Why don't we have a late night fire emblem thread. What's your favorite?

Why don't we have a late night fire emblem thread. What's your favorite?

Story-wise, Path of Radiance.
Gameplay-wise, Sacred Stones.

I know those are the generic choices, but I don't give a shit.

probably Radiant Dawn. The plot is a bit of a mess but it's a wild ride nonetheless. Though you can tell its blatantly unfinished.

What else but the oh so great Conquest. Played through it 8 times now just because the gameplay and girls are so good.

Gameplay-wise, it was a mess also. Especially Micaiah's Dawn Brigade.

>Generic designs for Micaiah's crew, having actual backstories that make them interesting, but don't add them into the game due to time constraints
>Not appear in 2 parts then throw them into part 3 where they're severly underleveled
>Completely irrelevant in Part 4, along with Micaiah herself(since Yune takes over her body throughout the whole thing)


>Gameplay-wise, Sacred Stones.
>>I know those are the generic choices, but I don't give a shit.


>Gameplay-wise, Sacred Stones.

I don't have a single definitive favorite. I like something about most of them. The one I've played most is Binding Blade. I guess there's something I like about the simplicity of seize maps with optional objectives, as well as the massive cast of characters to switch up the party a lot for repeat playthroughs. The gaiden chapters are a bit of a slog though.

How is Echoes? I never heard much about the game, positive or negative.

After coming off of Fates, the game is gripping with characters, music, full VA by not awful actors, art, tone, all the bells and whistles
Every single fucking map other than like 2 are rout the enemy and have giant maps.

Basically I love everything about it other than the actual gameplay. It's like everything about the game is trying so hard to compensate for gaidenshit. I've played two runs, I might do a third down the line, but some of the maps are so draining.

The game is a slog. It has an okay story and pretty graphics but the gameplay is total garbage. It's easy and map design is the worst in the series, there are like two anti turtle incentives in the whole game. Music is okay but its pretty generic and repetitive. Characters are mostly fine but boring as fuck.

Binding Blade. I fucking love it. About to start a new playthrough. Never finished Sacred Stones or Path of Radiance.

Yesterday's Cipher reveal was this. Say something nice about it.

Radiant Dawn is my favourite.

Gotta say I was pretty happy with Echoes considering the track record lately has been pretty bad.

>Scared stones

Plays like a jrpg so if you like those then you’ll like it most likely. Great music, great story and characters comparitively, a good experience through and through if you are patient enough for the swamp maps, the open field ones are over relatively quickly though. I played it after being burnt out on FE and also afternoon playing P5 so I enjoyed it a lot for what I was.

Anyone would agree the unit balance is complete crap. FE always had fucked balance but 6, 10 and 12 really knock it out of the ball park.

It fucking killed me when I saw SSfags knock Awakening for grinding and that Fredrick made the early game too easy. I swear to god this happened.

Computer crashed but whatever. I just liked Sacred Stones gameplay regardless of how easy to is.

>Class choice variety
>Level up towers for units with shit growths or shit starting points like L'arachel
>You're fighting evil creatures with badass monster designs throughout half of the game
>Pokemon-like trainee level up units
>Some of my favorite maps in the franchise

I'm not explaining how fun things can be fun or saying ones taste is better. I'm just answering OP's question.

Post em.

>Music is okay but its pretty generic and repetitive
Nigga what? Were we listening to the same soundtrack? It's by far the best in the series.

I'm running through FE6 right now. Any units I should watch out for?


Do not use Sophia.

Might as well post mine again.

Pic-related is pretty much Celica in a nutshell. She has to be the most indecisive main character in the franchise.

PoR Prequel motherfucking when?

After the Blazing Blade prequel set during the Scouring.

Yes and I wouldn't even consider it the best in the series when 4 and 14 exist. It has some okay songs like Twlight of the gods but the majority is so bland and unremarkable I can't even remember what plays in what map or dungeon. Maybe because the game is such a borefest I can't get engrossed in the amtosphere, especially when it plays the same shitty battle theme over and over. FE in general isn't something I really care for in music outside of those two and 8. It's not impactful or unique enough.

On one hand I want to say you're my nigger for saying 4 has one of the best soundtracks in the series, but on the other hand I want to call you a nigger for thinking 14 is better than 15. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this, because I felt the same way about Fate's music. It never felt impactful for me, but I absolutely loved 15's soundtrack.

Honestly I would rather see a sequel. The whole hatred against race-mixing aspect about the Tellius Saga was left unresolved. There was so much potential to that.

Fucked balance is mainly a HM thing. NM you can use about generally anyone but axe users who isn't Gonzales because they all suck ass. Marcus, Allen, Lance, Jerrot, Percival, Milady, Rugter, Dieck, Shin, Saul, Clarine, Zeiss and Niime are the kings and queens of fe6.

>axe users
I had a great Geese once, was that a fluke?


Yes. His growths and base stats especially on HM are really bad.

Light and Shadow
Anyone here have the final map for Vestaria Saga

Well that sucks. Axe users are usually my favorite due to how amazing they are in FE8 and FE10.

Found It

This looks like a mess. Is any of this hinted at?

Radiant Dawn. It has a fuck ton of problems (no supports, clear lack of playtesting resulting in the devs just throwing overpowered units at you in case its too hard, feels rushed in general) but the game itself is fun as fuck. I also really like the story's fairly realistic approach in how it completely shit on PoR's storybook ending because it turns out politics is a bitch, and probably drives home that war is hell better than any other FE game.

Also I unironically like Micaiah.

I kind of liked Micaiah. Probably has to do with her being hot, though.

I wanna lick those armpits.

In Path of Radiance, they outright tell you that Elinicia won't have as easy time as ruler, and that Daein will likely seek revenge. I thunk my problem with Micciah use that she never questions or criticizes Pelleas.

>tfw the whole conflict in both games was actually started by Beorc and Laguz being shitty towards branded.

>tfw Sephiran and Dhensegia knew the whole time that none of the branded would be effected by Ashera's curse.

Unironically Gaiden

This map is probably the hardest to work around in Gaiden. In Echos just deployed Alm with Lighting Sword and Lukas with Ridersbane

This is today's Cipher card say something about it.

I recognize this Micaiah. /whips out dick

On lunatic if I want to reclass to cavalier is it better to do it asap by making cavalier my side class, or should I just wait to bum it off Silas or Peri?

God damn it. Why does Ike have the medallion on him

Which 3DS Fire Emblem is the most fun to play?

Path of Radiance, overall really strong game, US version is too easy, graphics/animations are jank and cutscenes are lol but it's really solid aside from that. Binding blade is also up there for basically same reason, little easy but it's fun to replay. Close contenders would be Genealogy and Radiant Dawn. Playing through Fates Conquest first time right now and it's pretty cool not a fan of every change to the weapon system but other than the story which is laughable instead of mediocre it'll probably be close to one of my favorites. Awakening I just found boring for the most part.

Conquest had the best gameplay, though not all maps are perfect. However the story is a mess, so if you want a good story then its not for you.

Radiant Dawn and Echoes

>tfw we could possibly see Greil in his prime when he was the best swordsman
There better be a promoted card for that Gawain

Do any of you guys have the Ike "kill everyone" or "kill all" or whatever it is image? I need it for a research paper.



Thanks guys.

Meant blazing sword (Fire emblem 7) not binding blade.