Is this you?
Is this you?
Do not be afraid of other anons bullying her forehead. Every other girls has terrible personality flaws while Haru's only flaw is her kissable forehead. Love Haru openly.
kawakami's better
This is me.
my main man
twin lolis suck dude
it's all about lavenza
I love Fuuka!
My Nigger
Unquestionably Makoto for me
my soyim
No. I'll actually say "Haru"
This, pretty much.
its shit.
lol I saw this on /r/Sup Forums too :)
good taste
This is me.
I don't get it. Is the middle panel supposed to be a girl you don't like?
I'm tired of these jokes about my giant forehead. The first such incident occured in 1956 when...
>Blue Mary
I fucking love KoF girls.
I'm not exactly complaining but whats with everyone ignoring GR15 lately?
Mods don't exist on Sup Forums anymore
>asks in 2018
>dies in 2017
Too bad she doesn't love you back
Oof, why would you do this to me user?
user are you dense? He was remembering when she asked him.
Thanks for letting me know!
Glad I could help man. Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards solving it.
Thanks for the Template user.
You do know she is not real, right?
Me too user.
She is, in Gensokyo!
Get help, user. This is not healthy.
Stop ruining that anons dream.
I don't see how being happy is unhealthy!
no this is me
I agree with these fine lads, muscle/fit girls are the best
Is she pooping?
hyperscat to be precise
That's kinda hot
This is me
Ah shit you already posted it.
Good man
Should edit the girl at top to have a big fivehead.
Go away you manchild
and steamy...
>implying "fit girls" is an embarrassing preference that you wouldn't want to publicly admit
Delusions like that are not healthy. man. Seriously, talk to a professional.
I love you, user!
kill yourself newfaggot
too close to home, user
I'm doing fine, thanks!
I love Reisenanon!
You shouldn’t encourage women to live so unhealthily
Yeah maybe I shouldn't.
It is impossible for a woman to have a body that chiseled AND breasts that big
You’ll just lose them
3D is NOT important
My GF does. It’s called being healthy and having big boobs
No, I’m not posting pictures.
harufags are quite vocal though
>not posting pictures
I don’t want one of you psychos potentially hunting me down. I ain’t Gavin Free
honestly I probably would have, but just know its only out of jealousy.
Exactly like Gavin Free
If anyone ever asked me about Persona I would never interact with them again.
"M-my girlfriend has that!" Sure, fatty. Go jack off to some hentai.
literally who?