Games where a side character snaps and murders a bunch of kids?

Games where a side character snaps and murders a bunch of kids?


Life in America

Why are there dead Darkspawn all around you, Sandal?


Do you have any of your fathers stuff to trade?

Is that Sara Jay?

Fucking K E K

Oh man I forgot that a Bioware game had a literal retard in it

Savant user.... He's an enchanting savant.

A savant is a retard with one exceptional skill

my diary desu

She shoots up a hospital

Fuck I miss DAO posting on Sup Forums

Good times...

Don't mind the dead bodies Skinner.
My boy is a good kid.
Say.... can i interest you in this hat!

Wait, is that from Lux Pain? Holy shit, someone other than me actually played Lux Pain?

Goddamn you

Ultima underworld 2.
Who dun it in the castle whilst locked inside?

why does that name sound familiar

Fallout 3 is past tense is good enough.

Yep! Nice to know other people played it as well