HALO 6 4K 120FPS

HALO 6 4K 120FPS

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I'm playing mhw on my OG X1 right now. Well actually I'm taking a shit and being a phoneposter. But these threads suck. Must be a false flag to get the few Xbox guys to post more.

Why does wojak always look like he's holding back tears in this image?


It's modern halo
Your a faggot

That won't be happening. Also Halo died long ago so who cares.

based xbro

So many news games are going to be native 4K. I think Fortnite just got a native 4K update on the X1X. Even supersampled games look amazing on this machine.

Uh graphics don't matter.

Anyone else have a similar set up? The engine sounds in this game are insane.

*Also available on PC

Can't wait

PONG 2 8K 240FPS

I'm curious, how much would it cost to build a PC that can do native 4K with HDR and 60fps? Also, what monitor is best for a rig like this?

no one cares about the fucking xbox.

Even the ouya had more creativity than the kinect.

Just bring back Halo 3 instead of this crap.

Who cares?

BC works well for the time being. It's the little details that make the world feel even more alive.

what other games does xbox have that are exclusive and not halo, I genuinely don't know

and I mean literally xbone exclusives, not shit playable on xbox and pc

Have we seriously reached a point where retards compare the Ouya to the Xbone favorably? This board has lost hard on its bants.

it hurts him more than it's going to hurt you

Yeah because so many people have displays capable of taking advantage of 140 fps

Since the X1X is outselling and outperforming the Pro by such a large margin, their golden faces no longer work or have any effect.

It's a beast!

....bragging about something not released...

>4k 120fps
>on menus screen
>1080 60 title screen
>720 30 gameplay
>with drops

you forgot a decimal, it's actually 12.0

Halo ended with Halo 3, now it's like Weekend At Bernies.

a-are you guys alright?

I just wanna play custom games with my old Xbox Live friends...

>tfw most of them were last online +1000 days ago

Reach was pretty fucking good, though.

>We literally had this thread yesterday.


It must really hurt for them to get destroyed by both the Xbox One X and Nintendo Switch, I can't wait for Halo 6 and Metroid 5, and fuck all the so-called Metroid and Halo fans that try to shit on them.

The best monitor for 4k HDR 60hrz would be any 4k HDR monitor that operates at 60hrz.

>0 cares given

How about a revamped version of Halo 3's multiplayer? Not exactly Halo 3 but tweaked? Would you accept that? I would if it still fell in line with what I want. Hell I'd hope for more maps to.

Halo 3 doesn't need a remake.


That'd be cool, as long as it's just minor balancing tweaks such as making full auto weapons stronger and nothing much more than that.

I'm a bit a purist, so no thanks. I maybe be looking at Halo 3 thru rose tinted glasses, but I liked it just the way it was.

Yeah nothing major or game changing like adding sprint. Which ruined Halo.

Things like a much better netcode would be very nice. Also adjusting certain weapons to be better, making the game a bit faster and so on. I wouldn't mind seeing the dual weapons get a buff and the BR accuracy fixed. Of course I'd love to see some new maps in addition to all the ones in 3. If not new then maybe just add some that were in CE and 2.

I probably wouldn't play games anymore if I could get a revived Halo 3 with a decent community again.

You would need displayport for that and xbonex only have hdmi.

what is that thing protruding from his neck

how often do i need to see this useless thread? time to update filters i suppose

>The game never showed up in the first place.


Those losers probably had kids and their life isn't t their own anymore. Or switched to PS4 or PC and didn't tell you.

Fortnite is not running consistently at native 4k

Just updated today

Exact same thing happened to me. Playing xbox nowadays feels so lonely.

Yeah nah

Is it wrong that in my childhood I have a memory of my auntie programming and beta testing the first halo game?

I don't get these threads.
You tell me what the xbox can do and then punch me?

I'm aware user, it's still not running consistently at native 4k



She looks like Uma Thurman and Kaitlin Olson did the Fusion Dance.

Upscaled 4k @ 30FPS.



A patch is set to come out this month that will act as the full release of what is essentially Halo 3 for PC with the cool assassinations.


>playing Halo after 343i


0 gaems.

Halo 3 never left you idiot

You need to work on your bantz, kid.


0 gaems.

>0 gaems
Nobody cares
>120 fps
Get a pc poorfag LOL