How about a Phantasy Star thread? After playing episode 1&2 for awhile I decided to try episode 3 for the first time and its pretty alright so far.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Gamecube would have been absolute garbage if the Dreamcast hadn't died. Literally every good Gamecube game is from Sega.

Its pretty alright, too bad the private servers for this version of PSO have a ton of shit missing / is broken.

OP here, yeah it doesn't seem like this game had much love going by how little infomation there is compared to episodes 1&2.

I love the atmosphere in it. The announcer just sucks ass and it makes things drag on if you don't know your side well.

10/10 soundtrack for sure

Tener Sinus gets me going for action

I have the exact opinion about Xbox

only games I like on that console are from Sega and FromSoft

The soundtrack is amazing but so are the levels. They are just interesting locations and still pleasant to look at, even today. Tower of Caelum is basically the coolest thing ever.

I've been playing Blue Burst every day for the past week and a half. How did I get so addicted to this game?

>Tales of Symphonia
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Zelda Wind Waker
>Metroid Prime 1&2
>Baten Kaitos
>Paper Mario TTYD
how can one person be so wrong, though I'll admit Skies of Arcadia was pretty fucking good

It's a good game. I just play ep 1 and 2 with my saves copied from gamecube via homebrew on dolphin since the shit hack stuff happened.


i dont think even played it more than 3 days but i can still taste the disappointment to this day

>Tower of Caelum is basically the coolest thing ever.
Hello user of taste.

I still wish someone running one of the private servers for Blue Burst did something with the maps besides just import it's lobby to replace lobby 13. (If you are in the Ephinea server, go check out Lobby 13 if you haven't already)

They could be used for some sort of survival quest with enemy waves at least.

cry with me user...

do you remember the excitement of logging in everyday and picking a ship/lobby?

>>Tales of Symphonia
Rubbish RPG
>>Super Mario Sunshine
Decent mechanics marred by abhorrent level design and padded world
>>Zelda Wind Waker
Like all Zeldas it is an extremely simple action adventure game, but now with extra padding in the form of fetch quests and sailing.
>>Metroid Prime 1&2
An incomeptent disgrace to 2D Metroid games.
>>Baten Kaitos
A rubbish RPG
>>Paper Mario TTYD
An RPG for babies and retards.

Episode 3 is flawed as fuck but I still love it

The plot is on par with PS2

Well baited. Every one of those games except Tales of Syhmphonia is a masterpiece, although Wind Waker is among the least good Zeldas for sure

t. retarded fanboy who can't accept different views

sunshine is shit
argueably the most shit mario
for sure the worst 3d mario

>Being online when the servers shut down on Dreamcast

>Everyone super nice, swapping stories.

>making shit assed emotes.

>practically giving their rares away cause who the fuck cares.

>Nolers stop noling.

>Meet some wonderful friends, we stay up and swap stories.

>end the night with a forest run for old times sake, servers shut down mid run. I'm all alone now.

I played Ep3 for the first time a few weeks ago. It's pretty neat but it's also really slow, limited deck space can be a bitch at times, and the most of the cards' arts aren't as interesting as I expected.

Man it hurted even worse when lee took over scht. I'm glad to at least have played with the classics. I remember the first time I saw that ad in a magazine. Now you can scream help in many different languages.

Do you guys ever do couch coop? The games having 4 player local coop is a fucking god send for casuals like me, and its great fun with friends.

>Episode 3 couch co-op doesn't let you share cards
>Each player has to grind their own card collection

Could have been a great party game if not for that

should i try and get into psobb pserver or play singleplayer pso/psp2/etc?

>with friends

How fucking dare you start a PSO thread and not post the cover art of the Dreamcast title. You're a fucking disgrace.

I did it once on the GCN through a chunk of Episode 2 with a friend who came to visit from out of state who I played with online. Never had anyone who wanted to play it with me again though.

PTSD inside

time for me to reinstall and waste my weekend away

I tried it with my older brother like 3 times and we always ended up quitting because He could never handle the grind.

i guess im gonna try psobb on ephinea

Do it user. It’s a great server with lots of cool people

Totally forgot about this game. Downloaded and emulating it now.

Too bad people will never experience the horrors of this quest anymore. It makes you appreciate the updated quest even more.

Never mind, Dolphin loads the game but as soon as I get past the user agreement it just freezes.

When the game asks to sync calendar you need to say no

I’ve been playing the dc version 2 lately in ultimate forest with a hunewearl. Maxed out ata with a 50% hit halberd still is able to miss. Their evasion is ridiculous in this version compared to 1&2 gcn.

I’m thinking about starting over as a Hucast since his ata can go 16 points higher at max and he’s just an overall way better character.

Always check Dolphin Wiki when something like that happens, they have game-specific articles with solutions for most of the issues.

just play blue burst

blue burst doesnt have yugioh mode


>I'll imply that my standards are incredibly high by calling every game shit
>I'll never list any games I think are good
If this is true, you're either a faggot looking for acknowledgement from strangers on Sup Forums, or your bait is stale

I love listening to this game's music and reminiscing. It's a little bitter sweet because I'll never be young again jumping onto PSO with my ethernet cable and keyboard adapters for the gamecube, rushing to join friends I made online

>end the night with a forest run for old times sake, servers shut down mid run. I'm all alone now.
Jesus christ user, I feel a little empty just imaging that

You can essentially play on the PSOBB private server like it's single player and later transition to online but I would recommend just leaving the lobby open. It's more fun if you have people who are your level or close playing with you but it's hard to coordinate that in this day and age


ephinea server is running a "season" which is a good time to join since everyone had to make a new character for that

im way more happy to see that than a varista or some shit

>looked up pso (not 2) smut
>more than half of it was sil'fer

You can also download the blue burst server emulator and play offline. This gives you access to admin powers and the all databases, so you can play around with the files and buff your weaponfu or give it different attack animations, for example.

>First post is console war shitposting.

Anyway, wish Sega would reboot or revisit the series in the west. Loved and owned every release up until pso2. Dreamcast felt like magic to me back in the day. I wasn't on long enough to do anything important in pso, but I do enjoy the coop on gamecube.

PSOIII has such a great art style. It's just working off the character creations from Episode I&II, but I fucking love the character illustrations

I used to play ep1&2 on Gamecube with a friend couch co-op. It was so damn immersive, you create your own character in detail and the music is so beautiful.

Sure it was grindy but the tension you get when you met a new boss or you was really deep in a new world, that feeling is unmatchable for me.

I never played it online but I still loved the
shit out of this game so much. Me and my best friend would get together and continue our adventure.

Now I don't even have friends or anyone to play with, so a new game would still be unmatchable, for me at least, even if would and could really like it.

Goddamn I want to go back in time...

Can you emulate and play pso with friends?

Ugh, I can't get ephinea to open past the launcher and I've tried everything. Gonna try and enjoy GC emulation for it/

Blue Burst have pirate online servers and you can set up your own server with the emulator Tethealla.
PSO on GC have splitscreen multiplay and Dolphin have online support for that (no actual online mode, though), but I never tried it.

It's unfortunate this game didn't come out one gen later when online play really started to pick up, the card battle stuff was pretty cool.

Of course I do, I just did it today.

Honestly, you might just want to try redownloading the whole shebang, I had a similar problem and put it aside for a month, then tried again and got through it with no issue.

I really miss this game.
Pic related

I knew how to duplicate items with the store menu and bank along with stacking items to 255x but I somehow never stumbled across equiping multiple weapons

I downloaded it again and started the whole process over, even installed it in a different location and no luck.
It's just not my night, I guess.

online was working in dolphin for a while but then it broke again, somehow. i tried rolling back to a dolphin build that i knew worked, but it was still busted so i wonder if an openVPN update broke it.

It Was Very Similar You Got The Store Menu To Stay On Screen And Went Into invenTory I think

>tfw when you hooked up to play with a couple friends, one of them brings another guy you didn't know who shows up with cheats, and you all tell him to fuck off
>he leaves, friend spends the rest of the night apologizing for the shitter
I like to believe it was just a bunch of bitter That Guys doing all the NOLing.

I dunno i kind of liked playing with the glitched stuff.
Nightmare you had like a 30% chance to dodge and you and everything else would 1 hit each other because your hp was soooo low so if you messed up at all, youd die from a little baby yellow rappy.

I don't think anyone had much problem with what you did on your own.
It's when you showed up to a group with all that shit without even asking if it was ok.

Ephinea not having a bigger playerbase is fucking criminal,it's amazing how much love they put into it.

yeah i could see that. I would never do that. I might offer you guys some of the rares if you want. majority of them are absolute garbage stat wise. they just looked pretty. most things were level locked or stat locked anyways I think.

probably to do with all the pop ups about viruses and stuff when you start configuring it. scares people off

this praise is making me even more sad I can't get t to open :'(

Everyone I talk to that had actually played it had good things to say. I think alot of people were pissed that they had turned an action game into a card game. I need to try it for myself one of these days.

You talked to people 15 years after the fact. Everybody has moved on, and it's mostly those who liked the game that remain there to talk about it. If you tried talking about PSU 10 years ago, you'd get the same pissed responses as Episode 3 used to get or PSO2 is getting now.

I loved the plot but the battles took too long, especially when playing against the weapon users.

>likes sega
>uses the word rubbish
UK detected

I absolutely love the PSO series, but honestly PSO 1's gameplay did not age well at all and is so so clunky.

I started PSO 2 when SEGA officially pulled the NA websites down a couple weeks ago. The feel is definitely still there, and the combat system is combo centric and fun to play.