Why the fuck do so many RPGs have spider enemies? Why are people so inconsiderate towards arachnophobes?

Why the fuck do so many RPGs have spider enemies? Why are people so inconsiderate towards arachnophobes?

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Here you go you fucking fairy

inb4 someone puts out the spiderposter picture

Because people have a general hatred for spiders and how they look, so they make an easy enemy archetype.

Of course Skyrim has a mod for everything. Other games do not, however. Like The Witcher 3.

>Being an arachnophobe.


Easy enemy variety
>fast movement
>ability to poison or paralyze the player

Scared of spiders? Dumbass.

>being scared of spiders
Are you sure your old enough to be posting on this site? You have to be 18+ user.

Why the fuck do so many RPGs have human enemies? Why are people so inconsiderate towards anthropophobes?

not real

it's an enhanced experience for arachnophobes
these monsters are annoying at best for a person without phobia

Wow user you're so tough.

You know what's worse than a spider in a game?
A spider in VR

>being scared of virtual spiders to the point yo can't play the game

>oh no this enemy is scary
That's the point. Foes can be scary.

Those polacks fucking tricked me, I was so glad that Witcher games don't have spiders (endregas don't count, they're more like scorpions or lizards) and then they add massive spiders who look and move in a realistic way, fuck that.

If you have that much issue with FAKE spiders you need major mental help.

I guess? Wouldn't think not being afraid of mostly harmless small animals makes you tough but I guess I am.

Hand of Fate has a spider setting in options. On/off.

You're not afraid of them in a "oh fuck it's gonna poison me" sense, you're repulsed by their shape, look, movement and sound enough that it makes you incredibly anxious to even look at them.

>Faggot filter

sounds pretty gay dude

there's a spider near your toes

Most games don't even make the spiders move like the actual scary ones. They end up being big slow fuzzy tarantulas. If the things aren't fucking skittering around at terror speed then don't even bother putting them in.

see i knew i wasnt the only lil boy that wanted to fuck that spider.

Dark Souls 2 spiders fucked me up q.q

spiders are total bros, they kill tons of insect bastards.

there's literally nothing to be afraid of.

Even worse

A spider crawling on your chair right now


i'm faggotphobic and you are being inconsiderate with your post

If anything vidya are providing an environment for them to overcome their fears

>You're not afraid of them in a "oh fuck it's gonna poison me" sense, you're repulsed by their shape, look, movement and sound enough that it makes you incredibly anxious to even look at them.
No, you actually are afraid in a "It's gonna poison me" sense, numbnuts. It's the same reason for Ophidiophobia. Most snakes and spiders are not poisonous, but those that pose an extreme threat in primitive conditions.

On a primal level the autonomic nervous systems respond to the shape, movement, and sound patterns of threats and responds by making someone stay away from that pattern. It is a pure survival response because of the level of danger such things represent.