I may just be a peasant from Skalitz, but at least I will never be a lowly, ungodly creature such as yourself; a Jew

>I may just be a peasant from Skalitz, but at least I will never be a lowly, ungodly creature such as yourself; a Jew.
Jesus Christ Vavra

vavra is genetically jewish though

Are there any quests about jews poisoning wells or kidnapping children to eat them?

not that far in yet. I wonder if Jews lay eggs in this game like IRL

He is the good, somewhat self-hating on his heritage, kind (if there is something as a good Jew)

it's just the diaspora ashkenazim who are the evil kind. Israeli are pretty based, considering the walled off nuke deterrent ethnostate and all

>Sup Forums hates Sup Forums
>Sup Forums will hate people for Sup Forums reasons if they disagree with them politically.

>The filthy Jews are coming! Run, my son! Get my swo-- ARGH!
Jesus Christ, did they hire Raimi to write this game?

>I'm something of Cuman afficionado myself
he knew all along...

>not that far in yet. I wonder if Jews lay eggs in this game like IRL
I thought that was just chinks. Aren't jews neanderthals and niggers are homo erectus?

unironically yes. asians are homo denisovan and caucasoids are cro-magnon

It was a different time

>(if there is something as a good Jew)
There is. Incredibly rare though.

takes place after the black plague so no

As rare as the Deepwater Jew?

>Sup Forumstards crossboarding on Sup Forums will hate people for Sup Forums reasons if they disagree with them politically.

It's in their blood

Unironically love this game.

ever listened to his interviews? Hitler would be uncomfortable around this guy

>it's just the diaspora ashkenazim who are the evil kind. Israeli are pretty based, considering the walled off nuke deterrent ethnostate and all
el ogro sirviente de judea....

did they fix the frame rate yet?

every board on Sup Forums hates each other but we are united in hatred of SJWs and roasties

Sup Forums here, they're too busy calling each other 'el goblino...' due to the diverse school shooter. tiresome desu

ahh i see Sup Forums is visiting and brought some classic memes

Can't even go there during these big events anymore. Draws in so many shitposters, shills, journalists looking for scare-content, it's absurd.

>take 23andMe genetic test
>1% Ashkenazi ancestry
>allowed to say you're a Jew and therefore have the high ground to say whatever the fuck you want


all Sup Forumsposting on Sup Forums is just /vtards who go to Sup Forums and bring back le epik memes

Sup Forums doesn't even give a shit about this game. it's been talking about the le 56% school shooter for the past 2 days.

yeah some retard thought it'd be funny if he told the MSM Cruz was a white nationalist.
Hilarity ensues.

>I have to go bury my parents! I won't just leave them out there to be food for dogs, or kikes!

I thought that was a little over the line.

>Can't even go there during these big events anymore.

What? That's the best time to go to Sup Forums.

he doesn't even bury them after all that shit you go through to do it.
Henry's such a lovable idiot with his silly slav face

Henry is unironically the only guy i consider cute

His waifu said she did it, though, so it still counts... kind of...

is it possible to stop those 3 rapists?

Oh yeah, ourboi Bobby. Such a based genius.


happenings are the only good thing on Sup Forums anymore. i miss pre GG when you could actually discuss shit there.


it's overrun with bots and frothing leftards/shitposting australians

Yeah, all you have to do is stab one in the back and they'll all join in on the chase for you; mentioning this to the lady in the neighbouring town gets you cool points.

> genetically Jewish

So if my 100% Chinese grandmother converted to Judaism before I was born, you could identify this via genetic testing?

This is why nobody likes Jews. Their religion is a fucking joke. Arabs and Central Europeans who are to special snowflake to admit they are Arab or Central European.

they're basically towelheads who roamed around europe and failed to integrade despite racemixing

It won't save him from the rope though.

The happening threads were the best about early Sup Forums, especially when they got posted before it was on TV.
Now every non-issue is declared a happening.

I post there sporadically because some of those threads get to you. It can't be healthy to rage passively on a daily basis

now imagine being a swede, leaf or a bong

Just use you horse whistle by them and they stop

I did the first time, and then died on the horse ride. I whistled the second time to catch their attention and that works

You can also shout "NEVER SHOULD OF COME HERE I YIELD I YIELD" and run away, and it still counts.

i just thought the OP sword would be enough and got BTFO promptly, didn't try again

Does her getting raped change the dialogue options later when courting her?

>first death I accidentally held e instead of pressing e when stealing the drunkard's shit, die in jail
>second death get promptly owned trying to 1v3 the rapists
>3rd death I get stuck full of arrows during the horse chase
And that's not even halfway through the tutorial. When they said "no hand holding", they weren't kidding.

ape victims have baggage no thx

Thanks user.

So how do you deal with multiple enemies at once?

Sup Forums really destroyed Sup Forums
Love them for it

Stop pointing this out every thread, you are ruining Sup Forums's joke.

Sup Forums memes are objectively the best memes

is this the Dark Souls of eurojank RPG?

If you court her all you do is fug in a barn and then never have to see her again

you gadda be ona yo hat

Run away

I miss old Sup Forums
Sup Forumstards are really annoying there nowadays

burgers start going on tirades how the US is superior. it's easy to spot one in the wild, desu

School shootings are so common in America they are no longer happenings.

Yeah, I can never see a proper strategy and always get overwhelmed; guess it's like real life.

You unironically git gud


Until they fix bows, sword and shield ain't cutting it.

Run away.
Sneak back in the middle of the night.
Cut their throats.

seeing how there's no rabid neofaggots ITT, what's the verdict? kinojank?

It's comfykino. But the god damn bugs and glitches really make it hard to enjoy sometimes.

I'm still in the tutorial, but I've been enjoying it quite a lot.
And the story is surprisingly interesting, as are the codex entries.
I haven't wrapped my head around combat yet though.

25 hours put into it so far, and the only mention of jews has been in a codex. I've seen absolutely no mention of them anywhere else beside in the codex as a "does exist" type of thing

>Peter, I only have one thing to ask of you...
>Peter... Tell the police that the man who shot me...
>Tell them he was b-black...
Raimi is definitively the Citizen Kane of directors

Sup Forums doesn't just control Sup Forums
it controls the internet.

Sup Forums is just a bunch of misguided kids for the most part.

mods will make the game GOTY of all time

As it stands; pretty dank

Side note, in the beginning, eat from the pot to fill your hunger and instead take the food into town and sell it at the general store, you can afford 10 charcoal and the ale without even talking to kunesh, and then spend the rest on dice. I don't know whether you still have to beat up kunesh, since I'd already mugged him before I realized that cheese sells for 3x what the tools do

I just punched one in the back of the head and ran and it worked.

Do you get to pick your face in this game, or is it preset?

>every thread on Sup Forums screams HURR SLAVS AREN'T WHITE, HITLER WAS RIGHT DURR
>czechs make a game that isn't completely cucked like everything in the west
>suddenly on Sup Forums: WARHORSE ARE /OURGUYS/ DURR
lol k

it's preset, that's the protag. he's a cute

I think you mean highly-enlightened free-thinking political theorists.

it's just bantz bro.

>go to Sup Forums
>search "kingdom"
>no results


they're being raided right now, try searching 'gun'

>35 threads

>"And they made a Nigger into a Priest."

Good lord someone call Anita right away

Will that being up threads about this game, that Sup Forums is supposed to be obsessed with, despite not having a single thread about it?

Are there any gloves that aren't clipping through the arm protection thingies?

nah ust saying, they have a thread about it here and there

Sup Forums is primarily a news board, so right now its dedicated to europeans calling the recent school shooter an amerimutt and people discussing gun bans

who control you

Given how the fucking Prologue makes it a point to kick the snot out of you, it seems like a good option to do something less dangerous as soon you get through it, such as learning how to read.

I'm not saying they're ill willed or have bad intentions, it's just that their efforts would be much better spent on accruing wealth and actually getting into politics to get real things done, and I'm talking about the actually eloquent minority of that board.

He looks painfuly average

hunting mission with hans was bro-tier

It's the flags. Everything was better before the fucking country flags. Every board with country flags devolves into Sup Forums shitposting. Just look at Sup Forums.

Yes and I've not only saved her, but also slaughtered all of the rapists. Now you might ask how I did this since if you got into an extended fight with these guys you realize that a small army of rapists shows up to kick your shit in. Well I'll tell you how I slaughtered the 3 rapists and their horny rape gang.

MotherFUCKING horses. Let me break it down for you brainlets:
Step 1 - Slash rapist on the back
Step 2 - Run and get on horse
Step 3 - Gallop motherfucker

it's alright on paul, the memeflags suck, though.

It's a good game if you aren't a casual shitter baby.