What does Digimon have to do to compete with Pokemon again? After spending some time with the franchise I personally prefer it, but I'll admit the concept is a little harder for normies to wrap their heads around.
How do we save Digimon?
Give renamon her own game
Put it in steam
Also it has to be genuinely good
Add more fuckable digimon
Stop with the cringey main characters in the newer games. Either tone it down or have a complete character customization system.
Less human digimon and more fuckable monster digimon
Digimon is fine, that piece of shit game that came out some time ago was better than nintendo's shit.
Sony always wins baby.
Kind of like thisI would also add, for your partner digimons you either have to answer a kinda short quiz a la Pokemon md, and or have an option to "leave it to fate" and get a random one. More complex digivolution trees. Partners say things in line with their personalities. Simple story outline with lots of depth, like "I'm big bad! Haha! Every time you encounter me youll better understand my motivations and maybe agree with me at some points, but ultimately have to defeat me! Etc, etc."
Make a new World-like game
with pre-rendered graphics
Forgot to mention, along with having different starter mons, each boss monster will give data fragments, which will allow certain Mons to evolve into different lines. Some fragments might be useless for some starters but open up lines for others.
What's the main mechanic of the Digimon series? Like what separates it from the mechanics of Pokemon?
Maybe it's because I haven't spent any time with the series, but it almost looks like it's more of a traditional JRPG. Are there types of digimon to consider when battling, or something like that?
I think the other part of the problem is that maybe the designs of the digimon don't have the same mass appeal that pokemon has. However, I could see digimon having more freedom with their designs since they're not restricted to making creatures that look like they'd come from nature. I guess maybe they need a more...unifying theme behind the designs? Like, I've seen some pretty random ideas for digimon, and I just wonder how they're supposed to fit within that universe.
>Tune down the weeb
>simplify/streamline shit
>pander to the first generations/digimon that everyone knows
Less waifu pandering
less furfag pandering
go back to the edgy late nineties art style instead of the sterile weab shit they have now
> Like, I've seen some pretty random ideas for digimon, and I just wonder how they're supposed to fit within that universe.
they don't, they're like yu-gi-oh, as long as you can put the slightest of excuses behind it, you can put whatever you want
>What's the main mechanic of the Digimon series?
There wasn't any. It changed genere with each new game back in the day and I'm not even just talking about spinoffs either. This right here is probably what turned off a lot of people because each game you'd have to learn a completely new mechanic that you're probably going to forget about for the next game. Nothing really stuck with you basically. With Pokemon, its the same game but with little changes over the years. It wasn't until recently they decided to stick with 2 type of digimon games. Monster raising and turn based both with plots involveing high school teens and insternet bullshit.
In every Digimon game there is an autistic amount of grinding when compared too Pokemon.
>Digimon World Next Order
Your digimon lives for a few hours you have to spam training at the gym or fighting to get anywhere. If you don't reach whatever stats required they don't digivolve or you get a shitmon. When you finally get the digimon you want they just fucking die and you get to start all over. Its a decent mechanic but executed like shit I felt like I was playing a fucking clicker game since I was just spamming training at the gym trying to get them as strong as possible before I could rush through the story missions before they died again.
>Cyber Sleuth
Train digimon however you want, hit a strangely arbitrary level cap, oh hey I need to revert them back to a weaker form and train them all over again to raise their cap. Oh hey I didn't have the right stats for what I wanted guess I need to revert them again to the right form.
Digimon can't really compete with Pokemon anymore. I mean, it's not even after the same audience nowadays. Every Digimon game released since Cyber Sleuth has gone after an older demographic. It's like expecting a golf player to go up against a croquet player.
does the digimon hacker memory vita version they are selling on psn with all the dlc have cross buy, I forgot to preorder the ps4 version but I am willing to buy the vita version if I get both games dlc
Nothing Digimon has it's niche, but Pokemon is a phenomenon you can't (and shouldn't) try to compete with that.
Give a way to make choice digimon immortal.
Continue to build off of Next Order and Hacker Memory
The issue with Digimon is simply it doesn't know what it wants to be. Is it a game? An anime? A TCG? It's more like they just take the "digimon" ideal and see how many forms of media it can fit into. It's the reason lately it's been pandering to it's adult fandom by adding nostalgia and waifus to the series.
Pokemon however knows that it's simply a game that inhibits several anime and manga adaptions. It had a TCG, but it knew it could never compete with Yugioh in that area once that was expanded.
both franchises should die already to be honest with you family member
t. '90s kid
Stop making all mega and higher level mon's into knights or sentai warriors
Which one of those is supposed to be the young person sport?
They're both stereotypically associated with old people, yet my high school had both a golf team and a croquet team.
Speaking of this. Apparently Gatomon's officially mega is Magnadramon...which is odd. I mean the whole line is odd from kitten -> puppy -> cat -> angel -> dragon? Even by Digimon standards that's weird. They should have went Angewomon -> to Ophanimon. I haven't actually watched Tri (currently going through Frontier after finishing Tamers, and I dunno how the fanbase feels about Frontier but it's pretty fun desu) but that's an odd decision.
I wouldn't mind this if it was at least good knight/armor designs, but they aren't.
It's a shame because Mega forms had so much potential.
I never understood Gatomon. She starts as a champion Digimon, but looks and fights like a rookie digimon.
The point is that you wouldn't see them competing against each other at all.
We didn't get her backstory until pretty late in Adventure, I don't think anyone knew she was a Champion level Digimon because we hadn't seen her previous forms.
Her mega has been magnadramon since the... second? movie. The shitty one, with golden egg bullshit. The one that was the last third of the american release.
Oh, I'm still pretty knew to Digimon and didn't know that. I randomly clicked on some dude's channel who was making a big deal about it and said something along the lines of the "Gatomon mega debate has finally been put to rest".
Honestly I was never a fan of the who Kairi/Gatomon plotline, even as a kid. It unironically made me not like dues ex machina-type characters.
To be fair, its brief and Magnadramon+Seraphimon are pure deus ex power up mechanics. They literally digivolve, fly for a few seconds, and give out 2 eggs, for Rapidmon and Magnamon.
of the whole*
It’s too late, this is fucking stupid to even consider.
You’re better off pretending to make a new franchise entirely
Digimon musou?
Digimon may cry?
Can't believe I'm saying this but...
Digimon fighter from arcsys?
>Digimon musou?
Would buy in a heartbeat
I'd buy this.
Its easy as fuck
More than enough digis for a roster
More than enough different mook digi types
Make it a new story or tie it to the animes
You could fucking DLC it out the ass too and people would eat it up, or at least I would, but I like Musous
How's DW9 treating ya kiddo?
I don't want to talk about it
Digivolving to different forms during battle would be a good gimmick to separate it from the other musou titles too
More of notDawn.
Magnadramon is cooler but Ophanimon does technically fit better.
I want more games where Garurugreymon is a main character
More cyber sleuth
Less World
I don't care if nothing more can be done with the story I just want the system
Just reboot it, set it in an alternate Dimension, give it a new story I don't care
O-o-only if it's first person and i can "connect" with other digimon
It HAS to be better cause it's SONY!
Why not I buy Rider Musous I'm easy
It's competing against 3DSmon, it doesn't exactly have strong competition.
When did Digimon become so lewd?
Make a new series that emphasizes adventure and mystery and has sensible power tiers instead of just having things win or lose at random.
Make more games that emphasize monster raising over monster collecting.
Release a fucking virtual pet mobile app holy shit why haven't you already you cocks
>>pander to the first generations/digimon that everyone knows
Also make is open world no seriously that's what pokemon does except they do it on handheld with shitty software. Secondly, make the fighting mechanic good and addictive. It can be turn based but make sure it has depth to it and not braindead.
And yet it still fails in everything that isn't cyber sluts
>Digimon fighter from arcsys?
Isn't Digimon more closely associated with Bandai Namco? So there should be a Digimon fighter from Bandai Namco instead, and look more like Tekken or Soul Calibur...
A Tekken based Digimon fightan would be great, fuck you for making me want one it'll never happen.
In my head, the characters digivolve with meter, perhaps costed per tier. Unlocks and improves moves as you digivolve, but obviously its costing the resource and you need an opportunity to pop it, like after a hard knockdown or during a specific combo string.
I've bought/played every pokemon game except super sun/moon
I still enjoy digimon games more.
Can you date Renamon?
If they made a new digimon card battle, I can assure you it'd sell at least a couple hundred thousand.
I want Agumon to step on my face.
Might have something to do with her brother complex. Tailmon is the only Digimon whose potential ultimate evolutions share species with another Chosen's. Ofanimon is an angel like Seraphimon, while Holydramon is a dragon like Wargreymon.
More Wargreymons.
I’d fuck that.
How does Yasuda do it? Why are his girls so perfect?
I love his male mc designs for Devil Survivor but his male mc designs for Digimon are seriously horrible.
Adventure was deus ex machina: the show. That's how every single arc ended.
Renamon game with dating elements