How would you revive the Klonoa series

How would you revive the Klonoa series

I wouldn't. It would never live up to hopes and would ultimately disappoint. It's best to leave things In the past, good or bad.

Very carefully


fuck you for showing me that

You’re welcome

With my pants around my ankles.

Oh no, you don't want that.
Oh sure, it'll look like the Klonoa series you knew. It will seem a bit off at first and you'll brush it off as nothing. Only when it's too late though will you realize that you're not playing Klonoa, the dark publisher that brought it back replaced what it was with something wrong.
It's best to leave the dead just as they are, no matter how much it hurts.

just port the old games and make them look clean instead of pixalated, then they wont sell, but at least we will have it on pc so it would be there to play.

I can think of a few ways.

Or perhaps he’s wondering why you would try to revive a series that’s already had a failed revival thrown out of a plane

All good things must come to an end user.

Remove furries

They should've made a game on the DS/3DS instead of the Wii

Stop bullying the wii remake right now!

Put him in Project X Zone 3, then in Smash, Lunatia's Vale remake for Playstation and Switch, Hero's remake for 3DS. New 2D game for 3DS then new game for Switch.


For you


make new game
use this design

Klonoa is trash, let's get more Bomberman back

is that a turtleneck?

kys yourself my man
10 years since loss


Bomberman doesn’t have a compelling story and isn’t as cute


it has compelling _____gameplay though


Do you have the full? i lost it sometime ago.