Which is the better Civ and why?

Which is the better Civ and why?

Civ 6 is literally Civ 5+.

Also, Civ 5's graphics aged like fucking milk and global happiness is the worst thing ever introduced in the Civ series.

I'm enjoying 6 a lot more than I enjoyed 5.

>Districts + city planning add a whole new layer to play around with
>Civs feel distinct from each other
>How to achieve the different victory conditions is greatly dissimilar
>All of the new systems in 5 feel greatly expanded upon
>New expansions' governers and ages are actually really cool

>Lots of little bugs or things that require work-arounds due to bad code
>AI sucks even more ass than ever before
>Lack of well-known civs, i.e. Ottomans, Inca, Byzantium, etc. in favor of memes like Georgia or Australia
>Bug fixes are only once a quarter because "MUH SAVES"

Wait until the equivalent of the Civ 5 complete edition.

Did they really fix the AI in the last update a few days ago?

Civ 5 is alright, it's not a civ game but could have been GOTY of whatever year the last dlc came out

Civ 6 took the franchise, shot it dead, raped it, buried it, dug it up again and ran a fucking train on it.

Ask me again when the next Civ 6 expansion is out.

but it looks like Civ 6 will blow Civ 5 out of the fucking water

Fuck no. They still can't place districts or go for victories. Only one got a Golden Age once in my last game, while I'm constantly getting Heroic Ages.

What difficulty are you playing on? I constantly see them getting golden ages.

I wish there was a way to play Civ single-player in a way that isn't stomp everything all the time, or give the AI 100 turns worth of free tech and stomp everything after turn 150.

Remember, disregard anyone's opinion if they use the "durrrr mobile grafix". It is obvious at this point they're just either asshurt on style change, or they haven't seen the leaders in motion yet.

This basically. They made a better foundation, so even if it can't match the full fleshing out and polishing Civ 5 is at by virtue of age, it's already stronger in a lot of ways and you can tell the trajectory is better. Give it a year.

My only real con is that a few weeks ago I took a break from it and fired up SMAC for the first time in years and fuck is that still so much fun. I love Civ but there's a mild bitter taste when I realize that we can't have both Civ and another SMAC once in a long while.

I usually do hotseat games where I'm all the players, but then I hit the situation where 3 days later I'm hitting turn 75 on a 16 player game and nowhere near done.

I have no life.

LITERALLY the only thing where Civ 5 is better graphically is how it shows hills

hills are fucking invisible in Civ 6

>I wish there was a way to play Civ single-player in a way that isn't stomp everything all the time, or give the AI 100 turns worth of free tech and stomp everything after turn 150.
I saw some people playing around with using some of the newer machine learning stuff for some more interesting AI. Apparently it's tricky getting it running real time on a range of hardware though and also getting training right so it's not, weird I guess, like curb stomp sometimes then make crazy dumb mistakes then curb stomp. But it could be a pretty cool approach if they can figure out training sets that could actually take more complex leader personalities and so on into account, and give them the same limits as players. If it could be semi-prebaked using a ton of computing then run on whatever, might really push strat AI forward.

I have sympathy for that honestly. It fades after playing a bit in the face of the better gameplay and all that, Civ 6 is still superior and I recognize why they made the style change. But I do like the more realistic style also, and I wouldn't mind if in Civ 7 or 8 or whatever they went back to that for a gen. Nobody should blow off Civ 6 due to that, fucking stupid, but I don't blame anyone who doesn't fall in love with it either.

The Civ V complete edition on Steam is 60% off, should I get that or pick up VI?

Civ6 really needs a way to make building tall viable

V, based purely on the fact I've never had an AI declare war on me and then just park their army in my borders while I pick them off with the city defense.

I'm liking 6 so far but the endgame feels very lacking compared to 5 due to the garbage AI, ideology having far less impact and nothing like the world congress.

Does it have both GnK and BNW? I'm looking at the store page and GnK doesn't appear to be discounted

>6 shills

I don't own this game.

Does 6 run better or worse than 5?

I don't know but I got Civ IV Complete free with Twitch prime this week

i can't stand the fact that civ 6 somehow ended up looking like a mobile game. literally cannot get past it to enjoy the game, i keep going back to 5 instead

Tbh paradox games ruined civ for me. Can't go back to its abysmal diplomacy after playing ck2 and eu4 a bunch. Only really go back to civ if I'm having a big game with some friends.

civ 6 is better with the xpac but holy shit loyalty is aids
>settle inbetween my self and russia, equal distance
>city has my religion, a twice promoted governor, two amenities, a garrison, the policy card for bonus loyalty with a garrisoned unit
>flips to free city literally every 6 turns

what the fuck. It was only 9 a turn when i settled it

Civ VI is already better than Civ V, and anyone who earnestly believes that Civ V (regardless of being fun) isn't the lowpoint of the series needs to reevaluate their life.

I started with Civ V and I legitimately can’t go back to it. It’s so ugly and I hate how you are forced to gimp your empire size to not get fucked by unhappiness.

The only thing V has over VI is Theodora, Catherine, Dido, Isabella, Maria and Wu Zetang

>Ugly Bitch who broke off from the Empire
Wu Zetian sucked. Her paintings make her look fugly

>Districts + city planning add a whole new layer to play around with
Wrong, Districts are still a pile of shit. Holy and Theater districts are still largely worthless. Every city gets a commerce, industrial, and campus district and every 3rd city gets an entertainment complex. There's no depth at all, just more tedious micromanagement bullshit that scales horribly because, "muh tall should be a viable strategy."

>Civs feel distinct from each other
Are you even playing the same game as I am? Every civ is essentially the same with the only notable ones being those that have UU's at proper thresholds. Early cavalry, knights, and shit. Infantry is wortless next to Archer spam for defence and Cavalry for offence.

>How to achieve the different victory conditions is greatly dissimilar
Except religion and Culture are essentially worthless in both single and multiplayer. Domination is about the only viable strategy with a rogue science here and there.

God forbid someone want a small prosperous country and not a fat sprawling empire.

You must be a boring person if you think cities are better as a one tile monolith.

>cities have no depth at all and get everything
>each civ plays essentially the same except for UUs
>non-domination and science victories are worthless
Are you sure you aren't playing V, user?

>I don't understand how global happiness works therefore it is bad

the civs in 5 felt very distinct and played very differently from eachother

>Except religion and Culture are essentially worthless in both single and multiplayer. Domination is about the only viable strategy with a rogue science here and there.
Ah, like Civ 5 you mean? In Civ 5 it was either build wonders for 500 turns straight and be like a rock, or go dominance.

>regular Civ or Venice

Such variety.

>we have honest to god defenders of global happiness on Sup Forums now
Was Civ 5 your first Civ and did you get the complete edition from a humble bundle or steam sale?

>muh reductionism

Try actually making an argument instead of simplifying things to the point of absurdity

Even if it was my first Civ game (which it's not), it wouldn't make what I said incorrect. Global happiness works fine and is pretty simple to understand

Wtf are you smoking? Early religion victory is the easiest way to win

>puppet a city
>my whole empire hates me now

Can anyone tell me why the AI can declare a formal joint war on me without denouncing me previously? Literally every civ except one in my current game has declared a joint war on me at some point without denouncing me beforehand.

I've played Civ 1, Civ 4, Civ 5, and Civ 6
Civ 4 was probably the best with Civ 1 as a close second

Civ 5 America
Scouts 1 tile farther, can buy plots 50 percent cheaper. Minuteman can go over any tile and a stronger b17 bomber replacement.
Wow, Excitement.

Civ 6 America
All Diplomacy cards are wild cards and
plus 10 strength to fighting on your continent.
Unique P51 AND Rough Rider unit.
+1 appeal to all tiles in a city with a national park.
Film Studio gives +100 percent tourism starting in the Modern Era making America have an easy time with a cultural win.

Civ 6 is simply better and more in depth objectively, get rekt.

ThisMeant for

>No DLC bundle
>No DLC Discount for the fucking sale
>No DLC Discount for the sale immediately after a fucking expansion release

These niggers can fuck themselves
Civilization 6 is busted garbage
Maybe the expansion fixed it, but I'm not going to fucking find out

>culture is essentially worthless
>culture victory has the highest percentage victory of any type

Have you even played the game?

The AI is so, so fucking bad in 6.
And its only gotten worse. I don't know how, but it has.

no it appears everything but GnK is discounted

The one where AI isnt shit.

>Can't win with culture
Dude what the fuck are you doing

AI in 6 literally makes the game unplayable
How are people shilling for the game
The game can't even be called a real game, it's like a sandbox


5 because of Anime mods.

so IV then?
Because V's AI is shit

for single player IV > V > VI
for multi player VI > V > IV

6 can have those too. Someone needs to make them.

IV being an order of magnitude better than V and VI is implicitly understood.

I wish the maps in 6 were better, Huge Continents spawns like 3 at best instead of like the op

Don't puppet large cities unless you have the surplus happiness. Not hard to understand. If you're going the domination route to begin with, don't puppet non-capital cities unless they have a lux resource you don't have or are positioned in some kind of strategic way. If you can't manage your happiness then you shouldn't be playing even simple 4x games like civ.

Civ BE + Rising Tide. I can't get into Civ 5/6 no matter how much I try.

Look at this man. Look at this man and laugh.

Endless Legend

>you really enjoyed BE but everyone hated it so you can't admit you did

I thought it was a lot of fun. Only played one game of RT and all I remember is that floating cities were pretty broken.

>the victories im not building things for are worthless and don't work
>religion victory can be one of the earliest game victories
>build up a large stock of Apostles and take over the game world in about 5 turns with little anyone can do

Your might be retarded

What mobage is that at the right?

Its the infinitely better sequel to civ V, go buy it.

Every civ is shit until all the expansions come out. Been that way since 3.

Why didn't you like BE? I know it's not an exact copy of 5 and that there's a lot of room for improvement, but I really liked the lore, affinities, being able to colonize water and having units that are so different from your usual Civ.

I enjoy the game a lot. Playing Soyuz in Eridani maps is so satisfying. The broken cities were fixed with a patch, now they're strong but no broken imo. An issue I've noticed with the AI is that they always try to exterminate the aliens and sometimes and AI gets rushed by a Sponsor from one side and aliens+miasma on the other side. That's basically a game over for them.

Worse. Uses a lot more GPU resources compared to V.