>Real game starts after the final boss
Post some games that do this
Hard mode: no Dragon's Dogma or fuck I forget the other one, remind me
Real game starts after the final boss
Other urls found in this thread:
Kid Icarus Uprising
sequel fucking when
Every Monster Hunter ever.
even though the levels in alternate world were rehashes of the same levels the challenge varied and brought in cool ways to beat levels. The very final level busted my balls with the 3d turned off.
I too watch nitrorad
>watch credits
>there's still a third of the game left
>it's the worst third
But that's wrong, Heksevilles the worst third. Eto was fucking kino.
Any Pokemon game
This is only true with some of the games. Some of the games have absolute shit tier postgames
Nier Automata, Nier, Drakengards
I'm pretty sure that user is implying that he plays the game exclusively for either full Pokedex or online/tourneyfagging, and that the main campaign is just a roadblock on the route towards that goal.
/vp/ autism, basically.
pokemon mystery dungeon
My first thought.
>you're in my underworld Pitty Pat!
Nah that's just the autistic post game for masochists
Fucking purity forest what the fuck man
Diablo II
The Nitrorad review was stupid as shit. 3D Land is fucking amazing.
>fucking amazing.
How low are your standards?
Unironically the best 3DS exclusive.
Pic related, or any 2D Sonic game really.
The first playthrough of any (classic-styled) Sonic game is great and full of surprises but the game gets good once you start discovering alternate routes, playing as alternate characters with remixed campaigns, and getting into the mechanics of the game to gitgud at Time Attack. Instead of experiencing burn out after playing it too many times, each time I play a 2D classic Sonic I feel like it adds an extra layer of enjoyment onto the game that I didn't even know was there.
Hell, I've been playing these games for 20+ years and I only discovered this route (at 2:17) recently:
I haven't seen the review but 3DL was just OK. It was nothing amazing, but not bad. I 100%'d it when it came out and have never wanted to go back to replay it.
What the hell do you mean? Eto was interesting as fuck. I wish there was more of it