Eyyyy, wassup money?

Eyyyy, wassup money?

>not going with that other wog

tfw killing Playboy was objectively the better decision
>kill playboy
>get a friend and a safehouse
>kill dwayne
>get nothing besides a bit of money (which is useless in that game) and playboy cuts all contact with you

how to run gta4 at a smooth 60 fps? I just picked it up through the humble bundle after having played on 360 years ago. I had heard bad things about the pc port before but I didn't realize it was so fucking awful

>gta 4
>smooth 60
You can't
I couldn't get 60fps on current gen i5 + gtx 1070 or a friend's amd system
Shame because I loved the game to death back when i played the 360

Playboy was such a bitch, I'm glad niko blew his brains out

>*ring ring*
>*ring ring ring ring*
>*ring ring ring*
>ey dog dwayne here you busy man?
>thought I heard you call but I guess not. just thinking about hangin myself n all dog, not in a good place right now and could use some company
>I can see you're busy though so its cool. dont even worry about it peace out


>*ring ring*

aw man, but having two nig nogs at my beck n call was worth putting up with dwayne’s misery

the first ride you took with playboy should have told you what a brainlet he was.

Well that's disheartening. Is there an up to date essential mod list anywhere? I want to get the most out of the pc version

thats such a cool jacket, i wish niko could wear that

>hey man did you just call me?
>oh i was just in the shower and i thought i heard the phone ringing and I thought it mighta been you...never mind...my bad

What was this about?

I've got a toaster and managed to squeeze 60fps in low density areas like that warehouse you find pegarino in at the end of the game

Yeah I thought it was kind of a wasted opportunity to not expand on the follower thing or use it anywhere else. Being able to sue friends as combat followers would have been cool - like driving around the city with a crew of your NPC friends shooting up places and getting in car chases. Would have made me actually consider micromanaging all of them since half the gimmicks in the base game like car bombs are near useless.

Dwayne being lonely and trying to cleverly remind Niko he exists in case he wants to hang out

>essential mod list
Not that I'm aware of. You may have some luck with /vg/ gtafags

Not possible. It's such an atrocious port no matter what you do you won't ever get stable 60fps. In fact, it actually works better the older your card is. It sucks, but at least it's playable.

>chasing down playbox X
>niko yells "X marks the spot!"

this game has the best taunts


>You didn't change the game Playboy, the game changed you.
What did Niko mean by this?

>those screams of pure rage during the shootouts at the warehouse when Roman gets kidnapped
Yugoslavia really fucked this guy up.

>Vodka be from de earth too. Inna Jam Dung we have de rum, where you from de rum is de vodka. It be de same. It put you in touch with de spiritual side. Herb be the most spiritual, y'know, messa man. You smoke it, it open your mind to be what's going on in the earth.

Little Jacob actually said some real shit when you learned to understand him.

Easily the most underrated bro.

>when niko's dead gf called me after she died
I know it's a glitch, but it still spooked me.

Barely any of the humble bundle rockstar games work right. Most of them will just completely fuck up physics if you unlock the frame rate too.

which ending was more likely

>tfw you picked the Revenge ending your first playthrough
holy shit the feels

why was every single decision in gta 4 really fucking obvious?

Niko... He had a hard life.

Deal ending is a lot more dramatic and climactic, I thought

Whoops, not Revenge ending, it meant Deal ending.
>caring about Kate at all

Revenge is better if you care more about the gameplay
Deal is better if you care more about the story

I think you meant Deal ending user. The Deal ending is honestly more fitting because of how depressing the game is overall but Revenge was more fun and who even cared about Kate anyways lol

Jimmy Pegorino as the final boss made literally no sense.

and it don't get easier.

>First half - 60fps, drops to 40~50 fps after 1 hour/2 hour of gameplay
>Second half - 20~30 fps, must restart every 30~40 min otherwise fps drops to 15 or less.
All this with a GTX760 and an i5 playing at 1280x720
Good thing they took the GTAV port seriously

killing playboy is the canon option

fuck man i wish the pc port was playable gta4 is my favorite in the series

60 fps 100% of the time is impossible but I'm playing in 4k with a 1060 and a i5 sometimes it dips to 40s but otherwise it's playable

>you will never play IV's mp during the release date ever again

it was so fun

>Spent hours just fucking around
>Made up games and had turf wars
>Custom free mode

Now all of that is dead forever because shark cards are making them money faster than they can print it.