You need to pay 50 bucks a year to download updates in standby mode

>you need to pay 50 bucks a year to download updates in standby mode

why is this allowed?
paying to play online was bad enough but now you have to pay to download updates in fucking rest mode which is just a hardware low power state. this applies to ALL single player games too.

sony have become maximum cancer.

Other urls found in this thread:

>why is this allowed?
because dumb faggots like you give them money, thus allowing them to compete in the free market

I don't have PS+ and I can download game updates on standby
I think that only apply to system updates

What does it mean by files?

>application update files

It's for all games. I know this because I don't own PSN and whevever I start my ps4 from rest mode it pops up with the update which starts as soon as I boot up the dashboard instead of downloading in rest mode.

>why is this allowed?
Free market, stop giving them money.

Not even MS would stoop this low

oh that's right I have to turn the console on to download. Still I don't leave on rest mode unless I'm downloading games. Why would anyone leave your console on? even on rest mode fluctuations in electricity can affect the HDD (unless you own a SSD)

How poor are you that you can't afford a few more hours of electricity?

electricity is expensive in canada, germany, sweden, spain, etc. They not only have to import energy from eastern europe but they pay extra tax due to the paris agreement(or whatever green eco friendly bullshit they call it)

>Why would anyone leave your console on?

Because in modern gaming even update patch files are like 10gb alone. Background downloads exists as a convenient way to get all that shit out the way so when you boot up the console all your games are ready to go instead of having to wait an hour to download.

I see no reason not to leave it on rest mode. It's nice downloading patches or whatever when I'm not using my PS4, since it's not like I know those are coming in advance. Also, it charges your controllers. Otherwise, you'd have to have your PS4 to charge it like with the PS3, which was annoying

bruh water and electricity are crazy expensive in american/euro cities.

Shitty Photoshop

>electricity is expensive in canada, they have to import energy from eastern europe

Oh yeah and because it suspends your game so you can continue playing exactly where you left off was opposed to having to load in at a checkpoint somewhere or if you're doing some really long winded mission and can't find a save spot then you can just turn the ps4 off in rest mode and it'll save you exactly where you stopped playing.

buy a 6feet usb cable and avoid using Bluetooth

Check for yourself

but that works without a PS+ subscription however it's a bad idea to leave your PS4 on rest mode for many reasons

I'm not saying that it requires ps+. I'm giving a reason as to why rest mode is a handy feature. I've never heard of anyone having problems with rest mode on any console. No HDD problems or anything.

Unfortunately 90% of HDDs are shit and they downgrade in performance over time. On rest mode your HDD is spinning like if it was playing a game
I don't leave my PS4 on rest mode but after 11 months the stock HDD was making strange noises and I had to replace it. The HGST 7200rpm is the best one out there but still I bet it won't last more than 9 years. My PS3 HDD lasted 7 years
No Pee Es Plus here

I'm pretty sure it turns off in rest mode unless activated to download an update. It's like Windows sleep mode where everything is put into memory not onto the hdd

I'm not sure I've heard my hard drive spinning on rest mode even after download was finished (I knew it was finished because it was a 5GB download and checked 12+ hours later)

>I don't leave my PS4 on rest mode but after 11 months the stock HDD was making strange noises and I had to replace it.
did you buy the very first revision?

>Sony won by not being as cancer incarnate out the gate as MS
A lesson in patience

Go and check on your ps4 not some outdated article.

>tfw live in bumfuck no where and my energy bill was $35 last month

No it was the slim. They replaced HGST with Toshiba but I'm not even sure if the first HGST models were any better

bump for awareness

Why wouldn't you buy it from next door usa?

do you think the online doesnt cost money to run? is 50 dollars a year a lot to you? plus you get a few free games a month, sometimes they arent shitters

>having to pay to download single player game patches in standby

If you don't understand how retarded this sounds then you've been brainwashed by them.

How do they transport energy from Ukraine to Canada?

>why is this allowed?
Well Sony doesn't have amiibos so they have to have some way of getting $50 out of idiots.

Something something PC Master racing

> Getting windows updates ready


yea because thats actually going to do something LMAO

Good goy

is that really such a big deal?
I find it way worse you have to pay to play MP.
MS started the whole trend and are corner PC games onto one limiting OS.

>there are still people in this world that cant even afford to pay a measly $50 a year for psn

lol poorfags. do you make like $100 a year total or something? yeah, having to pay for online is stupid but $50 is really fucking nothing.


hurr durr vote with your wallet

In the PS3/360 era, Sony was better. In the PS4/XB1 era, I give the slightly-less-shit award to MS.

Funny, seeing how the gen started with them literally trying to put a spycam in your house.

>is that really such a big deal?
>I find it way worse you have to pay to play MP.

Yes it is a big deal. Why the fuck would I pay that amount of money just so I can get the leisure of not having to wait hours for patches to download for my games? It should be a free service by default and god knows why Sony even considered this trash move. Myself and a lot of people i know only use their ps4 to play first party single player games so ps plus is irrelevant to us.
If I wanted to play online or use my ps4 as my primary platform then sure I wouldn't mind paying because I know I'd take advantage of the online service and id probably make back my money with the multiplats they give away every month. However I could not care less about online on ps4 as I have a pc with free online and i couldn't care less about the multiplats they give away as they can be played much better on the pc.

Not an argooment

Digital refunds and play anywhere make MS better by default.

>I don't have enough willpower to stop buying shit, so I will just call people who point out how pathetic I am retards!

can you cite an example where people voting with their wallet actually worked

>50 bucks a year
>to also download PS+ games
>games you can often already tell beforehand of that they will become + games and no it's not just indie shit, it's all kinds of games
>gameshare with someone to actually pay 25 bucks a year
If you're patient and don't play games directly when they're out you actually save money using this system.
Plus haters are idiots.

Seems the PS3 era of Sony is back and in full force.

just turn it on every once and a while when you aren't using it and it will still download.
still find it strange you're bitching about this, which has an easy work around, than something you are locked into paying for if you want to use at all.

Off yourself shill

MS had it where you couldn't even use Netflix on your xbox360 without an xbox live membership/

I think PS+ is a joke, and I also think that second person is just being whiny.

>I can play giveaway shit on my pc so I don't need +
Your problem not mine :)

No it wouldn't. If I leave for work in the morning and a 5gb update gets pushed for GT sport and my ps4 is in rest mode I would have to wait for that shit to download at 10mb/s when I get back which is a mission. I also own an Xbox and all my updates are done by the time I get back.

>paying $60 for shovelware worth $5 on steam or a free torrent
>gets taken away once subscription expires

0.01$ has been deposited into your Sony Computer Entertainment (c) account

And they got a fuckload of backlash which caused that to be removed.

I do appreciate how MS improves on their consoles and even controllers when it's not to their customers liking. They actually listen to feed back and expand upon it.

>AAA is shovelware
K, stop playing games the second they come out
>frew torrent
You destroyed any legitimate buying argument for any system, leech.
>gets taken away
Why would I met sub expire?
>you're a shill!
No I play games on every system including pc, I just don't have problems with a system that has saved me hundreds of bucks over the years.

>No it wouldn't.
>my ps4 is in rest mode
then don't leave it in rest mode you fucking donkey.
leave it on while you get ready in the morning, or when you get back and cook/run errands. or even overnight or while you're at work once a week.

And to add to other reply, PS+ also gives 5/10/15/20/40 etc. discounts aside from the giveaways, that stuff adds up to multiple times more than the 25 or 50 bucks you spent on the sub.

>turn on ps4
>free monthly games

yeah nah, that's shovelware garbage. not worth my money at all. i'll be cancelling next month

Are you stupid? Why would I leave my ps4 on all day?

When Sony does well they get arrogant and do shit like this. On the other hand, if MS wasn't losing so badly to Sony, they wouldn't have done any of the consumer friendly stuff they're doing now.

yet is still more expensive than steam

>implying that even if everyone on Sup Forums united and stopped putting up with this kind of shit (pay for online, microtransactions, the whole nine yards) that it would make even a bit of a difference
you are a fucking retard. the common consumer, i.e "normies" are the large majority and don't give a shit and never will. try telling a mom who just wants to get her little brat kid battlefront 2 for christmas that it's a scam game and why she shouldn't. do you think she cares? no, she just wants the little cunt to shut up and play it so she can stop worrying about it.

this is how it works. the "vote with your wallet XD" meme is retarded and you are a moron if you ever fell for it.

>50 bucks a year is a lot of money to some people
>when normies pay 144 bucks a year, 12 bucks a month, for netflix

Steam is shovelware central, also why even reply if you play on pc in the first place?
Loads of AAA stuff, even 8 dry months will save you money in the end, hell even 1 game will save you 10 bucks.

do these same normied have to also pay that much to solely have the app on their tv/console even if they don't use it at all?

>Why would I leave my ps4 on all day?
to download the update, retard. and not all day, just a few hours while you work on something else.
turn off your monitor and just leave your ps4 idled for a few hours.
like I fucking said before, it's all bullshit, but to get completely worked up over something so minor while dismissing things you can't avoid is retarded.

>Steam is shovelware central
then don't buy the games you find bad.
>why even reply if you play on pc in the first place?
there are people with more than platform to play on.
also steam is not the only way to play games on PC, and the sales are generally much better.

how is any of this saving me money? at least if i pay the 7 bucks on steam for deus ex i can keep it forever. once my ps plus sub goes i lose all my games and it's as long as sony keeps their service alive for the ps4. soon everyone on ps3 will lose their free games when they close down psn on the ps3 next year

>It's okay to cripple your system because other people pay for TV!
You're pretty dumb.

nigger, the point is nobody knows when updates will come out. its random based on the dev. you'd have to leave your ps4 on 24/7 if you want to catch an update so it downloads and installs before you come back and want to play.

You can say the same about steam, you think you own any digital game?
>PS3 psn shutdown
Sucks if true, link?

I prefer GOG over Steam as their older games actually work, Steam releases broken shit. Besides that Steam is actively killing the PC gaming sector, any cent that goes to them means funding shit like BMC over actual developers.

read the posts you reply to.
>just turn it on every once and a while when you aren't using it
>or even overnight or while you're at work once a week.

they both do, but steam is a lot worse about that.
amazes me that some people try to spin GOG using fan patches that work really well and don't change the base content as a bad thing.

>this post

so this is the average IQ of the PlayStation gamer

i can't tell if you're retarded or baiting at this point


>You can say the same about steam, you think you own any digital game?
at least steam won't be shut down any time in the future. sony said they had a 10 year plan for psn on the ps3 back in like 08/09. MS have already dealt with this by making all games with gold on xbox permanent purchases so if you download it as part of xbl you can keep it forever without xbl and play it offline etc etc

>turn your console on once in a while
>problem solved
>meanwhile don't care about paid online mp
lol ok, keep shitposting though.

>d-dude just pay Sony to allow you to download these free game patches for your offline single player games in rest mode

Sony may as well charge me to use their usb ports on their console to charge my controller at this rate

in 2020 they will remove this and force all updates to be mandatory regardless

can you at least follow the posts, never said to pay sony, never once said PS+ was anywhere near a decent deal. I even said it was a complete joke.
just wanted user to explain how turning on your console once in a while to download updates, was worse than having to pay to use your own internet to play games online. please enlighten me.

MS took away ALL of my games.
>make gmail xbox username
>years later forget credentials
>sorry but gmail isn't supported, only live and hotmail accounts can create xbox accounts
>contacted pretty much everyone at MS
>brushed aside
I should have pursues legal action but I don't care anymore at this point.

all updates are mandatory though. you can't connect to psn if you don't have the latest software update and games don't allow you to use online services or leaderboards if you don't have the latest patch. when cod ww2 came out you couldn't even play single player on it without downloading the patch first and it even did this if you disconnected the ps4 from the internet.

rest mode is the console being on in a low power state. you tell me why they're charging for updates like that. can you not comprehend how much of a jew move this is?

>you tell me why they're charging for updates like that
because they're greedy little fucks, now answer my question.
how is turning your console on once in a while worse than having to use your own internet to play online?

>how is turning your console on once in a while worse than having to use your own internet to play online?
who are you quoting?

>can't download in rest mode
>that means the console has to be completely powered on
>you have the option to turn it on and leave it for a bit while it downloads updates
>this will take considerably less money on utility bills than pay ~$60 a year
>you can still update your console without having a PS+ membership
>you cannot avoid a PS+ membership if you want to play any form of online servers regardless of dedicated servers or not
>somehow the former is better than the latter
you still are dicking around the question I asked over 30 min ago. and keep reiterating.

Even the external hdd keeps going no stop in rest mode.

Soon you'll have to pay to even donwload patches.

Its called paying for a service you poorfags

Xbox doesn't even do that shit

who are you quoting? stop dicking around the question.

>what is world of warcraft

just follow the chain of posts, for fucks sake.
let me try this a different way.
you cannot avoid a PS+ membership if you want to play any form of online servers regardless of dedicated servers or not.
how is that better than just turning your console one once in a while to download updates?