Hey guys, what's up

Hey guys, what's up

Tzitzi is /ourguy/

fuck off loser

Can you flash that Legiana for me? Thanks buddy.

DSP's nightmare

how is this guy classified as a large monster? bruh is wildlife level

thanks for all the free counter attacks buddy

what a bro

what's that? a beetlejuice entered the area? be a shame if something happened

what's this thread about? I can't see anything.

He's classified as a large monster because he's bigger than the rest of the wildlife. He's a big monster.

you wanna stick? go get the stick stupid

our lord and savior, tzitzi

He's Smee tier

>tfw no mhw on pc

>charge its flash
>go around it
>avoid flash

*captures with net*

>tfw no mhw on 3ds/vita

tourist-bro and egg-bro are /ourguys/. You're not allow to bulli any of them

Nobody said it was hard, you homunculus.

He's gonna win every turf war right?

I'm gonna do it!

>literally drops dragons out of the sky from a mile away
>thinks hes pleb teir

that's where you're wrong


I can't wait to see these. If he doesn't win every one Capcom fucked up


Played Bully recently?

you spelled "bully" wrong, you fucking loser.

who do you think you're talking to?

Someone post turf war webms. Especially Nerg fucking up other elder dragons if you have them

some loser named "anonymous", who keeps posting in this thread over and over every minute.


fuck, there he goes again!

fuck this guy for pulling out his fucking map at a time like that

Murder dog give no fucks


No, it was perfectly timed

Hope my boy Zinogre comes back


this. I need that fucking amazing theme back in my life

>back-hop roar-cancels into fireball

I guess he was expecting them to fly across the map.

I went to the high rank highlands for the first time and autism raptor was the first monster I encountered, after capturing it and returning home I realized he gave me a gem, my first gem. Base Titzi bro, I'll never slay you.

Nice, I'm glad someone made it.

>Bombs you

Post ideas for G rank improvements to monsters:
>Tzitzi's flash is near instant, only one charge up preflash
>Rathalos gets his roar into unavoidable fireball back (stop hugging his nuts)
>Rathian's tailspin is aimed at you mid-spin to a degree

will fitz ever return?

>Jho shows up
>Other monsters either fight him (and lose) or run like fucking hell

This better fucking happen.

>Meowscular chef calls me shorty
>Pop a boner

>kicks the shit out of the monster I'm currently hunting

Thanks? I guess?

Nerd doesn't dive bomb the moment his spikes blacken.

>Odogeron died on the way back to his home planet

Everytime I see this thumbnail I think its a nibelsnarf with legs and a tail

I thought Azure Rath already had near instant fireball after he roars into enrage.

>Walks in
>Walks out
He's good in my book

>Turf war with Beetlejuice.


>Jho brings him out of the sky by throwing dragon juice at him

I want this to happen so bad.

you just have to wait 8 months for the "masterrace" to "win again"

Now that song is going to be stuck in my head for a week jackass.



Will they add this guy in World too?

He's a good bro. He just flashes as he pleases.

too anime

>In Wildspire Waste last night
>spot Black Diablos for the first time
>regular Diablos pops out of the ground under Black sending him flying
>Black Diablos then proceeds to body Regular Diablos for 1.5k damage

This fucking game

>Black Diablos

Pronounced 'chi chi' right?

>hammer main
>easily solo most things without much trouble
>decide to give a new weapon a try without practicing first
>cart twice

we already have a B52 bomber, aircraft meme is used up already

They are the worst couple.

Sssse Sssse

I feel so bad about Kulu

Where all the male diablos?

>gets booted from a hunt I can't solo because of an update that no one's talking about
What's in 1.06?

Serious question, how do you hit big monsters without slopes? I always switch to lance because of that.

not on Bazel because HIGH ALTITUDE BOMBING

>Hunting big Jho
>B52 shows up
>Jho leaps into the air and rips him down and starts eating the exploding grenades from it's neck like candy

I can't connect to the server right now. Anyone else?

I've been soloing the game going hyper-aggressive gunlance and curious to try something else.

What weapon should I try? I was thinking one of the bowguns or hammer or something.

With vertical swings duh

I want this so fucking bad.

Bazel is a lame ass rip off of a bunch of monsters mashed together. Jho needs to show that bitch boy who's boss.


Level 2 charge for small openings. Level 3 or triple triangle for large. Big bang combo for knockdown and paralyzed. You can reset charge level at any time, so I uppercut the most.

Charge Blade.

Bagel is one of the best new monsters though.

I don't know, Bazel's fucking giant for a flier

Hammer is extremely satisfying and with some practice you'll land every level 2 charge uppercut no problem. Also high affinity hammer builds are fun. Only problem is sometimes it can feel a little depth-less

SnS is really fun, GS feels good toobut I can't use it properly.

Mostly been using Gunlance, SnS and SA. I finally managed to make B52 HH and now I can run around with infinite regen. Before that I used vespid horn for paralysis but the songs sucked ass.

>charge blade.

Its a fun weapon honestly, once you get the hang of using it.

More like it gets fucking destroyed by the bombs like how barrel bombs have always been a good thing against them.
Bazel is the best invader, I really miss Rajang and Tigrex, though.

It's more that any time I play online the only people who cart are charge blade shitters.

Is the xeno lbg worth it? I really haven't ranged much so I'm not sure

The webms I've seen really didn't do him justice. Saw him for the first time in-game list night and about shit myself.

>fighting a monster
>suddenly a gigantic rock beans them right in the fucking head

Rajang is one of my top picks for DLC

He has the best roar.

How do I make switch axe fun? I feel like my mounting stab should have more going on but the explosion seems more like a fizzle. Like even if my preference is kinda dull over all, lance at least feels really good if you get that perfect guard and are chasing down fleeing enemies. Kinda feels like I might be missing something with switch axe.

Bazel has to be my favourite monster in this game. His theme is top notch and he's a huge asshole. He's perfect.

Black Diablos are females in heat.

I miss Rajang and Tigrex so much.

I want to replay MH3U/4U with a weapon other than lance after playing World, what should I use?
Lance is my most used weapon in every monhun I've played.