>desert level
>snow level
>volcanomountain level
>tropic level
>standard forest level
>desert level
>snow level
>volcanomountain level
>tropic level
>standard forest level
Don’t forget the level where OP is a faggot.
>shit post
>gay post
>fag post
>nigger post
>standard op post
I fucking wish there was a tropic level. That was the best region.
That’s not Akkala.
wtf i hate earth now
Even calling it a "snow level" or "tropic level" feels generous. Its mostly just the same shrines and korok seeds with a different coat of paint. Would have been nice if the areas had their own unique structures and enemies...
the whole game is shit. the only people who defend it ravenously are switchfags with latent buyer's remorse.
>whining about a shit game.
The absolute state of soy
I’ve got a feeling this is what we’ll see in the next game.
Which if why I find it strange. Im mad because I bought a Switch because I kept hearing how amazing this was, but it was so fucking disappointing and boring.
Buying a console for one (1) game alone is retarded.
Sorry about your luck.
I bought it for BotW, Odyysey and I was hoping for animal crossing
[blocks your fun]
What I hate about the rain is that it makes the game look so fucking ugly. In most other modern games, rain effects can look beautiful but in BotW it makes everything look like shit.
>Everything is shit!
Given how even integral systems like cooking are completely shallow and lazy I'm lowering my eyebrows to the point where I expect "breath of the wild+"
>no mystical otherworldly level
fucking nintendo
For real though I was disappointed they didnt have a spooky area. Skull Lake and Kilton were teasers, I wanted a spooky region with graveyards and stuff
>BING BING WAHOO and a mediocre zelda title
i just skipped that area and the hebra mountain area entirely. It was pointless.
I like the game and it feels good to play a single player game for more than 10 hours (over 200 now)
AAA games are great if you are nintendo
Other consoles get btfo and stop making mad pointless threads and says shit like soys and cucks
Stay mad
not child friendly.
>admitting to being such a soy that you can't even handle people calling you out on it
maybe on the next one. they stopped putting in areas like that in the nes era. i think
It feels like a Zelda game until it comes to anything but exploration. The core content seems to be "exploration!" but that gets boring when 90% of the game you're just running around looking for shrines so you don't get one-shot by everything.
You do realize why people are talking about it all of a sudden, right?
It's because Cemu got good enough for people to play it. Only soyboys buy switches.
I tried to think of good things to say to contradict you but all I could think of was that as a completely unexceptional and shallow 5/10 it isn't as unpleasant as it could be
Honestly, even Skyrim was more interesting than this, even without modding.
No sewer level no buy.
This. The atmosphere isn’t Zelda at all either.
>no triforce
>no skulltulas or spider enemies
>no wallmasters
>no poes
>no like-likes.
>no dodongos
They really dropped the ball. Remember how it looked at e3?
When will nintendo give up on making its own hardware?
>Game of the year
>Switch selling like hotcakes
I bought a switch because i have a job and my PC is for PC games if botw is so bad why are people emulating it?
You guys are still saying soys do you even know what it means?
Like you are so desperate to fit in here you idiots will say anything.
Its pathetic. This board has never been this awful and trendy I have no idea why i still bother with it after 11 years
Eat my ass kids
I also feel this way and I don't get the hype about the exploration. When you're exploring you'll mostly just come across boring as fuck environmental puzzles, shrines, or koroks. I remember I was exploring around the coast neat the hateno lab and I found like 8 korok puzzles in 3 minutes. When I'm exploring I want to find interesting stuff not just dumb shit like this. It's boring coming across the puzzles look the thunda plateua or rolling the snowballs in hebra because you already know they'll lead to a shrine
I would love to explore stuff like dense towns, forests, caves, coves but instead its just...this. This boring world of bit-sized puzzles instead of anything cool or mysterious or that actually increases world building
The atmosphere isn't really much of anything at all.
>if botw is so bad why are people emulating it
Because i avoided it for the whole year because i wanted to play it.
I played it.
It wasn't worth the time. I'm glad i didn't waste the money.
Grats on having a job? Is that special in your world?
It felt like an mmo. Large swaths of nothing with quest hubs. Random chests here and there with nothing special in them. Shrines that a 6 year old could figure out.
Even ganon was a disappointment. What was the hardest thing about the fight? parrying the laser blasts? It was no harder than any of the bosses in the divine beasts. The last phase is just "shoot the obscenely large targets on the stationary pig that doesn't seem to realize you exist"
Ikana canyon and pretty much all of majoras wasn’t child friendly
Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time was pretty spooky
different generation of people.
>I-I'm not a cuck because I have a job
It was nice of you to buy a console for your wife's son
The actual game unironically looks better than that art.
it's 100x as sparse as that image.
oh yeahh, forgot about that
Not really. In that screenshot though, yes.
Thank you it helps me pay for junk food and video games
Funny cuck meme newfriend
Care to tell me what a soyboy is?
You guys probably have no idea without going to knowyourmeme lol
soyboy is a soft term for neo libs, like the white kid who always reposts social rallies on facebook.
a lot of soyboys like the switch, but its not the whole fanbase. some guys just like the old school comfy feel of a basic nintendo game. i went years without playing games and bought a switch. this zelda was pretty fun.
i would say im casual, and thats fine because i still workout and pull in all kinds of ass. my brother lurks here though and is a turbo nerd, fucking actually said to me one time, when i was joking about cucks, and he sincerely turned to me and said
>whats wrong with being a cuck?
you fucking dweebs
>Care to tell me what a soyboy is?
People who act like you.
It's a whole lot of nothing dotted with some trees and some rocks and the same geometry features over and over and over again.
>When you're exploring you'll mostly just come across boring as fuck environmental puzzles, shrines, or koroks.
You might find them boring but many others don't. I personally felt rewarded when I found a neat environmental puzzle to solve (especially shrine quest puzzles, those were the best IMO) because it was integrated with actual gameplay and interaction instead of just being some trinket to collect like a shitty poe soul or another rupee.
Different strokes for different blokes I guess. I still go back to the older Zeldas for their dungeons, but I certainly won't miss the exploration in those games.
Im conservative and i dont use social media or push my agends on people
I just like video games
Why do i get called a soy then? The newer people on this board still think its Sup Forums and have to be mean to each other for no reason probably
Pretty sad to see this board go under
>Im conservative and i dont use social media or push my agends on people
>I just like video games
You're contradicting yourself and sounding like a pompous ass while doing so.
>The newer people on this board still think its Sup Forums
Sorry that you don't like different opinions. Maybe you should lay off the soy.
So a soyboy is someone who enjoys something? Dang we should all strive to be one of those then
Im contradicting myself because i say a game is good when some people think it isnt? Oh no
There are no opinions here
Its just people bitching about a game because they hate funtendo
You dont need to greentext in all of your posts it doesnt make you special
Is your shitty hate thread dead yet faggots? Checkmate
Go back to fapping to traps homos
>so you're saying...
What the fuck? That pic looks ten times better than how the game looks
The game requires you to act like a trap to beat a dungeon.
>because it was integrated with actual gameplay and interaction instead of just being some trinket to collect like a shitty poe soul or another rupee.
At the end of the day shrines and koroks still just feel like trinkets.
Because it's on cemu.
It's still sparse. You can feel the limits of the wiiu and switch.
>same tree pasted everywhere
>ITT: reductionism
Hate all you want but no other gameworld calls to your imagination and makes you wonder what happened. There are so many interesting ruins and buildings scattered about that really make you wonder. It's amazing that a game can do that.
>At the end of the day shrines and koroks still just feel like trinkets.
Maybe to you, but objectively speaking, shrines are in no way equivalent to what I listed. They're a lot more involved than just trudging up a rupee chest out of an empty grotto.
Reductionism is a method of approaching complex problems by simplifying them.
The words you were looking for were blatant generalisation.