Gamer Fuel Thread

What helps Sup Forums get through a hardcore gaming session? Pic related keeps me going for hours.



cunny is my gamer fuel

I still don't understand this shitty meme

top kek

it turns you into a girl

mirin that protein to calories ratio

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What's the point of this thread?

soy lowers your test levels

No, it doesn't. Plant estrogens don't impact humans. You'd need to drink gallons a day for a prolonged period of time for it to have an impact. Has no one here graduated high school?

dank memes

whats wrong with that?

Wait, if plant estrogens don't impact humans, how do gallons a day for a prolonged period have an effect?

I remember years before this soyposting was a thing on here there was an user bragging about drinking these as a meal replacer because he didn't have to cook. I wonder how big his tits are these days.

The same way taking 2 Tylenol is fine but taking 50 kills you

Why would you name your product after one from a film that was stealth cannibalism?

wow so true. Real men drink real cow's milk full of yummy female cow estrogen hormones

>Has no one here graduated high school?

Yes, and it would be stupid to claim "Tylenon doesn't impact humans" in the same way