Obsidian on suicide watch

>Vavra mentioned that Josh Sawyer, author of Fallout series, said that if they succeed he is leaving his job and founding studio of his own.

Their main designer and executive is about to leave the sinking ship.

How can one man be so...

How fucking scared is Todd right now?

source for this shit op?

Hope he does. Sawyer did some cool things in the past and he might do them again if he was free of his corporate masters.

Succeed at what? Who succeeds?




>falling for awful bait

He is dead inside


its from one of his interviews, faggot.


post source

Source would be nice.

This has to be the best fucking Todd I have ever seen. Mind if I save it?


she actually deserves the worst in life

When he's right, he's right. Niggers and trannies never improved anything.

What is dead may never die.





Black folks where I grew up made the only food that had flavor.


Is that his fat girlfriend in the back?

thats not true, some sports have improved greatly thanks to niggers
im with you on the trannies, those scum degenerates should all die and save us the problem of dealing with their sickness

czech slav, no jews here

i know what you mean

Are there any more pictures of his wife?