Name some 7/10 video games

Name some 7/10 video games

Breath of the Wild

Risen 3


is this the dedicated shitpost thread?

DAMN Superman looks like THAT


Yes he does.

Fable 3

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Wasteland 2
Tales of Xillia 2
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Azure Striker Gunvolt
Blade Kitten

...Fuck it, I'm not looking through all of my Steam for this.

Remember Me
FFXV on a good day
Rayman Origins
Jak 2

What the fuck happened to comics

Why is Injustice so awful

Because there is next to nothing interesting about Superman being a villain.

I've never understood something about this comic.

Harley Quinn assisted Joker in the beginning with rigging up a detonator in Lois, with full knowledge of what was gonna happen. That millions would die horribly because Superman was tricked into killing his wife and child. She knew all of this.

But somehow she gets a free pass because she's 'sorry' it happened. Why?



She assumed she would fail and that Superman would stop them

No idea why she didn't use a fake bomb if she believed this or if she wanted that particular outcome.

Also, she doesn't get a pass for being sorry, she gets a pass because Superman needs to go down and she was instrumental in making that happen.

You should be more mad that the Guardians would bother reinstating Hal Jordan after he joined the Sinestro Corps. Or why Hal would join the Sinestro Corps. What the fuck was that even about?

Mana Khemia

Still love them, though.

Because she's a woman, user

7/10 games can be awesome:
neverwinter nights 2
guild wars (any campaign)
wasteland 2
Wh40k DoW II

Monhun World

Mad Max is the definition of a 7/10 game for me

That's too gracious

Is Mana Khemia 2 less of a pain to get to the true ending?


Mirror's Edge

I am thinking here.

If I recall correctly you had to beat the game twice to reach the final scenario.

But I also remember it being quite worth it since it's with entire different characters and another storyline the second time around.

I see, well seems worth a try.
Theres any character that plays like Anna? And how is the protag playstyle? Sorry for asking too much

video game reviewers are low T nu-male soyboys. go figure

What- of course there is.

It shows when someone has the actual power to literally fuck up the world in a selfish pursuit of absolute justice and how flawed it is.

The reason why it's interesting is because while supes went batshit to rid the world of crime (which he actually did) he inversely created a dystopian authoritarian world where freedom and rights are null.

Yes, the world literally has no crime (Save for the insurgency and batman) but its a tradeoff for free will and justice.

>Sinestro just pulls off Kyle's ring in space

You actually choose between two protags this time around. It's what decides which scenario you follow.

No swordmasters like Anna, though.

That seems nice, i think i will begin right away.
Thanks user.


>takes his ring off by slicing his finger
>then has this done to him

>pink wojak

All 3D Zelda games.

>But somehow she gets a free pass because she's 'sorry' it happened. Why?
Batman is retarded. He use her as an excuse that LE TWISTED MIND IS NOW LE SANE shit despite all the crime she done.

Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Demon's Souls. Every PS2+ GTA game other than Vice City. The Witcher 3.

Sasuke would EASILY beat Superman, he has no defense against his Genjutsu and Amaterasu.

Except for Skyward Sword, which is a 4/10.