How the hell was this brought to the west?
It was the west.
That's it.
The rise of ironic weebs normalfags.
It's a really fun game
hahaha, fucking weebs am iright my freind with gyud taste XD
But I love games from both of those sides? What does that make me?
>Gravity Rush 2
Is the PC Port really as shit as people are saying? why do japanese developers shit up PC ports so much? or maybe they're hiring 3rd parties to port the game because they don't give a damn.
Who the fuck is this guy?
>xenoblade on the left
>kingdom hearts on the right
It's shit
One of the boss fights crashes the game and make it impossible to get an especific ending
It's not been fixed to this day, but some guy found a way to """solve it"""
Man, Gal Gun 2 was a disappointment. The PC version is piss easy because the game was built with slow analog sticks in mind, but also it's a shit tier PC port. The game itself is just dull and MAYBE only good if you want to do all the endings, but the moment to moment gameplay is dull and the fanservice isn't even worth it. It's a waste of space ironic weeb game that will be along the sides of Neptunia.
>a hat in time
a soyboy something something faggot, obviously. are you happy now?
I feel personally attacked.
Ironic weebs are just posers or banwagoners. They don't even like the content.
What if I like all those games on the left side?
What does the word weeaboo even mean anymore?
Ironic weeb detected.
Then you like all the games on the left side. That's it. As long as you aren't a fucking poser who has 0 self awareness and talks about anime and shit all the time.
Nothing just like the word gamer.
''dood im like such a gamer xD played skyrim for 2 hours lmao''
''dood im like such a weeb xD watched my second anime on Netflix lmao #waifulife''
Not really big picture I haven't been happy in 19 years.
I love Lost Pause! :D
Oh no! I'm Smug Ironic Cringe Edgy, and I 100%ed Huniepop!
fucking learn what ironic means FFS
there IS a current trend where you are a funny guy if you are a self aware weeb and admit watching/playing stereotypical weeb stuff and use overused weeb memes, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the word "ironic".
>Kemono Friends, Senran Kagura, Potepipic, Fire emblem
t. ironic ironyposter
Fuck off Lost Pause.
Ironic weeb is the same as "I'm such a gamer! lmao xD"
I'm such a 4channer! lmao xD
I'm even 4channing right now you guys Cx
>NANI!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? XDDD
>I watch RWBY its da best animeme in da world xDDD
>Gomenasorry ;_; xDD lol im so japanese xDD
>Ore wa mo shinderou xDDD lol atatatatatata
>I wanna buy a million dakimuras like Melonpan he is so funny xDDDD
>I made doo doo *braaaap* in my pantsu
>Can't wait for the new season full of xDD animemes
>Ravioli Ravioli don't lewd the dragon loli xDDDD
>Traps aren't gay xDDDD no homo balls didn't touch xDDD
>I wish Steam would sell more visual novels xDDD Doki Doki Fuckmybutt was the best visual novel of all times it was also my first one xDDD I wuv Monika xDDD :D ^^ :3c
I fucking hope the government puts these retards in re-education camps or something and if everything fails just dig a hole in the ground, shoot them in the back of the fucking head and dump them in it.
They're just a waste of oxygen and resources.
This but unironically
>Trap and futa faggot
>prefers Monika to Natsuki
no because "ironic" doesn't mean that
call them casual weebs or tryhard weebs or whatever else. These people still admit that they enjoy the weeb stuff they watch/play, there is nothing "ironic" about that.
>dude ironic weebs don't exist!
t. ironic weeb
What I noticed was that most of them don't really even play Japanese games. They just buy a game to post some meme review. Most of their played games are always Dota 2, CSGO, PUBG, TF2 and other popular games.
I like games from both sides. I will dub this combo, the "Good taste actual non-ironic weeb"
It is I, nu-ironic weeb normalfag neo Sup Forums user. I get all my epic animeme image on my facebook and love to participate in animeme chat where I spam my favorite epic animeme emote vohiyo with the rest of my otaku weeb twitch friends.
Im the biggest weeb ever having seen 20 anime such as master piece like re:zero and attack on titan. I have about 248 animeme waifus and have real weeb gf that i met in a epic anime convention who also love le epic animeme.
Oh you mean like casual normalfags and tryhard normalfags - the people who honestly "wish they could be normal" and who massively overrate having a gf?
Got it.
Jojo is hard to explain to normals, so how is it "ironic weeb"
Go back to /r/eddit.
Best anime emote is TriHard you casual.
Why not just call them the good old normalfags? Much like the ''gamer'' type of people these shitters are obnoxious and annoying.
>kingdom hearts ii
>Ys Seven
>good taste
Gal Gun is actually a fun game, by the way.
this has nothing to do with the typical people who watch shit like or post similar overused memes
they are pretty much always proud of their weebness, and try to look like the funny guys for being self aware and also making fun of themselves
he's so right! anime should be accessible to anyone. FUCK elitists >:(((
Good thing Netflix signed a few contracts with Jap anime studios. I can't wait to bingewatch some anime with my gf ;)
How? Jojo is one if not the biggest normalfags most loved anime.
did someone say...JOJO?!
i love being a weeb
yea lol same bro :D
is it bad to have a gf and multiple waifus tho?!?!?!??!?!?!? srly anime waifus are so hot..............................................
they only like the memes, they probably think the art is "gay xD like traps". Probably animeonly too.
Guys did you know that 100% of all normalfags breathe air?
Fucking ironic homosapiens.
I seriously hope you don't do this.
this shit, combined with the upcoming olympics will be the deathblow, western intervention and moral outrage will outright kill it all.
fuck i hate this.
>t. buttblasted ironic weeb
>calling yourself a weeb
Literally normalfag ''im such a gamer loool'' tier retard.
Jinan I an ironic weeb?
Because I like things you don't like?
Back in my day copypasta meant something
both are total faggots
Ready for animegate?
>was a disappointment
It's already out? Neat. How does it compare to the first game? Anyone?
Yeah, I'm not excited for it either. Why can't they just fucking leave them alone? Why does the west always want to ruin everything?
>Netflix wasn’t kidding when it told the world it was coming for anime. The company just announced a brand-new business alliance with several top animation studios in Japan.
>Streaming service Netflix announced a comprehensive business alliance with anime studios Production I.G and BONES on Wednesday. With this tie-up, Netflix will co-produce anime episodes from the studios and stream them in 190 countries.
who cares, the tru otaku fuckers are already managing to learn japanese and leaving the ironic weebs in the dust. they've long surpassed them already and the ironic weebs can get shitty vita games while the non-EOP patrician plays Rance X.
This is just the weird way people on reddit interact because of the karma system. Everything is safe and focused on the best way to get upvotes.
I can't stand that anime is so fucking mainstream now.
>tru otaku like us
Shut up you fuckin' nerd we run this now
gomenasai these nuts
I bought it on PC for 8 dolllary doos during a sale but that was before i knew the port was shitty. how bad did i fuck up?
literally this
it's just used to refer to somebody that likes something from japan
"ironic weeb" has replaced its original usage for some reason
Does buying manga make you a ironic weeb?
USA can't make animation anymore, only Disney and top corporations allowed, Bakshi bless his soul is an old man and is ready to die at any moment, no more from him.
creatively bankrupt they latch onto anything unique and made with passion, and seek to destroy it.
Normalfags ruined video games culture and now are doing the same to anime.
Is there anything the fucking west won't ruin?
>More and more ironic weebs and normalfags getting into anime
>Netflix trying to get into the anime industry
>Nintendo 1st party games to get global releases (like XC2) and are at risk of getting censored internally if Treehouse or whoever else is overlooking the project tells devs to change it
>Olympics coming up and people from the west are hoping that Japan finally bans doujins and other otaku shit
>Japs already trying to clean up and hide some of that stuff
Sup Forums btfo like usual
Look, if Video Games are still violent even after all the bullshit that's happened throughout history, what the hell makes you think for a second people are just going to let a bunch of morally uptight dickheads come along and ruin absolutely everything, and dictate who should do what? It never ends well, and people never learn.
Aren't they only going after people who still have actual Child Porn on them, though?
>USA can't make animation anymore
Reddit and Morty love it or hate it was a hit though. The simpsons is still long running and so is family goy and amerifat dad. Cartoon network is still introducing new cartoons too (though i wish they'd stop with the Teen Titans Go spam holy fucking shit)
Because it's good
I loved how during the opening ceremony for Winter Olympics this year the Korean guy who made a speech just wished everyone luck and all that, then the French fag came up on the stage and started talking about diversity, equality. Then they started to sing a song about no borders, no religion and all that. For Christ's sake why is the west so cancerous?
>atelier series not on the right
I see you are a "man" lacking in taste and sophistication. Perhaps "brute" would be more fitting.
sauce? asking for ironic weeb friend
wait so are we arguing the op who posted the image is a sjw feminist who doesnt understand loli/anime? or a normie pretending to like loli/anime?
help me neo Sup Forums
it's a fagy r*ddit term
>posts boku no meme as a response
user, i've got bad news for you.
I think so. I've seen people saying they banned something else as well and shut down a few shops, but I'm guessing they were just shitposting.