Sweden has 4 AAA studios with unlimited american/british funding

>Sweden has 4 AAA studios with unlimited american/british funding
>A bunch of drunk slavs with 300k made a better game than those triple digits multi million dollar games

>niggers get to lick cunny
>you can't


>yfw you are not brown and muslim to get white lolis

>Sup Forums bait image
fuck off and go back retard

How is it a bait image?

This wasn't rape. She just wanted to get gangbanged by brown men.

She shit quality make this picture creepy as fuck.

What is that position in the bottom corner pic?

>Tfw black
>Never got to lick cunny
>Only got diddled by some teenaged cunt in 1st grade
Fuck everything.

man i though the sweden are beyond salvation was a meme but damn

but that's ilegal

No one gets away with rape in sweden retard.

why are white women such sluts lads?

Is this one of 50 r/incel threads? Do you ever get tired of this?

baby boomers

It wasn't rape, just a gangbang of a Swedish slut.

Anything that might portray brown people in a negative light is a bait image.

What studios are those?

so it's true then , the purest form of love is when you are a kid , the more older you get the more corrupted you become fuck this gay earth i never a had a gf back in my teens

This, no one gets away without their community service

nordic lolis were made to satisfy brown needs

Who said anything about a negative image? Sounds like you're just a racist that assumes anything with a black person in it must be bad.

>post some Sup Forums bait
>has nothing to do with video games
>"h-how is this bait???"

because we let them

they start young

If you missed out on teenage love you missed out on love period.

g-go on...

epic source.


Yes user, I'm sure you want to hear all about some little niglet getting his pinky-sized prick sucked by some ugly ghetto cunt.

You allowed this to happen
Now you can't complain

muh dick i need sauce now.

how powerful is bbc

Man I love this webm

Slavs always make great games if the devs can stay sober long enough

This is bullshit but I believe it.

Loli slut are nice.