>talks about "game design" nonstop
>has never designed games for SHIT in his life
Why is this allowed?
>talks about "game design" nonstop
>has never designed games for SHIT in his life
Why is this allowed?
isnt this like every critic ever?
Those channels are just for people like him, that will never make a game or are """"aspiring game makers""" meaning they will never make a game.
No industry proffesional watches this kind of shit. It's literall the video maker and a bunch of people merely pretending.
>analyst isn't allowed to analyze
fuck off and stop posting e-celeb shit
That's not because he hasn't designed games himself though, that's a retarded reason to dismiss an analysis. Amateur wannabe indie devs make up most of the audience because it's entry tier that barely ever goes in depth about anything at all.
why are you allowed to say if a game is or isnt good when you have never created a game in your life?
>industry professional
>game developer
Mutually exclusive, and they don't make professional developers anymore. The industry is dead. And the publishers who crack the whips and all of their marketing subsidiaries, partners, and contractors all watch that shit and make decisions based on the loudest shouts of the community you fucking idiot.
> design mod for half-life 1 in 2017 based on popular 1990s family movie
> get posted on ebaums world and a few other sites
> get interviewed by vice
> be really sick during phone interview
> coughing and choking in my car
> at one point lose voice and need water
> only water in car is a two day old cup of water with limes in it
> drink the bacteria water to finish interview
> vice interviewer thanks me
> interview never gets posted
> shelve project and sit on my ass for a year
and here we are
tfw I can never criticize a game because I've never made one.
Is this why Sup Forums is as elitist as it is? They've all made AAA blockbusters so they clearly know whats good and whats not?
His videos are good. He builds his arguments well and is often willing to face his own bias.
I see nothing wrong with it.
Hello Gamer Maker's Tool Kit.
>willing to face his own bias
he thinks he knows how to make games better than the people that actually make them, he's SJW as fuck and a full blown unashamed nintendo fanboy
There are several somewhat respectable reviewers that were either former devs or at least currently working as computer programmers
As far as I know Mark Brown has no qualifications and his idea of good design is plebian
>"What Makes Good A.I"
>has made zero (0) AI
How is the fact that someone hasn't created something a qualifier for whether or not they can make an assessment of the end result? Nobody has made a car themselves, few have built an engine, some have done mechanical work, more have done an oil change, most have driven. Everyone though, has an opinion on cars.
>Doesnt know the AI in games like Civ are awful because he's never made one
Do you have any opnions on whats good or bad in vidya?
>you can only criticize a book if you wrote a book
>you can only criticize a movie if you directed a movie
>you can only criticize a song if you wrote a song
did you get dropped on your head as a kid by any chance?
>Sup Forums
>talks about games
>have never played games in their lives
Why is this allowed?
you don't need to make something to critize something else related to it, but equally you also don't need to give a shit about rando opinion about something either
>talks about e-celeb
>isn't e-celeb
So Sup Forums? Well except we never talk about game design.
>He thinks he knows how to make games better
Except he's never said this. He never talks about why a game is shit, and he never puts games down. He finds a part of a game he enjoys, and he talks about it. Literally at no point has he ever said he could make a better game than anyone else. Stop putting words in peoples mouths for no reason other than "I don't like him!"
>game designers are objectively right when talking about games
Why is this allowed?