What's with this recent trend of people calling Metroid II a horror game...

What's with this recent trend of people calling Metroid II a horror game? People always thought it had some spooky moments, sure, but over the last couple of years people are treating it as some kind of dark, twisted, psychological horror story about the horrors of genocide. I've seen people call it the Shadow of the Colossus of its time. Where the fuck is this coming from?

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To contrast it from the remake to prove that the new one is worse because they want to be contrarians

Gotta find a reason to shitpost about the remake. Somehow pretending the original was super tense and atmospheric became the argument of choice?

Probably the same morons who started calling Fusion a horror game way back.

The horror of never fucking samus.

desu sa x was pretty terrifying when you came across it.

I don’t know if I’d call it horror but it and Fusions focus more on the creepy isolated atmosphere the series is known for than the other entries.

Fusion had a couple horror elements in the close-up of SA-X the first time it appears and being hunted by it a few times, although those certainly don't make it a horror game. As for Metroid II, it's a meme that spiraled from exaggerating Mark Brown's retarded opinion.

>there are people on this earth right now who think 8-bit games can be scary
As someone who has played and beaten every Metroid, and considers it my favorite series, this meme must end. Metroid 2 is a dated mess, and is clearly outdone by SR. Same with ZM to the original.
The only Metroid that's even remotely scary is Prime 2, and that's less "horror" and more "spooky"

16 bit but fuck you close enough

Highly influential review retrospective thing of the game a few years back.


Metroid 2 isn't 16 bit is it? It looks better than 8 bit but I don't think it's 16 bit. I could be wrong.

My point still stands.


It's 8 bit

The gameboy is 8-bit, but in several ways more advanced than the NES.

The bits thing is actually a pretty bad way of understanding a console's capabilities. Bits per pixel is a better way of understanding (2D) graphics. NES and GB are 2bpp, SNES is 4bpp.

This always happens when BuzzFeed, Polygon, etc. ""journalists"" get their hands on a game they are paid to review.
>Game had prequel
Then they look at some screenshots, maybe play half-way through the tutorial (before giving up) or read some other review of it. They take note of what their little minds can understand and then try to give a "modern" opinion of what it was. Calling Metroid II a horror game is proof they never played it, most likely the lack of bright colors and cutscene tutorials lowered their soy levels which scared them.
>New game is not better than others like it in the market, or in the past, i.e. shit like CastleVania or AM2R or many other sidescrollers
Then they really crank up the differences to spin a story about the game/series having unique things to offer, like horror, which they made up. Really emphasize it.
>They can't even pretend to enjoy it but it's not politically incorrect
Oh better find some non-existent proof that the game is sjw friendly and empowering the LGBTQMuslimKin++ community.
>Company is politically incorrect (according to them) but the pay is too good
Blow up some fake scandal to detract from the fact that they are reviewing a game they aren't supposed to.

What do you mean? It is a horror game and had a tense atmosphere! Something that Samus Returns lacks
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this guy and Mark Brown are the biggest faggots in the world

God his SR video was a fucking mess

It's not even journalists. It's just pretentious fags on youtube that do game analysis for a living like

>mocked SR's Metroid DNA mechanic for not making sense in the context of the game's world
>clearly didn't watch the Chozo Memories, which very blatantly spell out how the DNA stations got there and what their purpose is

>Metroid 2 had a tense atmosphere
whatever tension it had goes right out the window when you're monotonously traversing copy+paste caves and when you fight any Metroid ever and then it just becomes annoying
Yeah it gets you at first but holy shit the metroid fights make me never want to play the game ever again

>shits on Diggernaut
absolute shit taste
it really felt like he was more concerned with being contrarian rather than give an actual review, gotta get them patreon bucks somehow

>had to damage control by releasing a video that's essentially a Sup Forums thread about game covers
how pathetic, he always trips over his opinions and tries to please his audience and always fumbles

It was Mark Brown's video that quoted this that really made people start parroting it.

What's funny is that the author was pissed that Mark Brown plagiarized her essay for his video and only gave her a small credit for one quote even though basically everything was wholesale from her article.

Mark Brown is a hack


>people use this argument to say AM2R is better than SR
>while conveniently ignoring that AM2R fucked up the horror elements just as much

Samus Returns was great.