How does he make a living?
How does he make a living?
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He gets paid by alot the headline making cases from tv stars and the like but for the ones he does do pro bono the publicity pays for itself. He probably does alot of consultant work between games to set up panchiko parlors.
He whores out Trucy
How is he not fucking rich, he defended a famous prosecutor, a TV star, chief prosecutor, a circus star, a master thief and I forgot who else, against all odds. He is a fucking star in the world of law and he lives like a poorfag on instant noodles.
Trucy makes all the money with her magic panties
He has to remain an underdog, otherwise he stops being the hero. So he has to stay poor.
Wasn't he making more money than he ever made as an attorney during that phase of his life thanks to his poker winnings?
Didn’t they say those weren’t for money
Larry pays him tons in exchange for helping him cover up the deaths of all those women he murdered.
He's a lawyer. He does more cases than just the one you play through.
He owns an office in what I'm going to assume is downtown tokyo. And has to feed the cousins fey. For fun lets run down every case in the AA trilogy and see how many times he worked pro bono.
Larry butz - Eh maybe he got cut a deal and is only had to pay like 10k over time maybe even half that. But I doubt he didn't pay ANYTHING even to his friend
Maya fey and himself - Clearly pro bono
Will powers - Obviously got paid alot for such a high profile case, lets say 40k? Well nick's living expenses for the year should be covered
Miles Edgeworth - Difficult to say, but lets toss in 25k considering he can pay for it but he's obviously a friend,if nothing else edgeworth paid him out of respect even if he didn't want to be represented in the first place.
Lana Skye - Bit of a circumstantial case where Nick felt he had to do the "right" thing so its not like he can gouge this detective, I'd say 17k.
Ok so at the end of year one nick is making about 7k a year before taxes, which honestly even for inheriting a practice is pretty solid. Ok year 2
Maggie Bryd - Yeah I really don't see maggie being able to actually pay more than 10k over time so lets give her the buttz discount
Maya fey again - Pro bono
Max Galatica - Funny how he keeps getting these big profile cases after helping out a young kid right? Anyways Max while a headline preformer isn't tv star rich so let's give him a sensible 20k rate.
Matt engarde - Lost this case so...nothing
So for year two he only made about 2k a month. Yikes, I can see why he breaks out the ramen noodles at this point if he is constantly representing either himself or his assistant.
Speaking of year 3!
Ron De Lite - His hot wife is fucking loaded so lets be generious and say he made 35K on this case.
Maggie byrde, again - Jesus again maggie? Lets give her another 10k I mean as bad as nick has it maggie has it the worst.
Iris - 25 year old lit major, who is connected to the fey clan? Give her the buttz discount
I bet Maya's butt hole taste like hamburgers
>2k yen a month
So $2 a month then
Keep in mind that while real cases take months or years AA cases, including investigation, interviews, etc. are over in less than a week.
So in total by year three he made around 55k before taxes or 4k a month, not BAD but not good either. He might take maya out for hamburgers at the end of every month like that.
In summary if we assume Nick makes whatever we see him do in the games it means he easily handled taking in two children early on but is under strain after they start eating him out of house and home. Financially he is stable but I'd put him at the middle, lower middle class.
I meant in US Japanifornia dollars I'm not translating that shit into yen.
But also canonically the games take place from 2016 to 2019. the matt engarde trial is gonna happen next month! Also rip The Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo
Doesn't he take care of some small non-murder cases offscreen?
He's only lost like one and a half cases the dude's probably loaded.
He has enough cash to take everyone out for a night out after every case.
>Matt engarde - Lost this case so...nothing
that's now how any legal system in a first world country works
Well this is the PW legal code we are talking about
you have 3 days to prove that
Japanifornia's laws allow to not get paid for shitty service. also Maya was in hostage situation.
He is a mosquito with a briefcase, ofcourse he is earning good money.
Of course Godot is shitposting on Sup Forums, he can't see the red boards.
You forgot that the game doesn't show the boring cases he does.
Was she best girl ?
>AA's legal system is literally "guilty until proven innocent"
He only does murder cases. It wasn't until 3-2 that he took a case that didn't involve someone's death.
Will Powers probably gave him a large sum since he was a star
Yes because she was only doing what she thought was best for her papa
I think Apollo earnestly saying to the Khurain folks in AA6 how Japanifornia's courts do things correctly might be the biggest load of bullshit in a single line ever stated in this entire series.
Is this Conflict Of Interest or whatever the fuck the fan game is called? I keep forgetting to play this
It's from a fancase called Turnabout Eldorado, separate from the two known fangames Conflict of Interest and Contempt of Court. So far great case
Written by the talented writer , and known liberal, DwaM
Too bad he's liberal, but didn't know it. Anyway I'm enjoying it and I'm leaving this thread before getting spoiled, we never know. AA fanbase is great for this
Are there any other good fancases?
Other than the two fangames Contempt of Court and Conflict of Interest playable in PyWright, you may want to go on aaonline, a site in which people can make cases via a online case editor to play them online in Firefox.
There are good ideas/cases that you can find there, such as :
-Angela Light, Ace Attorney (despite the "independent strong woman" and Tumblr-vibe the MC gives). There is the first case that is complete and the second is still in construction. Made by gamer2002
-Anything made by DwAM
For any Frenchfags or people who can understand frog language :
The Feather of Crime, a truly kino experience made by Radian.
I forgot the link anyway here it is. There are sections based on your language
Is there a way to play the fan games on a DS with a flashcart?
Unfortunately, not. There was a way to play the PyWright games on Android but if you're above marshmallow/6.0 don't expect PyWright to work. There was also a fuck load of issues with music not playing or sudden crashes... and since the guy working on the Android version is not active in the AA community anymore, you'd have to say goodbye to the comfy experience of enjoying them on portable. (unless if you have a tablet/computer or something)
This. Of course he'd be fucking rich and all over the news, but it's vidya games man. I got tired of his shit in AA5 and 6, making him a star attorney would've been more interesting than the nostalgia bait he ended up as.
>all these random, arbitrary numbers
>no one is saying anything about them
We can have this conversation just by establishing whether he was paid at all desu
People payed to play against him, but there was no money involved in the actual game
Then he "cheated", completely ruined his reputation, started drinking, lost his home, and spent 5 years gambling with russians
I forgot to say that it's however possible to play the aaonline cases if you use Puffin Browser/Flashfox browser on android but it would be better to play them on PC to avoid any issue
This too.
And carried on the nostalgia bait with an undeveloped Maya in aa6. For shane
Cyka blyat Idi Nahui rash b
Evidently he is a star attorney now as of AA5, but somehow that isn't translating into money for the guy
He's clearly portrayed as a star attorney in those games, though. In AA5 in that law school case, the teacher calls him the "famous" Phoenix Wright among other things.
>unless you're obviously the guilty one
Or all the money he earns is spend on his daughter's panties.
Mai spends all his money on hamburgers.
what's wrong with instant noodles?
There's also, ya know. Attorney Online, where people are constantly making up bullshit cases with like, thousands of characters and songs and shit for just such the occasion.
There's even a Sup Forums server.
Maya, I need some fucking sleep.
Fuck off gumshoe you got kicked out of the franchise
He'll be back in AA8 with his wife and daughter.
Who ever said he was a poorfag?
he cleans toilets
Not anymore. He has two assistants to do that.
One now, and it doesn't seem like Phoenix has Trucy do it either. He doted on Athena a lot back in AA5 but she's old and busted now.
To be fair, this is delusion caused by the culture.
>no way to play ao cases on a 3ds/ds
If I had a gpd win it might be worth checking out buuut nah