I hope they get the bosses right lads
I hope they get the bosses right lads
Other urls found in this thread:
I forgot how good Spyro looked in the first game.
>Source is Kotaku
>According to Kotaku, source is "sources familiar with these projects" or something along that line
Wait for Sony or Activision to actually confirm it.
It came from the bitch who predicted fucking Mario/Rabbids.
I have a feeling it may be legit.
Alternate link
>shitty pre-Mario 64 platforming
I'm very skeptical about the quality of these remasters. There's about a 90% chance they'll fuck up the visuals and a 100% chance they'll fuck up the music. But it might lead to discussion about possible sequel being made that's more inline with the original trilogy.
Spyro was such a garbage series and I have no idea how anyone managed to enjoy it. It was barely better than Gex Enter the Gecko.
>came out two years after Mario 64
>actually believing "laura kate dale"
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
>spyro games
>game's main focus is collectables and platforming challenges
>it's not a platformer
>he didn't like the ost
really m8
You don't have to agree with transfaggotry itself to agree with whatever points or sources they pull from.
how would you feel if the remaster looked like this?
He's constantly proven himself to be full of shit either way
>platforming challenges
>most of the levels are spread out flat spaces
It's in that pre-64 style of early 3D platforming
I'm not saying I won't enjoy it but fuck they are just remaking/remastering everything. I heard something about a Medievil remake a while ago, was that true?
Remove the bloom and add more green, and I'll be satisfied
Yes, Sony published the teaser
Companies are starting to dip more into the nostalgia well
I'm not sure what you mean by that, can you elaborate?
Video games cost too much to develop now. Why risk a new IP when you can remake a guaranteed success
Thanks for answering. I know it'll probably be shit but I'm looking forward to it anyway, absolutely loved this game when I was a kid. I used to wear kitchen rubber gloves and pretend I was Sir Daniel like a fucking retard.
>inb4 sony is bringing up old ips and shit, just to make psasbr2
>even if it means giving them weak representations, but it will be less bad because most people's memories will be based off these latest installments, so noone will complain about sir dan not being based off the classic ps1 games or shit like that
>Crash Bandicoot remake
>Spyro remake
>Medieval remake
>FF7 remake
>Resident Evil 2 remake
What's still left and worthwhile form the PS1 library after those? I would love a Wipeout 2097 and Wipeout 3 remaster
>Great visuals
>Great music (made by Stewart Copeland of The Police)
>Good at capturing atmosphere in the levels/music
>Decent challenge
>Basically invented LOD
>Able to move through levels as fast or as slow as you want provided you can get good enough with charging and high jumps
It's pretty easy to see how people can like it if you look
The Tomb Raider games, but they're fun to play due to the grid based level design. No chance they'll be remade like that as it doesn't translate well into 'modern gaming'. I wouldn't want Crystal Dynamics to fucking touch those games anyway. Their attempt at remaking the first game was a disgrace.
Armored Core I & II
I was going to say I wouldn't mind a Silent Hill but then I remembered
I would like the Tomb Raider games, like anniversary for 1, I liked it a lot.
>The skyboxes
Pure kino
Pac Man World
Rayman 1
Ape Escape
Probably some others that I can't think of right now.
At this point I feel like the graphics add to the atmosphere in the PS1 TR's. You mentioned the Anniversary version of the first game and it just doesn't have the same mood at all, visually or otherwise
>no buns in a Spyro thread
The skyboxes were really cool. Is it a flat skybox or does it have actual geometry?
In all honesty this gave me goosebumps, its like the culmination of an era, the era were we stop being bullied in highschool, were we can now say: Yes, im a gamer! and i can dress as any character i like, this is the geek era and we lived to see it
Metal Gear ...oh wait
>Ape Escape
Aw shit I'd be all in for that. Then again I haven't even played 2 and 3. From what I've seen they're not quite the same though, the first game had such a great soundtrack. The same guy composed the third game but it's a totally different sound
would honestly make a PS4 an insta buy on top of a spyro remaster
>The Tomb Raider games
Wasn't Tomb Raider Anniversary a thing? Or do you meant a Tomb Raider PS1 trilogy remake?
Why on earth isn't the third game available for PS4, when the second game is
>Medieval remake
What the fuck? When?
Funny how this will actually be the second remake.
What the fuck are you even talking about bro.
Do you even know.
Best Spyro 2 Track
Probably the MGS crossover stuff
Best Spyro 3 track
Spyro's skyboxes do have geometry, the shading in the skybox is done by altering the mesh of vertices that make up the skybox and then coloring them in. I found a quick little video that's a good visual demonstration, it's someone making their own Spyro styled skybox using the same technique.
Best track in the series
If they create a sequel based on the remake, I hope we get more furry characters.
Why not remake something actually good like Jumping Flash? MediEvil is shit, too. Controls like dongs and the gameplay is garbage.
Which is also why they could have given AE a remastered trilogy rerelease
That and making the PSP port resemble the original game more and make it less bad
That's a cute cat.
I think so too.
Can you prove that it's the same person that called Mario/Rabbids? If it is, I believe them. There's no way in hell you can call shit like that and not be legitimate.
>honestly thinking they won't revive the second biggest sony name after Crash
Given how well the N.Sane Trilogy sold they'd be stupid not to. You can't count on much, but you can always count on a man to chase a quick dollar.
All this video really does is remind me I'll be more pissed if they fuck up the music than the visuals.
You shouldn't feed your cat non-meat food though. Thats bad for their health.
If it was bad back then, it could be better today.
They're all pretty great, but it's been years since I last played them so I can't really go into detail why I like them so much. I do remember some of the creatures freaking me out though, especially this fuckin thing.
I don’t think he was actually feeding his cat spaghetti
I feel like Ape Escape probably deserves some much more love than Spyro and Crash, because it's Sony's first series to use the Dualshock analog controller, yet they trashed it with spin offs and shit
Pic related or Twisted metal/car combat games in general
Please. I would do anything. I want those games to be resurrected from their awful control scheme and bad-even-by-ps1-standards graphics. I want to taze people until they burst into flames.
As a kid, I always thought of it as the generic-brand MGS/Splinter Cell, but damn it if it wasn't fun. It had a lot of soul. I want to play the fuckin Bio Lab escape level from 2 in full HD, BTFOing fags in invincible body armor with a 'Nam-era grenade launcher.
But it'll never happen. What a shame.
So what make this and crash remasters, and sotc a remake?
>"Thank you for releasing me on steam"posters got their wish.
Ain't that some shit.
Why are there so many trannies in games journalism?
Would love for this series to make a return. Only liked the first one though.
Why did Tomba 2 become such a meme here?
built from the ground up rather than just updating models and textures from the base code
So word of god?
Not 100% sure what you're referring to, but if I had to guess I would say it's because of Chibi annoying the shit out of Caveman during his Tomba 2 run.
Wasn't Crash also built from scratch?
SO nostalgic
I know what Iam going to sleep to tonight
They are pure carnivores.
You wouldn't feed a lion vegetables too.
Dogs on the other hand are omnivores. They can eat meat and non-meat stuff.
>and non-meat stuff.
Don't listen to catfag lies.
Could look pretty slick with some shaders creating additional mood. On the other hand I think Soul Reaver 2 looks too "clean". If they could manage to keep the grimy tone, it would be great. And make the blocks move faster, the block puzzles are alright but it takes so long to move them around
Alright faggots. Post your
>favorite game
>favorite level
>favorite level theme
>your waifu
I want to hug_ Elora
Spyro The Dragon
Ice Cavern
Lofty Castle
The fauns from Fracture Hills
spyro 1
all of them
i'm not a furfag
Spyro the Dragon
Tree Tops
Wizard Peak
I know it wasn't nearly popular enough for it to be remade, but goddamn it would be great game, if treated right.
*blocks ur path*
It's surprising how such a simple game with so-so graphics can be so decent and much better than any current AAA title.
This shit isn't even that hard. I recommend everyone go back and play these games. The only hard challenges are the dinosaur eggs and the crystal popcorn.
I've never seen a fan mock up of HD Spyro that looks remotely good compared to the originals, I know real devs are going to be a million times better at it than fans but it still makes me a bit apprehensive about the remake
Didn't the bosses all spend the whole fight running away?
You. I like you.