Why does Resetera hate this game? I just played it and it's not racist at all.
Why does Resetera hate this game? I just played it and it's not racist at all
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No niggers or transgender people in 15th century, fucking dropped.
uhh maybe because it provides a dumb revisionist view of medieval europe? europe has always been a diverse multiethnic place not this white ethnostate this game tries to portray it as
Name one black person in rural bohemia
Name one black person who is NOT in Bohemia. check mate racists
They don't
can't be racist when there's only one race in the game
Morgan Freeman's character in that one movie was a Moor and he's black, so there
I'd like to see you refute that, alt-right racist
Is it true that Sup Forums loves this game? Would be pretty amusing if true, since the developers think they're just as big a bunch of retards as SJWs.
wtf i hate warhorse studios now brb refunding and telling all my friends to do the same these cucks will pay
yikes! problematic! soy etc
They do like the game tho
Yeah before release people were making threads about buying it to "save the white race" or some shit
Nobody hates this game, just pol trying desperately to "win" some argument that never happened
Developer is a JEW, pol children are so fucking retarded that they shill for free for a jew
>Actually going to read what the insane lunatics have to say, let alone taking them seriously, on neogaf 2.0
You're not getting this (You)
Check resetera thread or rps article comments.
I just saw screencaps about them banning people from talking about it. I'd never go to that shithole.
I wonder how that would play out nowadays. Moors were predominantly Berber and Arab, they were not black. Would there be backlash? Something tells me that Americans wouldn't notice.
>Nobody hates this game
Whoever was on Sup Forums when the game released could clearly see rivers of tranny tears desperately seething and raiding every thread about it.
Now that it's unstoppable success we pretend nothing happened?
Go back.
You're on Sup Forums and you believe the hyperbolic shit you read on the internet still?
no pet niggers for the sake of diversity
historical accuracy triggers ideological retards
I didn't say I believed them numbnuts I'm just saying that's what I saw
Jamal Brown
simple facts are starting to get called "hate facts" they are insane
retards that wanted to see it censored just because it didn't have blacks in it for the sake of having blacks in it call anyone who thinks that's gay and dumb Sup Forums
So what is the issue?
>just as big a bunch of retards as SJWs
You need to go back to resetera
can we include black people hanging from trees in order to meet the diversity quota?
Does the developer need to go back to resetera too? :^) What's wrong? I thought he was /your guy/
there is one thing to hate this game and that's because it's a buggy mess
Another racebait thread, amazing!
>going to resetgender
>any year
>Nobody hates this game
Sup Forums is usually cancer but you are factually wrong about that. The fact that you are that misinformed yet arrogant makes you way worse than the Sup Forumstards you are bitching about.
Not enough transfolx for SweetNicole
Go ask them, jesus, Christ.
Sup Forums is like "meh another skyrim whatever"
THEN Sup Forums starts going "wow, are these /ourdevs/???"
Basically libtards shot themselves in the foot by having a conniption over a non-issue because they can't settle their historical revisionism or politics and just enjoy things.
>nobody hates this game
It's heavily Christian, which can trigger some fedoras
game journalists are not literal whos and have actual pull in the industry
there have been several hit pieces on the game
gud gaem desu
>people sit on their ass all day searching for twitter bullshit from faggets and get buttmad
>then they post that shit in their echochamber to call other people soy so they feel better
Just imagine living this live
You can't. They'll ban you on the spot for questioning the hive mind.
The game's got glitches
I lost a shield that I'd literally just had repaired, like I entered combat, the physics bugged out for like half a second and the shield just disappeared. It seems to have just gone away completely, like I reloaded an old save and it was still gone
Haven't had any crashes yet tho
Because the head of the studio has the right idea about Gamergate.
And Gamergate is the equivalent to the holocaust in Resetera
Do you honestly think she'd have bought the game anyway?
Have you checked your horse?
>ideologically motivated retards try their hardest to shit up video games
>”its not true! liberals love the game, they didn’t push for pet niggers, a boycott and release several hit pieces”
>post screencaps showing otherwise
>”oh my god how could someone be so pathetic as to save these”
ayyyyy lmao
It was the third place I checked, after assuming I'd somehow dropped it, or it had been equipped and was in my inventory
I bought a better shield after so it wasn't really a loss
>>ideologically motivated retards try their hardest to shit up video games
Do you mean Sup Forums faggots or the lefty shitters? I can't tell.
I'm sorry your live is stuck in "vidya politics". We all gonna make it
what the fuck is resetera?
the ones that tried to ruin a game because it didn’t have pet niggers in it
Sup Forums is literally not in the equation
>a few faggets cryin on twitter
I'm gonna play some vidya casue your live choices make me depressed.
So, aside for /pol bullshit..
How's the game?
What settings are people using?
It defaults to High and I get a solid 60 atm, haven't changed anything yet.
But there were both in the 15th century.
T. Saving face soyboy.
liberal neogaf admin turned out to be a kidfucker (no surprise there)
neogaf up in arms over it
site shut down
SJW's decide to make their own website with blackjack and trannies called resetera
Literally thought-police: The website
Just posting earns you a ban
You have to constantly affirm liberal beliefs or else you're banned
If you think something isn't transphobic you're banned
sometimes you'll get banned even when you agree with a mod
these guys whine and organize boycotts about anything that isn't pushing their ideology
Oh my fucking god who the actual hell cares
Why are you even giving these people attention?
They wouldn't have played the game anyway, so who gives a shit what they think? You can't boycott something you would never buy
And honestly, all the reaction to this is just as obnoxious as the SJWs. At least you can safely ignore the SJWs who don't play games and aren't really a part of the games discussion.
If you're going to talk about the game, talk about THE GAME not about some drooling retard who hates it because muh sexism
I can't ignore your constant shitposting about politics because you never fucking shut up about it
Nobody wants to hear about yet more politics. Even the devs are tired of it
Just play the fucking game you literal mongoloid
Yeah man. Us 4channers are all beacons of intelligence and maturity
and why should I care?
A multiethnic place of white people, you idiot.
Looks like a fun game
Resetera users are emotionally and socially stunted.
kek, good luck with that faggotry
that sounds like a galactic level of retardation. thanks for the response
HAHAHAHA oh my god the salt, I'm so glad this game was a huge success
>And honestly, all the reaction to this is just as obnoxious as the SJWs.
This, seriously.
Nice reddit spacing and runt, redditfriend.
Nice cherrypicking. You conveniently forgot the part where I called the SJWs "drooling retards"
But you don't care anyway, do you? You just want to have an argument
If you're going to go on about politics, take it to Sup Forums
This board is for video games. I know that to someone as new as you it may not seem like that, but this is in fact the video game board, not the politics board
Get over yourself faggot. Double spaced type is easy to read and used across the internet
Dude sjws are dumb! Lol
>You conveniently forgot the part where I called the SJWs "drooling retards"
That's what people always say when they are pretending to be an enlightened center.
This is the best way to fight the SJW hordes without leaving your house. For the low price of $59.99 USD.
Dumb maga poster
Man, do you Reseteratards really need to come here to defend and play down your crusades. We get it, nothing that embarrassed you happened, it's all just our imagination, then if someone posts proofs of how you acted the problem is that he posted proofs after you asked for them, and so on.
Can you go back now?
15 minutes in and theres already 4
So if I disagree with you I'm a SJW
So if I agree on you about some things and disagree with you on others, I'm an SJW in disguise
And, apparently, if I agree with you fully on SJWs and how annoying and literally brainless they are but don't want to hear about politics 24/7, I'm also a disguised SJW
If I'm not fully with you literally all the time every single day of the week, I'm supposedly against you
Jesus fucking christ
bros how do we stop these nazis from taking over videogames?
>I-I'm totally not an SJW I just happen to agree with everything they say and do!
Praise the white race. White pride world wide. Racewar on 6 billion non-whites now
>is easy to read
Listen Reddit, spacing after every single line is as obnoxious a format can be.
>used across the internet
Yes, by 15 years old all over the internet. We should also use emoticons whatever is used "across the internet" according to you.
Look, it's clear that you don't belong here and that usually you post in other completely different places. Just stray there. It's not hard and it's good for you and for us.
redpill me on the cumans bro
>if I agree with you fully on SJWs and how annoying and literally brainless they are
I mean I'm like 90% sure you're baiting, but at this point calling you out on it would also mean I'm an SJW, right?
>What is literally every form of academic English ever?
>im not a retard, i just have single digit iq
>I have 0 tolerance for people who don't believe in my tinfoil hat conspiracy theory
They were Turks
What else do you need to know?
You wanted fast travel, you got fast travel
that's all I need to know
remove cumans when