>Overwhelmingly negative
What happened?
Overwhelmingly negative
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a shitty hack and slash game from a shitty hack and slash series only popular with fat neckbeards
sounds like your mom sexual activity
Jim Sterling exposed it twice in a row.
It's a series that's never have a game above 4/10.
This game has out-NoMan'sSky'd No Man's Sky.
Jim's video is fucking hilarious. Nobody actually like this game anywhere.
Performance issues from what i've heard.
>Buying DW game on launch instead of waiting for the Xtream re-release
you mean Empires? oh wait
Literally an empty open world. You can just run to the end unopposed, kill one guy who can't fight back for shit and that's it, you win.
Every fucking level
89 fucking characters and only a handful of movesets shared between all of them.
Its like they take 1 step forward, 4 steps back with every new iteration
Is this game use FoxEngine? the graphic and UI pretty much like MGSPP.
Open world was a mistake.
Making a game that didn't need to be open world an open world game. Also simplifying the fuck out of all the characters.
>people unironically defend this travesty
The amount of butthurt Sterling caused them when he BTFO this game to kingdom come.
They released a patch which stopped people from being able to play the game in chinese
So far, it's peaked with 7.
It's mosou shit
They took 8, which was basically a better 7, and did a 6
wow that's a perfect analogy
>muh jim sterling!!!
Kill yourself e-celeb worshipper.
How about the fact that it runs like shit?
7 was good and 8 was better in every way except the cutscenes. Did they really have to take so many fucking steps back for the sake of open world?
People love mosou though you retard.
>no co-op
>empty open world
>change entire set up of series thats held aloft by long time fans
>technical issues
They left the nice little niche they carved for themselves over the years to appeal to alarger demographic. Instead they should have done the same shit they always do but make it bigger better and more technically impressive.
What they made now caters to no one. Not new comers and not long time fans. That's probably the best answer youll get here.
7's music and retelling of the story are better tbhfam
Yeah I agree on that. Overall though 8 is slightly better
Although replacing Zhang Liao's voice was retarded
It's not gunna catch on
Literally the worst outcome imaginable in development, that's what. What the fuck did this game do right?
Just bought Bladestorm Nightmare since someone mentioned it in the Jeanne thread earlier. It's kinda cool but I don't know what I'm doing.
Move over Japan, the west are masters of Three Kino now
Oh boy now I can hammer and anvil with ching chongs, how exciting!
get shit on elf fucker, take your make believe shit elsewhere
Was Dynasty Warriors 9 even hyped? It's weird, Fire Emblem Warriors is getting a lot of positive reception from people who've played it, and I see nothing but shit for 9.
The advertising tried to hype it up by dodging the clone movesets early on, but as soon as clones were confirmed almost everyone stopped giving a shit. It doesn't help that the game looked worse and worse as the release date neared.
All total war is bad.
By the looks of Jim Sterling's video, nothing.
Can anyone actually name a worse game than this? I fucking doubt it. TRY ME.
DW has always been shit compared to the Nintendo counterparts.
>Wang Yi
Great taste
I can trust this guys opinion
>DW has always been shit compared to the Nintendo counterparts.
I don't get this, I played DW7, DW8, and HW, and HW is miles more average than those two. The Nintendo games nail presentation and soundtrack better but the gameplay is relatively dull with little wiggle room, even by musou standards.
Jim Sterling is basically the only authority on DW.
Listen, I'm just waiting for the Empires version at this point.
I'm worried this will even reach Empires. I see an obligatory Xtreme in its future but goddamn.
>Jim Sterling
You mean the sjw fedora who openly is a cuckold and posed on twitter with semen on his face and running through his fingers
Nice samefaggotry. Piss off.
Why do you keep posting the video here?
Lol after the reviews, sales and youtubers destroying it? No way.
Upset that Jim Fuckin' Sterling blew this trash out?
Well he's a shit human being, doesn't mean he can't be right somewhere.
How does that refute his point? He's the only authority on DW still, assuming all you said is true.
Well, one of, I guess. Zhuge's the only other one I can think of. But even he doesn't champion the DW games as much as Jim does.
We're talking about his connection with Musous user, not his fetishes, nor what he's been saying on twitter.
>dumbed down and already simple game
>open world meme but put absolutely nothing in it
>remove massive scale battles
It was already an average series. DW9 looks like a 15 dollar game though.
This. Jim is usually right about games and if the authority on DW is calling your game an unplayable piece of objective garbage then he's probably right.
You really just can't like this game.
Watch videos first, mainly Jim's 2. You won't want to spend 5 minutes of your time on this tripe nevermind any amount of dollars.
You repeating this over and over again doesn't make it true.
>that guy is a pervert so that means everything he says is irrelevant
back to your board retard
No but it being the opinion of nearly everyone else does. Go to any website where people are discussing the game and the unanimous consensus is "Saw Jim Sterling's video, what a disgusting piece of shit, not gonna buy"
The opinion of people who can't think for themselves is worthless. Hey, much like yours. Oh wait, you don't even have an opinion of your own.
What's wrong? You got proved false and have to resort to adhom?
Jim is the authority, these are the facts. You just can't deal with them.
He decides wether this game ultimately fails or succeeds in the west.
>Jim is usually right about games
yeah no he never will be that important or relevant. i've never seen his name tied to DW prior to this game, and I'd probably see a lot less if faggots like you stopped spamming his video
He literally single handedly informed the opinions of Reddit, Twitter, gameFAQs and Youtube. 4 of the biggest social media websites that contain gaming discussion.
Nowhere in those sights is the game mentioned without Jim's video being the primary factor of discussion. The thread about his videos on Reddit was 10x more popular than the general review thread. GameFAQs threads are dead outside of discussing his videos. Youtubers are on a crusade against the positive reviews in lieu of Jim's negative press.
From the video footage it looks like a hilariously incompetent attempt at your typical ubisoft open world slogfest and I hate that genre, but it doesn't matter to you because
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE don't listen to THE KEK, play it anyway, or you don't have your own brain. Remember he is a cuck and has ugly wife!
The way this one user is talking about this Jim guy so much, I could almost swear he's trying to false flag, but why go through the trouble?
Can you just run straight to the last boss in every map and kill them?
Maybe the game has speedrunning potential, I'm sure the trannies would like an easy game to speedrun
Mentioning Jim Sterling in any context will trigger Sup Forumsfags and get many (You)s, regardless if he is right or not.
9 really looks like garbage fire, I'm replaying 7 instead.
>Every fucking level
As in, you can do that multiple times? Shit, it's already got more than Breath of the Wild!
Its what Jim's been doing since the swarms of mooks and fortresses that can be grapple hooked don't stop you in any way.
Performance issues, like any other KT games.
You going to need to wait for performance fix, although the game will still look and play like shit.
It's even funnier that no man sky is actually good after patches
it's lebin baid because he's a moron with a fucked up personal life and an overinflated ego who punches down for ad money and vigorously sucks up to any authority.
Rome 2 is great, old tw are shit tho
Jim rated that a 7/10. DW9 he rated a 1/10.
How do you increase FOV in 8
I like Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors and all that good shit, but I only play the Empires editions.
You realize that you're agreeing with Jim Sterling, right? He also said that it runs like shit, and is buggy as fuck.
There will be no empires for this one.
They already confirmed this on twitter before release
Is there one guy samefag shilling Jim Sterling?
>clone movesets in 2018
5 had the largest cast ever all with unique moves and then 6 came with the fucking clones which caused a shitstorm and now almost 10 years later 8 had the largest cast ever with unique moves and 9 BRINGS THE CLONES BACK.
>ctrl f
>"jim" mentioned 18 times
It's a bit strange that one poster in this thread is so obsessed with some shitty youtuber. Wonder if he is getting paid to shill him so hard or if its some underage who literally worships him and can't deal with the fact that no one else cares about their stupid e-celeb crush.
We're already on Sup Forums you silly faggot.
I don't think it's bad.
With the performance patch it's kinda enjoyable.
DW8XLCE is still the best musou
I wish he'd shill someone ironically endearing at least, like Angry Joe.
Why are you so triggered by it? Jim is the main authority for dw games and its a fact
Can't really agree to that after playing SW4
It's dog shit. How anybody could play it is beyond me, that video of Jim bugging the fuck out of the game and just bumrushing single officers who die in 1 hit is mind boggling.
you sure seem to care
What was his name again?
Excuse me? The one time they do open world and no Empires? I'm fucking done.
Who cares? He is paid to shill games. If you want to have true sight on games you should watch jim sterling videos
dunno why people keep bringing this game up AND reviews, when it only got 2 points higher than 9 on metacritic?
Why don't they add Berserk characters as unlockables for freeplay
The idea and general gameplay are interesting but the PC port is a pile of shit, sadly.
Stop false flagging. Jim is genuinely the first port of information for DW. False flagging, pretending to be me and "ironically shilling" Jim won't change that
how many of those times its mentioned is it people like you bringing it up instead?
Your baiting is way overboard dude. You still got some people but this is so low effort that it hurts.
I don't mind Jim Sterling btw.
Horrible performance. 15fps at 800x600 at low for me.
I don't care about reviews, it just has all the right parts of a musou. Newer ones like FEW get close, but they have stupid stuff like needing to kill 200 guys in a base to get the base officer to show up. Or random unnamed officers being super buffed and taking 1000 hits or several musous. That was particularly bad in HW.
8 also has aggressive mooks and your allies need less baby sitting. I guess extra baby sitting was a side effect of swapping who you play mid mission
The spinoff Musous were always better.
First read that, and then come back when you aren't underage anymore.
That retarded fat fuck thought Destiny2 lootcrates were p2w. The faggot gets views for uninformative REEing
Because the metacritic score does not mean anything, especially on niche genres.
I can guarentee you the people talking about that fat fuck never liked the series to begin with.
>Jim haters are Destinybabbies
Are you kidding me? This is the caliber of people in this thread right now?
I'm not trying to be you, if it triggers you just use trip. And I'm not shilling him ironically, I genuinely think that Jim is the only authority for dynasty warriors in the west