Post female characters who are canonical mothers

Post female characters who are canonical mothers.

Jesus Christ look at those tits, I would spend my whole day just sucking them.

>has your baby
>throw it away and has another one with another man

Came to this thread just to say this.


Anorexia is a DISEASE.

your mom

Did you mean toes? Who cares about boobs


How did you know?!

STICC girls are hot


from Skullgirls, both of them


also from Skullgirls


Indivisible rpg

>everyone in the world had to be born from a woman
>every person's mother had to take semen in her cooch to create you
>if you weren't a c-section, you had to slide through your moms pussy where dicks and jizz have probably been

So exactly how big is Hell's army, in the billions?
Did she birth billions?

Delia Ketchum (Ash's mom)

sup /lzg/


Skyrim. recruit-able vanilla follower. You can marry her daughter.


Stop posting this it makes me uncomfortable

sup Sup Forums

>mfw i was a c section birth
>mfw im also a virgin
I have never been in contact with a vagina in my life even once.

Two kids


she is god's gift

have you considered dating boys?

Good god that would turn me into Oedipus.Would having sex with your mom really be so bad if she looks like that?

No. Penises aside from my own are disgusting.

what if I tuck mine between my legs?



I-I'm afraid I'll have to pass on your offer.

fuck what a hot design

people who actually want to have sex instead of being laughed at

That's an aurora unit you mongoloid

okay user, I was just trying to help you unload that bothersome virginity.
I swallow.

Shit user, now I have to fap.


this is a vidya milf thread, if you're gonna erp at least attach some milfs with your posts.


>c section birth
>c section
You were never born, user. You were surgically removed.


Fucking hardcore



That’s not Jun... that’s some thot

Just say MILFs OP. No shame in doing so.

Can you please surgically remove me from this existence?

ken's wife (from street fighter)


how about this?

Mothers look like THAT?!

>Reminder that she gave it to her dad to raise responsibly thanks to the other man, and it would otherwise have been killed
>Reminder that Kilik abandoned her causing the whole mess
Xianghua did nothing wrong, Yan Wujin is based, and Kilik is a piece of shit

They look like this too.


At first I thought you were joking but then I realized I haven't played SCV. wtf happened between these two.
Why did he leave her. Who was the other man.



I fucking love Raita so much.

She's certainly grown from what I remember she looked like. Who knew motherhood could make your tits and ass three time bigger?

>Surrendering to his destiny, he had decided to interfere in the battle of the source of evil, Soul Edge, and the spirit sword, Soul Calibur, to find a way to stop them. It is a harsh path; one where he must abandon all. He lamented it for the young woman who loved him dearly, Xianghua. She had accepted Kilik and his terrible fate entirely, embracing him, wanting to be together no matter what...
>"It's because you have accepted me, that I can live with my destiny."
>Before the stroke of dawn, there was no longer any remaining trace of Kilik. To atone for his own crimes, he will protect the world of his beloved. These were all events at the end of the 16th Century.

As for Xianghua, she was pregnant with Kilik's child, which with no father there would be a disgrace on the family, and X's grandfather decides to both kill the child once born and force X into an arranged marriage.
X was lucky enough that the Ming general Yan Wujin who the arranged marriage was supposed to be with was a former tutor of hers in the way of the sword and a personal friend, and he forced X's grandpa to let the kid live as a requirement for the marriage to happen.
Her and Kilik's kid(Xiba) was given to Kong Xiuqiang(Xianghua's estranged father) to raise, and she mothers Leixia with Yan Wujin.

She was still a growing girl in VC1.


In this artwork Sophitia has the face of sarah Michelle Gellar.

Nothing wrong with that.

Not anymore.

A healthy mother of... how many there were again?
>ywn racemix with this qt

Oh, ok. Still dumb for Kilik to just up and leave. Like why was he even going after the swords to begin with when he already had a decent life.

Blame the writers. I don't know what genius came up with that storyline after those two spent five fucking games building up their relationship.

oh shit X is a milf now

but shes still gonna do all that dumb cutesy idol shit in SC6?

Lusamom is best mom.

6 is a reboot.

That's for the best. Though judging from Groh they're going to fuck it up anyway.

Blame whoever wrote the bio for IV, it was leading up to Kilik abandoning her anyway:
>After finishing his training, Kilik realized that Soul Calibur was an entity that was no different from Soul Edge. Their powers had to be balanced so they could eliminate each other.
>He and Xianghua had been traveling together for quite some time. He knew that she had feelings for him, as he had feelings for her, but he could not return them because she looked almost exactly like Xianglian, the woman whom he looked up to as an older sister. Every time Xianghua smiled at him, he was reminded of the fact that he murdered Xianglian with his own two hands.
>As the two of them got nearer to the cursed city of Ostrheinsburg, Kilik planned on leaving Xianghua when the time was right. He convinced himself that he must bring balance between the two swords.