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I love these threads.
Sony and Nintendo fling shit at each other with pathetic wojacks, while Xbox simply posts a pepe and 4K.


Does 4K make that much of a difference?

*Also available on pc

For way more money

Its more xbox vs playstation and nintendo is just not even trying

Bloodborne must run great.

1080p vs 4K is like an igloo versus the Pyramids of Giza.

>Also available on PC
>Exclusively on Windows 10
>Exclusively on the Xbox service

Yeah, I love my PS4 Pro

Name a bigger game this gen.

Oh wait, you fucking can't.

Xgods, this is our town and our time to shine. Don't stop me now just having a good time.

now watch me whip now watch me 4k

Add another one!

I'm talking about 8k
at 144fps


Absolutely it does. Even if you don't have a 4K TV, the supersampling on the 1X is very impressive.

now watch me whip now watch me 8k


The Pro thread is a few pages down, friend.

once you play at 4k going back to 1080p is like going from 1080p to 480p on youtube

it's too bad the only games that are actually 4k on xbone x are shitty Indies and games that could run on the original xbox
meanwhile on pc we're playing games at 144fps 8k


>inb4 muh plebgrounds
>inb4 muh haloz
>inb4 muh sports games


there is no monitor that outputs that you cuck

>tfw gonna play all of microsoft's exclusives on day 1 for literally FREE for the next year because i kept spamming new Microsoft Rewards accounts for more and more Game Pass 1 month codes
Thanks, MS.


>on pc we're playing games at 144fps 8k

but at what cost? if i can't even run ac origins at 1080p60 on a gtx 1070 and i5 with a £1000 pc then how much does it cost to play at 8k 144 fps?

Still can't play pc games

Xboys gloating about no games.

>using bing rewards to keep getting game pass
I didn't even think of that and I have enough for two months worth of subscriptions.

how do you do this?

Not him and I own neither, but I have never saw xbros (or pcbros/nintendbros) irl port begging whereas sonybros are all desperate for pubg.


As long as its native 4K and not that checkerboard shit, then I'm okay with it.

>the year is 2018
>xbox keynote
>blood borne 2 announced as an xbox exclusive
>mass soynyboy suicide

>77,000 players online
This is crazy. Getting a group together for some zombie kino is so fast for an eight year old game.


Use that link, make an account (has to be a new MS rewards account) and if you scroll down a bit, there should be a button to redeem 1 free month of game pass. Don't even need to earn any points. The offer goes away on the 28th though, and last time I did it, it took over a day for them to send me a code (early on, it was instant). Not sure if they caught on to anything. They didn't take away any of my game pass.


Although on the other hand this just demonstrates the pcdomination more than anything

yeah why would anyone pay 500$ when the 8th console generation is about to end for a late gen upgrade when they could just buy the original thing for 200$
and don't use the poorfag excuse because that would mean you are one if you can't afford a 800$ computer
the only upside the xbone x has is a bigger playerbase for mircosoft games and no shitty windows store

Nice. I'm sure they'll do the $1 sale again soon. I still have a redemption code from my X1X purchase.

You do realize instead of going for the 4k meme microsoft could have made games look really good and run at 1080p right? To run at 4k 60 fps games have to run at like ultra low graphics setting, the hardware can't handle anything more.
Its another episode of marketing department win over tech department.


why are you talking to me like i own an x1x?
bitch you said pc gamers are playing at 8k 144fps and i asked you how this is achievable and at what price based on my experiences with my own enthusiast tier pc. you've replied to me with full on damage control because you lied and got caught out. we can barely do 4k60 on pc yet and that alone requires at least 1 1080 ti which costs over 1000 alone nowadays.

I'm impressed with how they treat these older games that are backwards compat now. They didn't just port them over because they were bc but took the time to enhance most of them.


the average console gamer doesn't even care for 60 fps meanwhile they apparently notice the difference between 900p and 1080p like early on in the 8th gen consoles life so 1440p to 4k on ps4 pro and xbox one x respectively should be a colossal leap for them.

what are you talking about? there's not enough xbox fans on Sup Forums to really get in with the nintendo vs. sony shitflinging, so they either meme on the sidelines or are just being false flagged by one of the other two.

>only current console with full BC
>best controller
>best online service
>free games
>sea of thieves
is this what winning is like?

>No Japanese games: The console
Why the fuck are you even posting about that shit here?


>post sony

>post nintendo

majority of Sup Forums won't openly disagree with you, but they know you're wrong

I don't know, man, these Xbox threads tend to hit bump limit quite often. I rarely see a PS4 or Switch thread hit limit as regularly as these bone threads do. It's the console people love to hate and Xbox people on here have grade A banter and wit. That may be due to Xbox users being more mature.

And just for proof, I just made a new account and am about to get another free month.

Guys, how do we stop xbox from winning?

consolefags are always claiming they can't tell the difference between 20 fps and 30 fps in games like bloodborne or mh:world so they don't care for 60 fps either. they care more about resolution and this is proven by statistics showing the number 1 selling factor for the ps4 in 2015 and previous was resolution as the xbox was generally 900p and the ps4 was generally 1080p.

does this mean i can't get cheevos on my main account if i have to use this other account to play

>no weeb games
Welp, off to get an xbox.

__________ZERO GAEMS__________

No they send you a code to the email you used. You can redeem it to your main account

source of this screenshot?

>gay weeaboshit
who cares. this console is for chads NOT soyboys

My point was microsoft could have gone for a lower res like 1440p or 1080p and with the gpu power saved let games run at pc tier graphics. One 4k screen= 4 1080p screens, so a lot of gpu power is wasted on the resolution meme.

No it runs pretty bad actually.

and how many are playing it on PC vs Xbox?
i can tell that its probably like 90% PC, 10% Xbox

Horizon 3 after the patch on the 1X in 1080p that's supersampled.

if i wasn't at university from now till june i'd actually take advantage of this and play every game in the game pass. hopefully by the summer they'd have more games in the game pass with better deals anyway. i'm really really looking forward to crackdown 3 because it looks just like crackdown 1 and that's one of my favourite games ever.

fuck, xbox always had the best exclusive ip/contracts but they killed half of them off. i'd do anything for a new jade empire or fable

All that power, none of the games. What's it feel like to be a Crapgamer?

nice advertising microsoft.

you can't fix your shit by spamming 4k everywhere.

Enjoy your brown lootbox shooters

but most of the games on the xbox one x have been using the highest quality pc assets and textures till now. generally the base consoles run at ~medium but the xbox runs at high and uses ultra textures and assets in some games. the pro is pretty similar but generally a couple of notches down because it's less powerful and has less vram

sure sure

a sony FIRST PARTY TITLE will just have its SEQUEL on fucking Xbox 1.

god, its like you fucking can't think beyond "hm, what can my fatslab bone warmers i call fingers type that would make (insert company here) cuck/soy/etcetc fanbois mad..."

like a fiddle

The only games that it's missing are some niche, obscure Japanese games that sell 20,000 copies and pander to people under the age of 13. I'd also take superior BC and a much more stable online infrastructure over those games any day. Blops is pushing almost 120,000 people online during the weekend and Halo 5 is still the best multiplayer of the gen.

i doubt its bb2 but from are making a new game and rumors suggest it's tenchu which was an xbox exclusive last gen with tenchu z.

>they revive Tenchu
>it's Xbox One Exclusive

Well xbox sold around 5 million and there's almost 30 million pc sales (with an active user base of 20 million, I think). Based on overall sales, Xbox is 1/7 of the total owner base. Xbox is about 1/5 of the total playerbase.

post her feet

No dude xb1x's gpu is equivalent to gtx 1060. 1060 can't handle anything more than 1080p 60 fps without reducing graphics settings.

So xbox has been carried by inertia and advertisements alone?

>Xbros are busy playing games
>Sonybros and Nintenfags shitpost on Sup Forums saying xbone has no games instead of playing games

People bought the game in droves on the xbox and it's even getting its own bone s sku soon. It's probably over 5 million copies sold already. For a game that was busted on release, people didn't care and it's been fixed for over a month or so.

>reddit spacing
>can’t comprehend a joke
>acts like he’s not mad but is clearly upset
it’s like you sonegros like getting laughed at

the vast majority of console games are 30 fps so there's a lot of headroom to spare when that's the target framerate. very, very few console games in the last like 3 gens have bee 60 fps. imagine there's like 2000 games coming out every gen, only like 5% of the AAA will be 60 fps or even less. i can't actually think of any xbox or ps4 AAA game which is 60 fps in all modes except halo 5, cod, battlefield and fifa. it's all shooters or sports games. you'll never find an assassins creed, uncharted, dark souls, mass effect etc running at 60 on any console.

enjoy your shitty visual novels faggot

>Sea of Thieves
>Crackdown 3
>Animal Crossing
>Halo 6
>Fable 4 announced at E3
>Pokemon Swich announced at E3
>New IP's at E3 for Xbox
>More Backwards Compatibility
>Xbox makes over 9 billion in revenue every year and the owners of Microsoft have stated that it makes billions in profit
>Phil Spencer got promoted to head of the Xbox division
>Nintendo Switch selling well
>PC is King as always
I'm glad the Xbro's are back.

It all makes sense now.

fair enough

PS4 didn't win because it was more powerful than the base model Xbox One, it won because it had games. Microsoft gave you no incentive to buy a Xbone other than having it be a cable box to entertain the family, as games were an afterthought for Microsoft. They've learned nothing since 2013 as their philosophy remains largely unchanged. This is the reason why Xbox is a dying brand.

jokes on you faggot, i own all the 8th gen consoles AND a fucking PC

i am omega race, never fucking talk to me again

>inb4 you list games I don't like they don't count

>This is the reason why Xbox is a dying brand.

it's hit record amounts of revenue and sales every year that passes e.g 2017 was xbox ones most successful year. it's rising from the dead if anything. they also invested like 100m in first party so hopefully we should see the fruits of that in the next 2-5 years (basically next gen)

>over the Holidays
>stroll into Best Buy
>20 people are gathered around the TV section of the store
>see what the fuss is about
>some kid is playing Forza 7 on an OLED
>kid finishes the race
>one adult almost forces the kid off of the couch so he can play
The game looked like a race that was being televised. 4K with HDR at 60fps on that TV was absolutely amazing. The TV was around $1600 though and that was on sale. I hope those prices come down this year.

>Sea of thieves
>Forza Horizon 4: Japan
>Crackdown 3
>Ori and the will of wisps
>Halo 6
>Dark Tide
>Fable 4 by Playground games
>new Perfect Dark
>Age of Empires 4
>New Coalition IP
>Phantom Dust reboot by Electric Square
>Continued Xbox 360 and OG Xbox back compat updates
>DEFINITIVE VERSION of Monster Hunter World until Fall, RDR2 and KH3 forever
>a Zombie shit game that will at least focus on gameplay

>Metroid Prime 4
>Metroid Dread
>Octopath Traveler
>Kirby Star Allies
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Bayonetta 3
>Travis Strikes Again
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Enhanced Wii U games, because who the fuck bought a Wii U?

>God of Soy
>cinematic no-gameplay Zombie shit games x2
>...uh... Detroit movie game?
This is why my combo was Xbox and Nintendo since the OG Xbox

>"You know what we should do jamal, we should market a gaming product to non gamers! That will definitely drive sales!"
This is why you shouldn't hire niggers and females.

They stopped themselves at the reveal of the xbone.

This is true as those reports that came out a couple months ago show how big the brand is for MS. They're raking in the money just off XBL services alone. I guess that's what happens when you have a consistent subscription service for 16 years and running.