold mine.
>I am gonna make millions,
>because this country is full of database programmers
>and electronics engineers
>and they aren't getting the loving they so desperately need.
>And you can help . . .

>If you're an intelligent woman is interested in breaking into the adult film industry,
>and if you can tell me the name of Luke Skywalker's home planet,
>then you are hired.

>It doesn't matter if you think you're overweight or unattractive.
>It doesn't matter if you don't think you're beautiful.
>You are beautiful. . .
>And I will make you a star.

this fucking guy aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The original Batman series is pure cringe. I got stuck watching that shit at my grandpa's nursing home

The DeLorean can fly

Shouldn't you be bang chicks instead of posting on Sup Forums, chad?

you know the strangest thing?

almost all of this shit is 80s to current day shit for pop culture, anime or games

why the FUCK would someone in FUCKING 2050 think this is cool?

Wouldn't some sort of attack helicopter or jump jet be better though?


So NeRdY

It was self-aware, superheroes are dumb.


>world of pure imagination

>nursing home

So what stupid nostalgic shit are the Sup Forums generation going to do when we're all in nursing homes?

this is soyboy: the movie

Because their making a movie about videogames and they want to make money.


While you live a single life
I lived many
While you work a deadbeat job
I saved the world
We are

Are they charging into some massive battle?

Do any of the hot girl characters get violently killed and/or mangled in the melee?

>tracer front and center
At least we know now where all that lootbox money went

Because by then all forms of art and media will be devoid of originality and charm, they would be on their 40th remaster or 25th game in a series.
By then there would only be the most safe and profitable games all made by 1 or 2 companies as all of them have been bought into monopolies.

So those losers can only look back to a time when these things were original and great.

Probably printing out pictures of memes and sliding them under the door of other nursing home residents

Man I thought ppl here lacked self awareness

>Big Zimbabwe crowd that this pandered to has long since jumped onto different bandwagons
>Spielberg has lost his instant hit powers
I'll look forward to this crashing and burning.

unsurprisingly looks like typical plebshit

I would unironically blast Brittney Spears songs on my radio all day

Why the hell is Tracer in front? Isn't this movie supposed to be an 80's nostalgia trip?

12 hours a day, 7 days a week to study ALL of the 80s and other pop culture

not to fucking mention ALL GAMING?

the FUCK?

you couldn't pull that shit off, unless you were a boring as fuck main character.


The book does take place in a creative wasteland where modern day pop culture is seen as this esoteric mystical thing that everyone is in awe of. I can't tell if this book was meant to be a parody of nerds, or if the writer is just that lacking in self awareness.

Looking good so far
Can't wait to see it in the movies with my friend

My sister-in-law got me the book for Christmas and I took that as a deep personal insult.

Did anyone read the book?
I just finished it this summer because I was desperate for something to read.
It was not good.
But what I wanted to say is this:
This trailer reflects absolutely nothing found in the book.
It's kind of fucked up.
The only concept that remains is the VR stuff.
...why isn't Wade a fat nerd?

holy fucking fedora


Why gaming culture is so cringeworthy and the movie fan culture isnt?

>or if the writer is just that lacking in self awareness.
I'm pretty sure that's the case.
Extreme delusion is indistinguishable from parody. Jack Chick is a perfect example of this on the other side of the fence

I wonder how you behave in real life

where's this from?

Dude they have over watch characters in it, that alone is gonna give it an edge with normies. Thus film is his be pixels except people will treat it like it's frozen.

its from the novel Ready Player One

>80's pop culture

Why? The 80's were a shitty decade run by Reagan. At least the 90's were cool

Yes, Yes, well done, Reddit player one, well done.

are you trying to imply trekkies and star wars fans aren't cringeworthy?

>just practicing my Mario Kart

What the fuck happened to Spielberg? Really. Was the fortune he made creating dozens of actually good movies not enough?

>Talks about covering anime
>Calls Uchuu Senkan Yamato "Star Blazers"
>Calls Maguma Taishi "The Space Giants"
He realises that these are American names right? Easy way to tell you have no clue about anime at all and just looked at Wikipedia.

Tell me that's not who I think it is at 0:11


>netflix will probably make a better tv show out of SAO than Spielberg will with this movie
What a time to want to die

The difference is that Trekkies and pre Disney Star Wars fans knew damn well that they were at the bottom of the social ladder, with the exception of the extreme 'spergers.
For some reason, gaming "culture" fags seem to think they're somehow above anyone.

The thing that gets me about the book isn't even so much the references themselves, but the fact the writer has to spell out what every reference is in reference to.

I love Attikus, fuck off Overwatch cunt.

Is this actual dialogue? Jesus. Is the point of stuff like this to make cringe lords the new high school hotness? For that matter do women these days fall for that crap?

I was saying to a friend everyone finds gamer related films/tv shows complete cringe and trash, then he says then why do they always do well.

That's a very good point.
Why do they sell well

Oh holy shit it fucking is, must have been in production since before Stillborn flopped and Pitchford was revealed to be an absolute loser.

Wait, what the fuck? I checked the reviews for this and they are actually good. Here I was thinking that I would have a hard time publishing my book when this is considered good nowadays

I'm glad THE SPACE GIANTS pissed someone else off as much as me.

I remember I got the book in LOOTCRATE XDD when my brother bought me a subscription. Absolutely terrible book. It wasn't the worst thing I got in Reddit Box, though. That title belongs to Superfight, the most unfunny """""adult"""""" card game that I've ever played

Here's betting all the butthurt faggots in this thread like don't know this movie is based off a novel for teens.

>>They'd just take the guys down to the rec room and
>>beat them repeatedly at chess
>>and then talk to them for hours about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
>>There should be fuck films for my nerd brethren
>>of all sexual orientations
>>If you're an intelligent woman is interested in breaking into the adult film industry,
>>and if you can tell me the name of Luke Skywalker's home planet,
>>then you are hired
I would almost believe this couldn't be real. Only almost. What the hell happened to books?

And people said I was crazy when saying Hollywood is trying to inch its way into videogames to corrupt our media in the same way they've corrupted movies and television as a whole.


Did you somehow misread the book?
The black female is his best friend. In-game his/her name is Aech.
His love interest is Art3mis. IRL her name is Sam. She's white, has a birthmark on her face which she covers with her hair.

it's not from the novel, it's an extract from a poem he wrote called Nerd Porn Auteur

That's definitely the worst part of reference based content.
A good reference, be it a joke or otherwise, will fit well enough into the narrative that anyone who doesn't get it will still get something out of it.
This book reads like the written equivalent of one of those garbage X movie ""parodies""

>it's ok that it's trash because it's for a younger audience
Fuck off, we should be teaching all the cock gobbling gutter trash to have better fucking taste than just praising and adoring references


Jesus christ this is so tumblr.

That's the most beta thing I've ever read.

They're even not even American names. They're bastardized re-edited versions for American TV.

Why the hell would anyone in current year (or whatever year the book takes place) would want to watch G-Force when Gatchaman is available uncut?

You remember a few years ago when Fault In Our Stars was huge? Quality hasn't been a real thing in years. I guess you could argue that both FiOS and RPO are young adult novels and not the best means to look at overall quality but still.

Looks fun

Wrong, the black female is a lesbian.


You faggots are almost as bad as Sup Forumstards

You're looking at the bottom of the barrel thanks to Sturgeon's Law.

felt like i was losing my mind reading these horseshit books. everyone in the fantasy lit community fawns over them and it's just page after page of this garbage.