Xenoblade or Senran Kagura?
Xenoblade or Senran Kagura?
Xenoblade>Senran Kagura
Senran Kagura is still fun though.
I wonder if it hurts the hardcore Xenofags inside to know that their franchise is now on the same level as a low budget titty ninja waifu simulator.
I've kind of accepted since the first Xenoblade that Takahashi's audience changed, so this is just funny to me.
Pic related dressed like a witch and talking like a valley girl when?
it does
Both game are not even comparable to each.
>if you posted this before xenoblad 2 was announced people would've thought you were on drugs or some shit
>now it's actually a valid question
What happened.
>Still not porn
Nobody can figure how make porn of her without changong hwe canon bpdy.
mythra, of course
But only one post in here took the question seriously and they said xenoblade 2.
>adenine speaking like a valley girl
I don't know man, from looking at her model it seems like there's just enough there to work with.
>short hair
The best kind of girl is one with none of the most stereotypically feminine features, but is still girly enough in her overall appearance and mannerisms to not be mistaken for a man.
Both are trash