I'm not paying $60 dollarydoos for a modded medieval Elder Scrolls Oblivion without the magic and demons...

I'm not paying $60 dollarydoos for a modded medieval Elder Scrolls Oblivion without the magic and demons, plus a shitty save system and tons of glitches. No matter how badly I might want to play it. But is it actually fun? I've heard lots of mixed reviews so it's tough to gauge my opinion about it.

if you're not going to buy it why do you care

Because I want people to know that it's not worth $60.

It's a revisionist depiction of history though the eyes of a typical gamergate Sup Forums perma virgin, with laughable dialogue, shit combat and a broken save system

>muh magic and demons
dumb cuck


Just pirate it then retard

>I'm not paying $60 dollarydoos
It's 45 euro, do you live in australia or something?

It's fun if you like fairly accurate historical realism and micromanaging. The combat system is the worst part, takes a lot of getting used to and practice. Exploration is good but don't expect TES treasure hidden in every corner.


>Doesn't know the dollarydoo meme

The game goes for a feeling that you're actually living the life of Henry, you start out a lowlife and complete shit at about every skill in the game. After a while of practicing with masters, getting better equipment, and practicing on your own the game clicks and you start to play it like no other RPG, you actually think about your actions and consequences. You go on quests that would actually benefit you in real life instead of epic fantasy joke tales like in the Witcher 3. The game is actually very fun and the characters and story are surprisingly very likable.

Worth is subjective

You say no magic like it's a bad thing.

>characters and story are surprisingly very likable
Sup Forums doesn't like that they like political stories that make them feel superior to everyone because their ideas in real life are laughable and their ideology is objectively wrong


I'm afraid I'll buy it and drop it because the combat is shit.

why don’t you just lurk most faggot?

If i kill literally everyone in a given camp why do people still know that I killed the camp?

In that case pirate and check it out. The combat is shit at first, gets better with practice and time but definitely wonky as fuck. It's kind of comparable to Gothic combat - horrible at first, then slightly improves, and by the end you're laying waste to all around you.

>it is